SSE Programme : proceedings from the regional research meeting.
On behalf of the participating research institutions in Mali, Sudan, Ethiopia and Norway, we hereby submit the proceedings of the Regional Meeting of SSE Research Projects held in Addis Ababa on 22 - 26 August 1992. Funds for the research collaboration are drawn from the Norwegian SSE programme originally administered by the Research Unit in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and later transferred to the Norwegian National Committee for Development Research and Education (NUFU). The meeting was financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It was organised by the Research and Publications Office at Addis Ababa University. The International Llvestock Centre for Africa (ILCA) availed their conference facilities and provided excellent assistance to the logistics of the meeting.
The meeting covered, through presentations and discussions, the planning process; establishment of international research agreements, the professional debate on methods and approach, and the logistics of field operations, the main achievements; competence building, institution building and research results, challenges and ideas for how to continue and further develop international research cooperation, both South - North as already started and South - South through regional contacts within Africa.
It is clearly documented that the participating institutions have managed to establish operational and productive projects despite serious social and political conflicts in Mali, Sudan and Ethiopia. Personal and institutional links have been strengthened and provide a sound base for long term cooperation. Enthusiasm about the ongoing research, expectations for continuation and hope for finding the paths to improved livelihood for the drought affected target communities have been created.
Fra NORAGRIC. Funds for the collaboration: Norwegian SSE programme. Meeting financed by: Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Addis Ababa 22 - 26 August 1992.