Browsing Master’s theses (MINA) by Title
Now showing items 763-780 of 780
Vocal behaviour and intraspecific call variations of Kempholey Night Frog (Nyctibatrachus kempholeyensis) in the Western Ghats, India
(Master thesis, 2018)Signal analyses, basic call descriptions and call variations are the basis for assessing repertoires of individuals and species and also play a role in understanding social and breeding behaviour of frogs. The primary ... -
Voluntary carbon credits as an incentive to capture and store biogenic emissions at waste incineration plants : a profitability assessment of future investment in carbon capture and storage at waste incineration plants, based on a separate market analysis of the voluntary carbon market post-2030
(Master thesis, 2022)To reach the goal of The Paris Agreement the transition to renewable energy and energy efficiency will be necessary, but insufficient to achieve the goal of 1,5 Degree Celsius. According to the UN’s Climate Panel and IEA, ... -
'Waste' biochar for agricultural soil quality improvement
(Master thesis, 2022)Biochar is a carbonaceous substance obtained from the pyrolysis of biomass under anoxic conditions. The use of biochar dates as far back as the ancient Amazonian times i.e, ‘Terra Preta de Indio’ where dark soils had more ... -
Waste-based sorbents for reducing the mobility and leaching of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in contaminated soil
(Master thesis, 2021)Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a diverse group of anthropogenic, organic chemicals whose widespread use have caused contamination issues worldwide. Former use of PFAS-containing firefighting foams have ... -
Water quality affected by interactions with filter media in raingardens
(Master thesis, 2022)The objective of this thesis is to investigate how the filter media in raingardens can affect the water quality. This will be done by comparing water quality of the water entering the raingarden with the quality of the ... -
What affects migration and large-scale area use of brown trout (Salmo trutta) smolt? : an acoustic telemetry study from four Oslofjord populations
(Master thesis, 2018)The brown trout (Salmo trutta) is one of the most studied fish species, due to its recreational and economic value. The smolt life stage, is however less studied. In this thesis, I used acoustic telemetry to increase ... -
What happens to biodegradable plastics in soil and compost? : development and comparison of methods
(Master thesis, 2020)Plastics in terrestrial ecosystems negatively affect their functioning by altering physical properties and disturbing soil microorganisms. The same could be true for biodegradable plastics entering nature through incomplete ... -
What’s rocking in Bognelv? : a case study in hydromorphological conditions before, during and after restoration of a channelized river by studying tracer rocks and aerial photos
(Master thesis, 2020)From 1930-1990 the river Bognelv in Troms-Finnmark County was strongly affected by technical intervention related to flood security which led to interruption of bed material transfer, and dramatical declination of salmonid ... -
Wildlife use of private gardens in south-eastern Norway
(Master thesis, 2020)Urbanisation typically results in a reduction in biodiversity. Studies of urban wildlife have shown that the increase in extinction risk tends to be higher with increasing urban areas. Yet, in urban environments, private ... -
The wildlife watching tourist guide : a case study on the role of wildlife watching guides in Norway
(Master thesis, 2022)Denne oppgaven undersøker rollene til viltkikkingsturisme guider som fokuserer på store rovdyr og store klovdyr i Norge. Videre undersøker den komponentene i rollen til guiden og mulige forskjeller mellom de to gruppene. ... -
Wind power forecasting : physical modelling
(Master thesis, 2019)With the stochastic nature of wind power and the increased penetration of wind power in the energy system, new challenges become eminent. For the Transmission System Operators (TSOs), the increased penetration of wind power ... -
Zero emission airport, OSL Gardermoen – future energy use and combination of energy carriers.
(Master thesis, 2023)In the last decades, the entire world has been grappling with climate change challenges. The main reason for climate change is increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, caused by burning fossil fuels. ... -
Zooplanktonsammensetning i en innsjø dominert av Gonyostomum semen
(Master thesis, 2020)Gonyostomum semen er en encellet nåleflagellat, og oppleves som invasiv i Norge. Utbredelsen har økt de siste tiårene, spesielt i humøse innsjøer. G. semen har egenskapen til å migrere ned til hypolimnion for å ta opp ... -
Å balansere på stram line : etiske dilemmaer i rovdyrfotografering
(Master thesis, 2021)My thesis discusses wildlife photographers’ attitude toward staging the wild when photographing Scandinavian carnivores. Its focus is on tools and methods used in wildlife photography, and the main objective is: Which ... -
Årstidsvariasjon i konsentrasjon av sporgrunnstoffer i grunnvann fra norske fjellbrønner
(Master thesis, 2020)Drikkevannsforskriften gir grunnlag for å sikre trygg drikkevannsforsyning i Norge. Grunnvannstanden varier naturlig gjennom året avhengig av nedbørmengde, snøsmelting og fordamping. Dette kan føre til at vannkvaliteten ... -
Økning i farge og konsekvenser for fytoplanktonsammensteningen i en humøs innsjø, Oslo Østmark?
(Master thesis, 2024)Mange innsjøer i den boreale sone har fått økt oppmerksomhet i de siste tiårene grunnet økt farge, såkalt browning eller brunifisering på norsk. Det særegne mange av disse innsjøene er den økende forekomsten av en spesiell ... -
Økologisk restaurering med fokus på planlegging, måloppnåelse og bruk av før- og etterundersøkelser
(Master thesis, 2019)Konvensjonen om Biologisk mangfold (CBD), som Norge er tilsluttet, har et delmål som innebærer restaurering av minst 15% av forringede økosystem. Restaurering av våtmark det viktigste tiltaket for å imøtekomme dette kravet. ... -
Ørekyt (Phoxinus phoxinus) i Øvre Heimdalsvatn : bestandsdynamikk og habitatbruk etter om lag femti års sameksistens med ørret (Salmo trutta)
(Master thesis, 2018)I den subalpine innsjøen Øvre Heimdalsvatn var ørret (Salmo trutta) opprinnelig eneste fiskeart, men i 1969 ble ørekyt (Phoxinus phoxinus) oppdaget. Det har vært gjennomført omfattende studier på ørret i Øvre Heimdalsvatn ...