Progress report on national soil map of Zambia - scale 1-1 mill - with comments about the other mapping programmes
The objective of the consultancy has been to review progress of the National Soil Map of Zambia, scale 1 : 1 mill., in relation to the workplans set up by the "Hesjedal report". This task was carried out during a three weeks visit to Zambia in November/ December 1989. The Provincial Soil Mapping programme which is the basis for the National Soil Map, are on an average ahead of schedule, with approximately 85 % of the Zambian territory mapped. The results are presented on maps and with accompanying memoirs for five Provinces. Of the remaining four Provinces, draft maps for Lusaka and Central Provinces were almost finished at the end of 1989. The mapping of Southem Province will be finished at the begining of the dry season 1990, the Western Province must be finished by July, and the final maps for the two provinces will be ready at the end of August 1990.
Fra NORAGRIC. Consultancy for NORAGRIC. The Soil Survey Unit, Zambia. NORAD Project ZAM-009. Zambia.