Browsing Master’s theses (MINA) by Title
Now showing items 323-342 of 778
Har introduksjon av digital skogbruksplan effekt på aktiviteten i skogbruket?
(Master thesis, 2018)Forvaltning av en skogeiendom bør baseres på korrekt informasjon om skogen. Skogbruksplaner er et viktig verktøy for skogeier for å sikre en bærekraftig forvaltning av skogressursene, der økonomiske, økologiske og sosiale ... -
Har pågående klimaendringer påvirket fiskesamfunnet i Sølensjøen, Rendalen?
(Master thesis, 2021)Introduksjon av nye fiskearter til en vannforekomst kan ha store konsekvenser for det stedegne fiskesamfunnet. Den globale oppvarmingen kan også føre til strukturelle endringer i fiskesamfunn ved økt temperatur og avrenning ... -
Har utmarksbeite effekt på råteutvikling i granskog?
(Master thesis, 2023)Skogbruk og utmarksbeite drives på de samme arealene flere steder i Norge. Disse to næringsinteressene kan komme i konflikt da dyretråkk kan øke råterisikoen i trær. Råte gir store verditap for skogen. I denne studien ble ... -
Harnessing eDNA metabarcoding to investigate marine vertebrate community composition and its seasonal changes in the Oslo fjord
(Master thesis, 2023)Marine økosystemer er i økende grad truet av ulike menneskelige aktiviteter. Nøyaktig overvåkning er derfor essensielt for bevaring av naturen og dens arter, men dette forblir spesielt utfordrende i marine miljøer. I ... -
Harvest rates in a partially migrating moose Alces alces population relate to summer but not winter moose densities
(Master thesis, 2021)Moose Alces alces are in many parts of Scandinavia managed at high densities to maximize harvest rates. This comes with benefits for hunters and landowners, but also with costs for forestry, because moose can do considerable ... -
Heating the heath: How 23 years of experimental warming changes an alpine biodiversity hotspot
(Master thesis, 2024)Arktisk-alpine område blir varmare som følge av klimaendringane. Dette kan endra plantesamfunn og føra til tap av artsmangfald. Reinroseheier, dominert av dvergbusken reinrose (Dryas octopetala) er blant dei mest artsrike ... -
Hide and seek : a pilot study on day roosts in autumn and hibernacula for Vesper bats in southeast Norway
(Master thesis, 2018)1. Bats constitute >20% of all terrestrial mammal species in Norway (12 resident species, 7 on the national Red list). Yet, the knowledge of their distribution, population trends and potential threats in Norway is very ... -
Higher Population Densities of the Abundant Specialist Gyrophaena boleti in Near Natural than Previously Clear-Cut Mature Forests
(Master thesis, 2023)Boreal forests are home to thousands of species, many of which are dependent on dead wood. In Norway, more than half of the known species live in the forest. Modern forestry in Norway has altered the characteristics of ... -
Hiking in Rondane wild reindeer range : human trail use and the effect of removing trail marks
(Master thesis, 2020)Habitat loss caused by human disturbance is one of the largest threats to the wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in Norway. Increasing infrastructure development and human use of marked trails and tourist cabins ... -
Historiske hogster i naturskognær skog - en studie fra tolv granbestander i Sørøst-Norge med utgangspunkt i retrospektive metoder
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne oppgaven omhandler tolv par forsøksflater plassert i granskog på Østlandet, der flatene i paret differensieres av tidligere hogstmetoder: én flate har tidligere vært flatehogd, og dens motpart har i dag naturskogsliknende ... -
Hogstføringens betydning for angrep fra gransnutebillen (Hylobius abietis)
(Master thesis, 2021)For å drive en bærekraftig forvaltning av skogressursene er foryngelse av hogstfelt en forutsetning. Foryngelse av gran (Picea abies) skjer i all hovedsak av utplanting av kulturplanter. Granplantene kan ha høy dødelighet ... -
Home ranges of domestic cats (Felis catus) in south-eastern Norway
(Master thesis, 2020)Small GPS units were used to track pet cats in south-eastern Norway from august 2019 to November 2019, in order to obtain home range size estimates. In total, 111 (51 females and 60 males) cats were tracked using their ... -
Household recycling rates for plastic and wet organic waste in Norwegian municipalities : possible influence by sociodemographic, geographic and waste management properties
(Master thesis, 2017)With population growth and a huge increase in consumption over the last decades, waste has transitioned from being considered a problem to being considered a resource. To exploit this resource in the most efficient way ... -
Hovedgruva i Folldal: Undersøkelse av forurensningseffekt av grunnvann ved hjelp av kjemiske analyser og hydrogeologiske metoder
(Master thesis, 2024)Gruvedriften har vært pregende for Folldal kommunen siden 1700-tallet. Gjennom driftsperiodene har det blitt estimert en produksjon på 4,5 millioner tonn med kobber- og svovelkis. Malmen i gruven befant seg i fire separate ... -
How do different shot types perform under hunting conditions? : an examination of data from the Norwegian Hunters and Anglers Associations' Test hunter project
(Master thesis, 2018)The possible effects of replacing lead shot with alternative shot types in shotgun ammunition is an ongoing debate in many countries. Varying restrictions on lead shot use have existed in Norway since 1991, and the recent ... -
How Introducing Flower Meadows in Cities Affect the Diversity of Plant-Bee Interactions
(Master thesis, 2024)Urbanization poses a significant threat to wild bee populations and the pollination services they provide, primarily due to habitat loss and fragmentation. To mitigate these challenges, initiatives such as establishing ... -
How Northern pike’s (Esox lucius) traits, environmental factors, and angler characteristics infuence angling vulnerability explored though an angling experiment in Aremarksjøen
(Master thesis, 2020)Pike angling is a popular activity across large areas of the world. This activity has attained substantial research attention recently demonstrating potential impact on population size and composition, including both ... -
How to best create or restore wild meadows in an urban setting
(Master thesis, 2020)Anthropogenic activities associated with increasing influx of people in cities globally and the capital city of Norway, Oslo, has expansively fragment and decreased urban green space, reducing the connectivity between the ... -
How to efficiently survey floral resource availability and diversity for pollinating insects in semi-natural grasslands
(Master thesis, 2021)Floral resources are the foundation for insect pollinators, on which we in turn rely on for food and ecosystem functioning. Global and regional trends show that insect pollinators become increasingly endangered with ... -
Hva er fuglekikkernes oppfatning av Varanger som fugledestinasjon?
(Master thesis, 2018)This assignment is a study of why birdwatchers go to Varanger and what perception they have of Varanger as a bird-watching destination. Furthermore, the focus is on the extent to which facilitation for wildlife- and bird ...