Browsing Master’s theses (MINA) by Title
Now showing items 557-576 of 780
Pollination Efficiency of Native Bees and Honeybees to Apple in Norway
(Master thesis, 2023)Crop pollination is traditionally managed with the European honeybee (Apis mellifera). However, the supply of honeybees may not be sufficient to meet the increasing global pollination demands and beekeepers are met with ... -
Populasjonsstruktur hos fire vårgytende fiskearter i Lågendeltaet: effekt av vannføring og temperatur på initiering av gytevandring
(Master thesis, 2024)Elvedeltaområder er svært dynamiske, og bruken av slike områder under gyteperioden varierer blant vårgytende fiskearter. Fotoperioden og vanntemperaturen er sentrale miljøfaktorer som forbereder fisk til gytingen, men ... -
Population estimate, trend and habitat preferences of breeding curlews (Numenius arquata) in Akershus, southeast Norway
(Master thesis, 2018)The Eurasian Curlew (Numenius arquata) is a species in decline, classified as near threatened (NT) worldwide, and vulnerable (VU) in Norway. In the region of Akershus (SE Norway), no recent update exists of the breeding ... -
Population monitoring of Great Crested newts in a developmental area – use of ventral side photography and automatic image recognition
(Master thesis, 2023)1. Amphibian species all over the world are in a decline due to climate change as well as human activities. To mitigate negative impacts on amphibians, especially in urban development areas, it is important to understand ... -
Post-fledging parental care in the female great grey owl (Strix nebulosa) : a trade-off between provisioning and guarding
(Master thesis, 2018)Post-fledging parental care is generally little studied in birds. By use of radio telemetry, I studied the post-fledging parental behaviour of female great grey owls (Strix nebulosa), measured as number of prey deliveries ... -
Potensielle konflikter ved havvindutbygging : en kvalitativ studie av Utsira Nord
(Master thesis, 2021)De siste årene har den landbaserte vindkraftutbyggingen i Norge økt betydelig. Imidlertid er vindkraft på land forbundet med mange konflikter som har ført til at det stadig blir vanskeligere å finne egnede og akseptable ... -
Potential energy output from horizontally inclined rooftop solar power systems in relation to electricity consumption. A case study of Sørhellinga.
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis investigates the potential energy output of rooftop solar power systems in relation to electricity consumption. The aim was to quantify the impact a horizontally inclined rooftop solar power system could have ... -
Potential for treatment of household wastewater by using waste seashells as a biofilter media
(Master thesis, 2018)In Norway, approximately 17% of the population is served by decentralized wastewater treatment systems. In these systems, a septic tank only is used, especially in those areas where sea is the final recipient of the treated ... -
Potential Interactions of Sediment Characteristics and Oxygen Availability: Effects on Embryonic Development of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
(Master thesis, 2024)Increasing sediment influx from construction activities threatens salmonid spawning habitats, impacting the development and hatching success of embryos due to finer sediments. This study investigates the interplay between ... -
Predicting living and dead wood volumes in a mature managed Swedish forest with airborne laser scanning
(Master thesis, 2022)Detecting dead wood with airborne laser scanning (ALS) would have many benefits. It would make it easier to find areas with high mortality rates, help make better decisions on which areas to preserve, and increase the ... -
Predicting the Extent of Root and Butt rot in Stems of Norway Spruce (Picea abies)
(Master thesis, 2020)Commercially, Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) is the most important tree species in Norway, representing 72% of the industrial timber volume sold in 2019. However, Norway spruce is particularly prone to infection ... -
Predikering av friskkvistlengde i furu med skog- og trevariabler og data det er mulig å ekstrahere fra industriell CT-skanning
(Master thesis, 2021)Formålet med denne studien er å utvikle friskkvistmodeller som baserer seg på variabler som kan registreres ved CT-skanning av tømmerstokker. Trelast med frisk kvist har visuelle egenskaper som er attraktive i forhold til ... -
Prediksjon av bonitet i ungskog ved hjelp av laserdata
(Master thesis, 2023)I skogforvaltningen er presis bonitetsinformasjon viktig for å ta riktige beslutninger, både med hensyn til valg av tiltak og optimalt tidspunkt for gjennomføring av tiltakene. I de senere årene har flybåren laserskanning ... -
Preparerade skidspår - en fri nyttighet eller en kommersiell vara? En jämförande studie mellan Røros och Funäsfjällen
(Master thesis, 2023)I både Norge och Sverige är längdåkning en folksport och under vinterhalvåret förvandlas många destinationer till skidparadis med otaliga mil preparerade skidspår. Att underhålla och preparera skidspår är kostbart, men ... -
Prey delivery, prey handling and circadian rhythm at two Rough-legged buzzard (Buteo Lagopus) nests as revealed by use of video monitoring
(Master thesis, 2021)Two Rough-legged buzzard (Buteo lagopus) nests, were video monitored during the nestling period in 2017 in Norway. One nest was in Surnadal in Møre and Romsdal county and the other, Goppollvatnet in Innlandet county. This ... -
Priming of inducible defenses in Norway spruce : effects of putative defense priming chemicals on tree resistance against the bluestain fungus Grosmannia penicillata and insights into the underlying mechanisms
(Master thesis, 2021)Priming of inducible defenses in Norway spruce could be a cost-effective strategy to protect trees from herbivores and pathogens. In this study, my aim was to identify chemical priming agents that can increase the resistance ... -
Priser og prisutvikling på skogeiendommer i Norge sammenlignet med Sverige, Finland og Baltikum
(Master thesis, 2020)1. juli 2017 ble priskontrollen på skogeiendommer opphevet, og det var forventet at prisene ville øke som igjen ville øke omsetningen av skogeiendommer i Norge. Målet med oppgaven var å kartlegge om prisutviklingen på ... -
Product-service systems for office furniture : an analysis of GHG emissions of PSS scenarios within a suggested model framework
(Master thesis, 2022)The furniture industry has high potential for improving with large amounts of waste and low product recovery rates (Tveit et al., 2021). In circular economy literature, product-service system (PSS) models have been proposed ... -
Production of drinking water from greywater
(Master thesis, 2019)Potable water is becoming an increasingly scarce in parts of the world due to population increase and the effects of climate change. Reuse of wastewater as alternative source for nonpotable use has been advocated and ... -
Projection of electrical space heating potential as a demand response measure with use of thermal energy storage in the Norwegian residential building stock
(Master thesis, 2019)The aim and goal of this thesis is to analyze and investigate the maximum potential of load shifting and delivered energy in the total Norwegian residential building stock quantified to different segments, building age ...