Browsing International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric by Issue Date
Now showing items 41-60 of 105
The SSE Programme - Review of Rama Integrated Rural Development Programme
(Report, 1995-11)This mission was a follow up of the field visit in 1995 which was conducted by a team from the Centre for International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric (Noragric) at the Agricultural University of Norway. ... -
The need for and steps towards a master plan for sustainable utilisation of the Batticaloa Lagoon
(Professional article, 1995-12)This paper reviews the status of the Batticaloa lagoon with reference to its management problems and the need for and steps towards a master plan. It examines the institutional environment and highlights its inadequacies ... -
Towards a strategy for rehabilitation and development of irrigation systems in the Batticaloa district, Sri Lanka : a concept paper
(Professional article, 1995-12)Agriculture and fisheries are the mainstay of the rural household economies of Batticaloa district. Agriculture in the district is synonymous with rice cultivation as the latter remains the most important agricultural ... -
Review of the Sinkat Project : implemented by Norwegian Red Cross (NRC) and Sudanese Red Crescent (SRC)
(Report, 1996)The Sinkat project has been set up by Norwegian Red Cross and Sudanese Red Crescent to support Beja nomads, mainly of the Hadandawa tribe. The project concept is integrated rural development and the activities include water ... -
Review of the Um Ja Wasir Project : implemented by ADRA
(Report, 1996)The Um Ja Wasir project has been set up by ADRA to support nomads of the Hawawir tribe. The project provides water for irrigated agriculture by drilling deep wells and lifting the water with diesel engine driven turbine ... -
Evaluering av NORAD's virksomhetsplaner innen miljø og naturforvaltning i Botswana
(Professional article, 1996) -
Report from a PRA workshop and study in Asmat sub-province, Eritrea. : prepared for Redd Barna through the SSE program
(Report, 1996-01)The purpose of this report is fourfold. First, it is a short description and analysis of life in the Asmat Sub-Province in Eritrea. As such it covers the conventional socio-cultural, natural resource management, and ... -
Report from an evaluation mission to mahmimet resettlement project : findings and recommendations
(Report, 1996-04)Mahmimet is one of the districts in Eritrea with the most desperate and urgent need for outside assistance. Yet, it is an area that has not been able to attract the attention of international donors, be it multilateral, ... -
The SSE Program in Mali : Possibilities and proposals for an improved coordination
(Report, 1996-05)The implementation of the SSE- program is organized through three different channels, viz. multilateral organizations, NGOs and research institutions, and supported activities can be categorized as programs, projects and ... -
Assessment of LKA 027 Project 250/3: Conservation Activities in Block IV of Yala National Park and Elephant Conservation Conflicts in Handapanagula, Sri Lanka
(Professional article, 1996-06)The activities carried out under NORAD LKA 027 project 250/3 in Block IV of Yala National Park were assessed by a four man team in December 1995. In addition to assessing the work carried out under the NORAD project, the ... -
The SSE Programme - Environmental indicators for developments activities by Norwegian NGOs in the SSE countries
(Report, 1996-07)Whether or not development activities are "successful" is important to a wide range of actors, each of whom require some form of information on the progress and effectiveness of investment in development. It is important ... -
Report from a mission to the faculty of veterinary medicine at the Sokoine university of agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania
(Report, 1996-09)From the 22th of June to the 4th of July Dr. Arve Lund, Centre for International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric, Agricultural University of Norway (AUN) and Dr. Eivind Liven, Norwegian Animal Health Authority ... -
The SSE Programme - Honne '96 - 10 years with SSE : past experiences - future challenges
(Professional article, 1996-09)1996 marks the ten-year anniversary of the Sahel-Sudan-Ethiopia Programme (SSE Programme). The Programme was launched in 1985 after the 1984/85 Sahel drought to channel Norwegian assistance to countries in Sub-Saharan ... -
The SSE Programme - Review of SSE Project 001-260 Rural Credit Scheme in Tigray (RCST), Ethiopia
(Report, 1996-10)Since 1991 Noragric has been engaged to assist NORAD in the management and administration of the Sahel-Sudan-Ethiopia (SSE) Programme that funds projects implemented by Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in Sudan, ... -
Review of Zula integrated community development programme (ZICDP)
(Report, 1996-10)Since 1991 the Centre for International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric (Noragric) has been engaged to assist the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) in the management and administration of ... -
Agricultural development : productivity, distribution and environment
(Professional article, 1997)The seminar Agricultural development: productivity, distribution and environment was organised by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, NORAD and the Agricultural University of Norway (NLH) on 11-12 March 1997 at Sem in Asker. ... -
The SSE Programme - Review of the Grasshopper Control project in Yelimane Cercle, Mali
(Report, 1997-02)The Strømme Foundation's project in Yelimane has received funding through the SSEProgramme since 1986. The main objectives of the SSE-Programme is to contribute to environmental rehabilitation and food security in the Sahel ... -
The SSE Programme - Project review of the Programme Integré de dévelopment de Bafoulabé (PIDEB), Mali
(Professional article, 1997-03)The review team is of the opinion that PIDEB is playing an important role in the Cercle (district) of Bafoulabe. There is a strong need for a non-government organisation such as the "Projet Integré de dévelopment de ... -
CAM 008 IUCN-ORMA : Rural Community Management of Wild Species in Central America - midterm review
(Report, 1997-04)Amid-term review of Cam 008 "Wildlife Program in Central America" was made during visits to Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama and El Salvador in early December 1996. IUCN/ORMA is doing a satisfactory job in implementing ... -
Norwegian association for development research annual conference 1997 : People, Food and the Environment 200 years after Malthus
(Professional article, 1997-06-13)