Browsing International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric by Document Types "Report"
Now showing items 1-20 of 53
Agronomic potential of indigenous phosphate rocks as a phosphorus fertilizer in Zambia - Interim report
(Report, 1990-03)One of the major problems that has inhibited the development of economically successful agriculture in many areas of the tropics is the poor soil fertility for crop production (Chien & Hammond, 1988). Many tropical regions ... -
Annual progress report 1999
(HAINRM report;8, Report, 1999-12) -
Annual progress report 2000
(HAINRM report;9, Report, 2001-01) -
CAM 008 IUCN-ORMA : Rural Community Management of Wild Species in Central America - midterm review
(Report, 1997-04)Amid-term review of Cam 008 "Wildlife Program in Central America" was made during visits to Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama and El Salvador in early December 1996. IUCN/ORMA is doing a satisfactory job in implementing ... -
Environmental effects of agricultural change and development in the Northern province Zambia
(Report, 1989-12)This report was commissioned by the Provincial Planning Unit (PPU) of the Northern Province, Government of the Republic of Zambia and the Norwegian Agency for International Development (NORAD). The major objective of the ... -
Evaluation of the Bakau and Lamin horticultural societies, the Gambia for the royal norwegian society for rural development (NRD)
(Report, 1990-05)Since 1987, the Royal Norwegian Society for Rural Development, with funding from the Norwegian Society for Rural Women and NORAD, has offered technical and financial assistance to Bakau and Lamin Horticultural Cooperative ... -
Evaluation of the Chamen self-development and training center for the royal norwegian society for rural development (NRD)
(Report, 1990-05)Since 1987, the Royal Norwegian Society for Rural Development, with funding from the Norwegian 4H and NORAD, have offered technical and financial assistance to the Chamen Seif Development and Training Center. During the ... -
Evaluation of the Norwegian Red Cross - Sudan Red Cresent Society's Integrated Rural Development Project (IRDP) in Sinkat District, Red Sea Hills, Sudan
(Report, 1989-06)In response to the drought in the Sahelian region in 1984-86, the League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (LRCS) established an extensive relief program in Sinkat District, Red Sea Hills Province. NORCROSS provided ... -
Farming Systems, Resource Management and Household Coping Strategies in Nothern Ethiopia : Preliminary report of a Social and Agro-Ecological Baseline Study in Central Tigray
(Report, 1994-11)Tigray, as other parts of northern Ethiopia, belongs to that zone of the African drylands which is often called the Sudano-Sahelian region, and, as such, faces the same problems as the whole region since dryland environments ... -
Gender, resource management and livelihood security
(HAINRM report;5, Report, 1998-12) -
Improved Feeding of Dairy Cattle and Goats in Hot Tropical Areas TAN 510 : final report on phase I 1982 - 1986 and prospectives and strategies for phase II 1987 - 1991
(Report, 1987-08)"Improved Feeding of Dairy Cattle and Goats in Hot Tropical Areas" (TAN 510) isa NORAD-sponsored project carried out at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania during the period 1982-1985(86). The year 1986 ... -
Information and documentation
(HAINRM report;6, Report, 1998-12) -
Institutions and organisations in pasture and forestry management
(HAINRM report;2, Report, 1998-12) -
Instutional framework study of Northern Province Rural Development Programme ZAM 020
(Report, 1992-05)This is a report of findings of the Institutional Frarnework Study of the Northern Province Rural Development Programme (ZAM 020) which was conducted by NORAGRIC consultants between May 2 and May 23, 1992. The report is a ... -
Linking Relief and Long-Term Development Activities in NGO Projects of the SSE Programme in Mali, Eritrea and Ethiopoia
(Report, 1997-10)Sustainability, including the minimisation of local dependency on future aid, is an SSE program principle. However, critics, notably the 1992 Cowiconsult evaluation of the SSE program, have pointed out that the frequent ... -
Marketing og Agricultural Produce and Inputs in Northern Province Zambia
(Report, 1991-03)Objectives of Study: 1. Establish whether observed marketing problems are related to institutional deficiencies, unnecessary regulations or other factors. 2. Establish the need for foreign support. 3. Suggest how support ... -
Mid-term evaluation of the Sadguru water and development foundations five-year plan
(Report, 1993-01)SWDF has successfully achieved its output targets. The outputs, both technical and social, have had significant positive development and environmental impacts on the target groups. The methodology is technically, socially ... -
Natural forest inventory
(HAINRM report;4, Report, 1998-12) -
Noragric SSE-project Review - Conservation and Rural Development Project in Tegulet and Bulga Wereda (Wogda Project)
(Report, 1995-01)The project was originally called the Soil Conservation and Rural Development Project (SSE-001-026), but is locally known as the Wogda Project. It comprises the Debre Berhan Zuria Woreda in the Northern Shoa Zone of Region ... -
Pasture, livestock and biodiversity
(HAINRM report;3, Report, 1998-12)