Browsing Master’s theses (MINA) by Title
Now showing items 621-640 of 780
Skogbruk i Oslomarka : hvordan påvirkes skogbruket av markaforskriften?
(Master thesis, 2022)Oslomarka er den største bymarka i Norge og over 1 million mennesker har tilknytning til denne. Skogsområdet huser en rekke viktige økosystemtjentester og noen av de viktigste er biologisk mangfold, rekreasjon og ... -
Skogeieres oppfatninger om klimaendringer, klimatilpasset skogskjøtsel og rådgiving om klimatilpasning i skogbruket
(Master thesis, 2018)I Norge er det beregnet en økning i temperatur og nedbør frem mot år 2100. Det vil få ulike konsekvenser for skogbruket. I denne oppgaven har jeg undersøkt hvordan norske og svenske skogeiere oppfatter klimaendringene, om ... -
Skogrestaurering i Junkerdalsura naturreservat: effekter på vedlevende biller
(Master thesis, 2023)Død ved spiller en essensiell rolle i skogøkosystemer ved å bidra med økosystemfunksjoner som karbonlagring og næringsstoff-sirkulering, i tillegg til å være en fundamental ressurs for biodiversitet i skog. Vedlevende ... -
Slagg fra prosessindustrien : nyttiggjøring som filtermateriale for deponisigevann
(Master thesis, 2019)Sigevann fra avfallsdeponier kan være en stor kilde til spredning av miljøgifter som videre kan forurense jord, vann og luft. I denne hovedoppgaven vil slagg fra prosessindustrien bli brukt som et filtermateriale for å ... -
Slitasjeutvikling på stier og leirplasser i Femundsmarka nasjonalpark over 30 år
(Master thesis, 2021)Formålet med denne oppgaven var å kartlegge slitasje og vurdere endringer i slitasje over tid, forårsaket av besøkende i Femundsmarka nasjonalpark, både i områder som tidligere er undersøkt og andre områder med ... -
A snapshot of restored bogs in Southeastern Norway : short term vegetation change after rewetting of ombrotrophic mires
(Master thesis, 2021)Drained peatlands are affected by altered hydrological conditions. Rewetting by ditch blocking and deforestation is conducted to improve ecological conditions of drained peatlands. This study maps the vegetation communities ... -
Social Acceptance of Nuclear Power in Norway
(Master thesis, 2024)Abstract This study’s goal is to map what affects the Norwegian social acceptance of nuclear power in Norway. It will also look at what consequences the results can have on future power production in Norway. The study ... -
Socio-Economic Influences and Reported Benefits of the implementation of Natural Water Retention Measures in the Morsa Catchment
(Master thesis, 2023)As climate change increases its impact on agriculture, strategies and solutions are developed to help mitigate its consequence on agriculture. Simultaneously, there is increasing pressure on agriculture to lessen its impact ... -
Soil bypass P for enhanced availability in acid soils
(Master thesis, 2021)Phosphorus (P) is known as one of the essential macroelements for all life, is as important as Nitrogen (N) and Potassium (K) for as a fertilizer component, and unfortunately, is a limited, nonrenewable natural resource, ... -
Soil carbon and glacifluvial deposits in the deglaciation landscape of Gausdal Vestfjell
(Master thesis, 2018)Glacifluvial deposits and their soil carbon stock and stability have been studied in the deglaciation landscape of Gausdal Vestfjell, Norway. Soil profiles are described and sampled for parent material clast analysis, ... -
Soil carbon stocks in different vegetation classes across the treeline ecotone in central- and southern Norway
(Master thesis, 2022)The expansion of the treeline into the currently treeless alpine tundra may have considerable impacts on carbon storage. Recent studies have shown that the expansion of trees into the alpine tundra could lead to an increase ... -
Soil charcoal in boreal forests with contrasting management histories in southeast Norway
(Master thesis, 2023)Macroscopic charcoal particles in the soil of boreal forests provide a record of local-scale fire history. They also serve as a long-lived carbon sink and have a positive influence on soil function. However, the distribution ... -
Solutions for decentralized greywater treatment
(Master thesis, 2020)As the world water resources continue to deplete, reuse and recycling of greywater has become an alternative potential sustainable solution to reduce the stress on fresh water resources. The objective of this thesis is to ... -
Sortering og materialgjenvinning av plastemballasje og matavfall i Oslo kommune : hvordan endre holdninger og atferd gjennom tilrettelagte tiltak?
(Master thesis, 2018)De siste 30 årene har avfall gått fra å være et miljø- og forurensningsproblem til å bli ansett som en ressurs. Med dagens teknologi er det mulig å utnytte ressursene i avfallet slik at de kan komme tilbake i kretsløp ... -
Space use and preferred places among domestic cats in Ås, south-eastern Norway
(Master thesis, 2022)Cats are popular pets and are usually allowed to roam free when owners let them out of the house. The home range size of cats has been well studied, but we know very little about how cats use the space within their home ... -
Space use by pet cats living near an urban nature reserve
(Master thesis, 2023)Domestic cats (Felis catus) with outdoor access pose a significant threat to local wildlife worldwide, and a thorough understanding of their space use is needed to mitigate their ecological impact. Although knowledge about ... -
Space use of red foxes in relation to farms within the cultural landscape
(Master thesis, 2024)Previous studies have demonstrated the profound impact of cultural landscape and human activities on wildlife. Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), known for their adaptability and opportunistic feeding habits, exhibit highly versatile ... -
Spatial interactions in a domestic cat population
(Master thesis, 2022)The domestic cat (Felis catus) is one of the most popular pets globally, with hundreds or even thousands of individuals per km2 in some areas. Domestic cats with outdoor access have both direct effects on wildlife through ... -
Spatial Optimisation of Offshore Wind in the Norwegian Economic Zone: A Portfolio Approach
(Master thesis, 2023)Den norske regjeringen har som mål å tildele områder med potensial på 30 GW havvind innen 2040. På grunn av den stokastiske naturen til vindkraft som en væravhengig energikilde, er en mer helhetlig tilnærming til ... -
Spatial optimization of wind and solar power capacities in Europe
(Master thesis, 2022)As the European power mix transitions towards higher shares of variable renewable energy (VRE), such as wind and solar power, the power system becomes increasingly weather dependent. The weather follows seasonal and ...