Exploring rural livelihoods in Afghanistan : a study of 10 villages in Dai Kundi Province
The main purpose of this study was to gain an in-depth understanding of the livelihoods of selected communities of Dai Kundi and identify key areas where NCA partner activities could focus in order to help rural communities to develop new, improved and sustainable livelihoods. Particular focus was put on exploring differences within communities, and identifying livelihood options for disadvantaged groups such as the poor and women. The study was conducted in 10 villages in Shahristan and Miramor Districts, collecting mainly qualitative data through group interviews. Findings and recommendations appear at several levels. Village specific data and findings are presented in the village profiles, which are available in a second volume to this report. More general findings and recommendations for NCA and its partners can be found in each section as well as at the end of this report. Some of the main findings are summarized in this report.
This Noragric Report was commissioned by Norwegian Church Aid in Kabul, with funding provided by the Royal Norwegian Embassy.