Blar i Master's theses (IPV) på tittel
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Redesigning local organic food systems : the farmer perspective
(Master thesis, 2014-07-30)The growth of localized food systems and alternative food networks reconnects farmers and consumers, and contributes to resilience and sustainability of food systems. Local food systems bring life to rural areas and favor ... -
Reducing food waste through direct surplus food redistribution : the Norwegian case
(Master thesis, 2015-08-07)Food waste is a global problem with significant economic and environmental consequences. Food waste management approaches include production of biogas, animal feed and compost and surplus food redistribution. From a ... -
Registrering og evaluering av vegetasjon på norske jernbanestasjoner
(Master thesis, 2017)By request from Bane NOR's maintenance department, registration of vegetation was done on selected stations along four railway lanes during the summer of 2016. These four lanes were chosen because they are situated in ... -
Relationship between rhizome fragmentation, mowing and competition in control of common couch grass (Elymus repens)
(Master thesis, 2014-12-12)The perennial Elymus repens is considered to be one of the most important weeds on arable land in the Nordic countries. The 1st part of this thesis is principally a literature review on the species` biology and physiology ... -
Restoration and management plan of Tananger coastal heathland
(Master thesis, 2016-08-11)Coastal heathland development started about 5000 years ago, as a result of humans cutting trees and burning along the coast. Traditionally, coastal heathlands have been composed of a mosaic containing different habitats ... -
Restoring Myanmar’s mangrove forests and coastal communities’ socioeconomic stability with community based mangrove management
(Master thesis, 2016-08-12)Mangrove forests have a significant capacity to provide ecosystem services. However, deforestation from land use changes has led to widespread degradation of these services and consequently jeopardizes coastal populations. ... -
Revaluing residues : effects of composts and vermicomposts from corn, fig and citrus residues on the development of Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Lavandula angustifolia L.
(Master thesis, 2016-08-11)Intensive agricultural production generates large quantities of organic waste and residue worldwide. Health and environmental hazards can result with the improper disposal and accumulation of these materials. Composting ... -
Review of CRISPR-assosiated proteins, their functions and patent situations
(Master thesis, 2019)CRISPR-Cas (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) systems are a new revolutionary gene editing tool. CRISPR-Cas was originally discovered as a defense mechanism in bacteria and archaea. CRISPR has ... -
Review of viruses in raspberry production
(Master thesis, 2022)Raspberries are one of the commercially most important kinds of berry fruits. Botanically, they are members of the large and diverse genus Rubus and belong to the greater rose family (Rosaceae). The raspberry shrub shares ... -
Root trait variation within a wheat/faba bean intercrop system during the early growing stage
(Master thesis, 2020)The large genetic diversity present among faba bean has been explored for traits to improve crop performance. Characterising root traits of different faba bean cultivars and their response to neighbouring plants, can ... -
Seasonal variation in fillet quality of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
(Master thesis, 2018)The Aquaculture industry are providing fresh seafood all year around, and the demand for safe and nutritious, quality food is increasing. Atlantic salmon are released into sea cages where they are reared until slaughter. ... -
Sensitivity to gamma radiation of Scots pine seedlings grown from seeds developed under elevated levels of ionizing radiation
(Master thesis, 2021)As being sessile, plants are generally exposed to background levels of ionizing radiation in their natural environment due to cosmic radiation as well as alpha-, beta- or gamma- emitting radionuclides in naturally occurring ... -
Sensory quality of Atlantic salmon as affected of fish size and fillet part
(Master thesis, 2017)The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of body weight and fillet parts on sensory quality of raw and cooled salmon fillets and consumer preference of cooked salmon fillets. Three groups of salmon with ... -
Simulation analysis of the impacts of climate change and scenarios of adapted cropping practices on the risk of brown rust development in winter wheat.
(Master thesis, 2020)The challenge of climate change in agriculture is a global threat and to meet the demand for food of future generations and ensure global food security, there is a great need to use agroecological measures to reduce or ... -
Social learning in alternative food networks creates pragmatic changes for community based agrarian resource management
(Master thesis, 2016)The need for more sustainable management of natural resources is becoming increasingly important as the global population increases. The implementation of management strategies are showing signs of change as a response to ... -
Soil particulate organic matter contribution of hairy vetch ecotypes as winter annual legume cover crops
(Master thesis, 2017-01-02)Efficient cover crop management provides numerous benefits to the agroecosystems including soil organic matter (SOM) contribution. In the cold climates of the upper Midwest, options of cover crop species that can withstand ... -
Starch and protein accumulation during seed development of field grown faba beans (Vicia faba L. cv. Vertigo) in Norway
(Master thesis, 2020)The grain legume Vicia faba L. (faba bean) is a potential commercial protein crop in Norway. Little information is available concerning seed development and accumulation of storage compounds in Vicia faba seeds grown in ... -
Status og potensiale for utvikling av småskala grønsaksproduksjon i Vestland fylke – ei undersøking av interessentinvolvering og interaksjon i matsystemet
(Master thesis, 2021)Den globale matproduksjon går ei utfordrande tid i møte, og Noreg og Vestland er ikkje i le for trugsmåla som fylgjer med eit skiftande klima. Mykje indikerar ei trong for ein solid og robust matproduksjon nasjonalt, der ... -
Summer Mountain Farming in Norway: Attendance Factors Among 'Seter' farmers
(Master thesis, 2021)Summer mountain farming (‘seterdrift’) in Norway is a transhumance practice in great decline. Being an extensive farming practice it relies on out-field resources in mountain areas and landscape areas and has been practiced ... -
Support in defining specifications for the production of lamb on Alpine pasture in Isere (France)
(Master thesis, 2014-12-12)French mountain farming is mainly based on breeding systems and the use of semi-natural resources such as alpine pastures. Pastoralism provides many services that are not paid. It is therefore necessary to invent and ...