Characteristics of Norwegian Green Space Management : Managers’ perspectives on place-keeping. Data Report
This data report presents data produced as part of the PhD project of Claudia Fongar.
The aim of this study is to establish a baseline for green space management in Norwegian municipalities by describing managers’ perspectives on place-keeping. The key research questions addressed are: (1) What are the characteristics of Norwegian place-keeping? (2) How does place-keeping differ across Norwegian municipalities?
This data report is based on the analysis of a survey that has been sent out to all Norwegian municipalities (425) in October 2017. The questions of the survey are based on the concept of place-keeping (Dempsey et al., 2014), which was used to conceptualise management. Questions contained are directed towards seven dimensions of place keeping: I. Organisation, II. Maintenance, III. Partnerships, IV. Evaluation, V. Strategies, VI. Funding, VII. Quality as a result of place-keeping processes.
Survey data DOI: 10.18712/NSD-NSD2623-V1
This report is prepared in the context of the PhD project of Claudia Fongar at the School of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Landscape and Society at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).