Recent Submissions

  • Are decision errors explaining hyperbolic discounting and non-linear probability weighting? 

    Holden, Stein T.; Tione, Sarah; Tilahun, Mesfin; Katengeza, Samson (CLTS Working paper;03/24, Working paper, 2024-07)
    We study risky inter-temporal choice in a large random student sample (n=721) and a large rural sample (n=835) in Malawi. All respondents were exposed to the same 20 Multiple Choice Lists with a rapid elicitation method ...
  • Sibling Spillover Effects and Educational Outcomes in Ghana and Niger 

    Zhang, Huafeng; Holden, Stein T. (CLTS Working paper;02/24, Working paper, 2024-07)
    This study investigates the impact of sibling effects on children's educational outcomes in Ghana and Niger, with a focus on disability and gender disparities. Surveys conducted in both countries utilize the Washington ...
  • Does luck make people more optimistic and patient? - Lessons from an experiment with students and rural subjects in Malawi 

    Holden, Stein T.; Tione, Sarah; Tilahun, Mesfin; Katengeza, Samson (CLTS Working paper;04/24, Working paper, 2024-07)
    We investigate how random luck in repeated variants of the risky investment game of Gneezy, Leonard, and List (2009); Gneezy and Potters (1997) influences risk-taking and discounting behavior in future risky prospects with ...
  • Dominated choices in Risk and Time Elicitation 

    Sommervoll, Dag Einar; Holden, Stein T. (CLTS Working paper;01/24, Working paper, 2024-06)
    Many risk and time elicitation designs rely on choice lists that aim to capture a switch point. A choice list for a respondent typically contains two switch point defining choices; the other responses are dominated in the ...
  • Intertemporal Choice Lists and Maximal Likelihood Estimation of Discount Rates 

    Sommervoll, Dag Einar; Holden, Stein T.; Tilahun, Mesfin (CLTS Working paper;09/23, Working paper, 2023-12)
    The experiments designed to estimate real-life discount rates in intertemporal choice often rely on ordered choice lists, where the list by design aims to capture a switch point between near- and far-future alternatives. ...
  • Country Socio-economic Development and Disparity in School Children's Reading Skills Learning in Africa 

    Zhang, Huafeng; Holden, Stein T. (CLTS Working paper;08/23, Working paper, 2023-12)
    To achieve the overarching goal of "education for all," there is a growing interest in understanding school learning outcomes and disparities among school children from disadvantaged backgrounds in Africa. This study employs ...
  • Measurement Error and Farm Size: Do Nationally Representative Surveys Provide Reliable Estimates? 

    Holden, Stein T.; Makate, Clifton; Tione, Sarah (CLTS Working paper;07/23, Working paper, 2023-12)
    We assess the reliability of measured farm sizes (ownership holdings) in the Living Standard Measurement Study – Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA) in Ethiopia and Malawi based on three survey rounds (2012, 2014, ...
  • How WEIRD are student samples? Lessons based on the trust game in Malawi 

    Holden, Stein T.; Tione, Sarah; Tilahun, Mesfin; Katengeza, Samson (CLTS Working paper;06/23, Working paper, 2023-11)
    We have used the standard trust game on a random sample of university students (N=764) and a random sample of rural residents (N=834) in Malawi. The study identifies social preference types (Bauer, Chytilov´a, & Pertold-Gebicka, ...
  • Numeracy Skills, Decision Errors, and Risk Preference Estimation 

    Holden, Stein T.; Tilahun, Mesfin (CLTS Working paper;05/23, Working paper, 2023-09)
    Basic numeracy skills are obviously important for rational decisionmaking when agents are facing choices between risky prospects. Poor and vulnerable people with limited education and numeracy skills live in risky environments ...
  • Can climate shocks make vulnerable subjects more willing to take risks? 

    Holden, Stein T.; Tilahun, Mesfin (CLTS Working paper;03/23, Working paper, 2023-01)
    While economists in the past tended to assume that individual preferences, including risk preferences, are stable over time, a recent literature has developed and indicates that risk preferences respond to shocks. This ...
  • Religion, beliefs, trust, and COVID vaccination behavior among rural people in Malawi 

    Holden, Stein T.; Tione, Sarah; Tilahun, Mesfin; Katengeza, Samson (CLTS Working paper;04/23, Working paper, 2023-01)
    This study investigates the religious and other beliefs related to the corona/COVID-19 pandemic and how they are related to covid risk perceptions, trust in COVID vaccines, and how these are affected by the religious ...
  • Price and Hedonic Heterogeneity Measures in Local Housing Markets 

    Sommervoll, Dag Einar (CLTS Working paper;02/23, Working paper, 2023-01)
    In this paper, we develop a local housing stock heterogeneity measure. This measure may be used to monitor housing stock heterogeneity over time and in combination with other measures of policy interest. We illustrate the ...
  • How can “tragedies of the commons” be resolved? Social dilemmas and legislation 

    Berge, Erling (CLTS Working paper;01/23, Working paper, 2023-01)
    Humanity’s problem with climate change has been likened to a “tragedy of the commons”. If the atmosphere is seen as an open access dump for gasses like CO2 or methane, Garret Hardin’s conclusion from 1968: “Freedom in a ...
  • Jordskifteretten som arena for konfliktløsning 

    Sky, Per Kåre (CLTS Working paper;11/22, Working paper, 2022-11)
    Land consolidation courts deal with cases where the relationship between holders of grazing rights needs be regulated, but also where the rights holders are competing with other potential land uses, such as building holiday ...
  • Numeracy skills learning of children in Africa: - Are disabled children lagging behind? 

    Zhang, Huafeng; Holden, Stein T. (CLTS Working paper;10/22, Working paper, 2022-11)
    Significant progress has been achieved in universal basic education in African countries since the late 1990s. This study provides empirical evidence on the within- and across-country variation in numeracy skills performance ...
  • The Predictive Power of Luck: Luck and Risk-Taking in a Repeated Risky Investment Game 

    Holden, Stein T.; Tione, Sarah; Katengeza, Samson; Tilahun, Mesfin (CLTS Working paper;09/22, Working paper, 2022-10)
    Can luck predict risk-taking behavior in games of chance? Economists have not widely studied this issue although overconfidence, optimism-, and pessimism bias have received substantial attention in recent years. In this ...
  • Knowledge, beliefs, perceptions, and behavior related to the corona (COVID-19) pandemic among university students in Malawi 

    Holden, Stein T.; Katengeza, Samson; Tione, Sarah; Tilahun, Mesfin (CLTS Working paper;07/22, Working paper, 2022-06)
    This study is based on a survey of 764 students at the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR), Lilongwe, Malawi. It aims to provide evidence on the extent of exposure to the pandemic among ...
  • Religion, perceptions, and behavior during the corona/COVID- 19 pandemic among university students in Malawi 

    Holden, Stein T.; Katengeza, Samson; Tione, Sarah; Tilahun, Mesfin (CLTS Working paper;08/22, Working paper, 2022-06)
    This study investigates the covid risk perceptions, information updating behavior related to the pandemic, use of protective measures, especially facemasks, and the demand for vaccines among university students in Malawi. ...
  • The Corona pandemic among university students in Malawi 

    Holden, Stein T.; Katengeza, Samson; Tione, Sarah; Tilahun, Mesfin; Berg, Ørjan; Chimseu, Patrick; Njinga, Blessings (CLTS Working paper;06/21, Working paper, 2022)
    This study provides the initial survey data from a sample of 764 students at the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR), Lilongwe, Malawi. It aims to provide evidence on the extent of exposure ...
  • Disability types and children’s schooling in Africa 

    Zhang, Huafeng; Holden, Stein Terje (CLTS Working paper;04/22, Working paper, 2022)
    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set up by the United Nations include an overarching principle of “leaving no one behind” and aim for, among other goals, equal access to education for children with disabilities. ...

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