Browsing Master’s theses (MINA) by Title
Now showing items 597-616 of 780
Rewetting of drained ombrotrophic bogs in Norway : short-term effects on vegetation
(Master thesis, 2021)The restoration of degraded mires is considered an important part of mitigating climate change and biodiversity loss. Mires are wetland ecosystems where organic matter is submerged and preserved as peat layers. Bogs are ... -
Riggetidsmodell for T-winch drifter
(Master thesis, 2024)Sammendrag Gjenreisningen av norske skoger har ført til en tilvekst som har doblet seg de siste 100 årene, mens avvirkningen i forhold har vært stagnerende. En økende etterspørsel etter tømmer har ført til at det har blitt ... -
Road salt-induced lake stratification : effects on nutrient availability and consequences for the phytoplankton community in Lake Kutjern
(Master thesis, 2022)In Norway, the use of road salt for de-icing highways has increased by more than 200 percent in the last two decades. This is partly due to climate change and increased traffic volumes, and hence may continue to rise. Salt ... -
The role of past landscape structure and present management in semi-natural grasslands for wild bee species richness and abundance
(Master thesis, 2020)1. During the last century the area of semi-natural grasslands has been dramatically reduced in all European countries, including Norway. Semi-natural grasslands provide habitats for wild pollinators such as wild bees and ... -
Rovdyrturismes potensiale som et konfliktdempende tiltak
(Master thesis, 2022)Denne oppgaven handler om hvilken effekt rovdyrturisme vil kunne ha på meninger om store rovdyr i Stor-Elvdal og Rendalen. For å kartlegge hvilken effekt det vil kunne ha er det tatt utgangspunkt i teoriene det kognitive ... -
Salt induced stratification and accumulation of heavy metals in the roadside lake, Kutjern
(Master thesis, 2024)Road salt, commonly comprised of sodium chloride, is utilized to mitigate winter road icing by augmenting friction between car tires and asphalt (Norrström, 2005). Upon dissolution in water, NaCl dissociates into free Na+ ... -
Samfunnsnytte av vannkraft i Nordland : oversikt og verdsetting
(Master thesis, 2018)Nordland fylkeskommune ønsker i forbindelse med revidering av den regionale vannkraftplanen mer kunnskap om samfunnsnytten av vannkraft i Nordland. De ønsker også en metode for å vurdere samfunnsnytte. Ved å synliggjøre ... -
Sammenligning av klima- og miljøpåvirkninger fra behandlingsløsninger for park- og hageavfall i et livsløpsperspektiv : en analyse av kompostering og pyrolyse som behandlingsalternativer hos Vesar
(Master thesis, 2021)Mengdene organisk avfall som blir sent til biologisk behandling har økt kraftig de siste ti årene. Park- og hageavfall går i hovedsak til kompostering i dag. Kompostering er en aerob prosess der avfallet blir brutt ned av ... -
Samutråtning av ulike substrater i biogassproduksjon - En LCA studie av klimapåvirkning og biorestkvalitet
(Master thesis, 2024)Biogass regnes som en karbonnøytral gass og bringer med seg en rekke miljøfordeler ved at den kan erstatte fossile energikilder. Biogass kan benyttes til oppvarming, produksjon av elektrisitet eller drivstoff. Samtidig gir ... -
Sea trout in Inner Oslofjorden : population biology, marine recreational fishing and spatial variation in fishing intensity
(Master thesis, 2019)Recreational fishing has been known since XV century. Nowadays, Arlinghaus and Cooke (2009) estimate, that around 10,6% of the population in studied countries participate in recreational fishing. However, marine recreational ... -
Seasonal variation in chemical composition of Chamerion angustifolium pollen as measured by Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
(Master thesis, 2019)The quality of pollen is of fundamental importance for male reproductive success in spermatophytes, but our knowledge as to whether pollen quality is plastic and varies throughout the flowering season is limited. Pollen ... -
Seed dispersal and phenology of the invasive plant species Bunias orientalis and Lupinus polyphyllus in South-East Norway
(Master thesis, 2018)The alien, invasive species Bunias orientalis and Lupinus polyphyllus are in expansion in Norway and pose an ecological threat to native species. The species form large and dense populations on wastelands, previous ... -
Seed rain and seedling emergence along hiking trails on elevation gradients in Dovre, central Norway
(Master thesis, 2020)Seed dispersal and seedling emergence represent critical events in the life history of plants and are fundamental agents in the formation of plant communities in time and space. Insight into the effects of human movement ... -
Segmentering av fiskere på Laksefjordvidda basert på bosted og spesialisering : implikasjoner for videre forvaltning
(Master thesis, 2018)Fisket representerer i dag en større kilde til rekreasjon enn det gjorde tidligere. I tråd med dette representerer sportsfiske på Laksefjordvidda i dag en viktig rekreasjonskilde for mange lokale og tilreisende fiskere. ... -
Segmentering av fritidsfiskere basert på spesialiseringsgrad, i Trysil, Hedmark : undersøkelse av fiskevaner, preferanser og syn på forvaltning og tilrettelegging
(Master thesis, 2018)Fritidsfiske i innlandet har fått en stor verdi som rekreasjon. Med kunnskap om dagens fiskere sine ønsker og adferd, kan man i større grad gjennomføre treffsikre tiltak innen fiskeforvaltningen. Målet med denne undersøkelsen ... -
Sex allocation in Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) ; do gut parasites and maternal body condition determine the sex of the fetus?
(Master thesis, 2022)Sex ratio is one of the most central demographic factors influencing species population dynamics. Intuitively, fetal sex ratio is a chance event resulting in 50 % males and 50 % females entering the population. However, ... -
Short-term effect of water sprinkling on the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) in strawberry
(Master thesis, 2018)The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, is a common pest on strawberry plants and especially when cultivating strawberry plants in tunnels due to the mites’ preference for warm and dry conditions. A common control ... -
Short-term effects of a marine sanctuary on the local lobster population in the Oslo fjord, Norway
(Master thesis, 2022)The European lobster (Homarus gammarus) population in Norway is over-fished and endangered, and marine protected areas (MPAs) are an increasingly utilized measure for protection of this species. Previous studies in Norway ... -
Short-term effects of Salix plantings and seeding of Festuca ovina on vegetation recovery in a disturbed alpine heathland in the Dovre Mountains, Norway
(Master thesis, 2020)Alpine ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbances and have a slow natural recovery rate. Open questions remain as to which forms of active restoration measures could accelerate alpine ecosystem ... -
Short-time effects of water sprinkling on the two-spotted spider mite predator Phytoseiulus persimilis in strawberry
(Master thesis, 2018)Combining two tools for an integrated pest management (IPM) was the reason for investigating the potential use of predatory mites (Phytoseiulus persimilis) in addition to water sprinklers in order to reduce spider mite ...