Browsing Master’s theses (MINA) by Title
Now showing items 163-182 of 780
Effects of boreal forest fertilization on carbon storage and ectomycorrhizal fungi
(Master thesis, 2020)Boreal forests represent a large fraction of the global carbon (C) stock. Increasing attention is given to utilizing these forests in the battle against climate changed driven by increased atmospheric CO2. Part of this ... -
Effects of competition and predation on reproductive success of the European spruce bark beetle Ips typographus in unmanaged vs. managed forests
(Master thesis, 2024)The European spruce bark beetle Ips typographus is a severe pest in mature spruce forests, with the potential to cause widespread tree mortality. Managed forests are suggested to be particularly susceptible to I. typographus ... -
Effects of electrochemical treatment of mixed liquor in submerged ceramic membrane bioreactor
(Master thesis, 2019)Our most valuable and irreplaceable resource is water. Humanity withdraws 3.928 km3 of freshwater per year. Approximately 44% is used for agricultural purposes, the other 56% discharged as wastewater (WW). A large amount ... -
Effects of elevation on the lichen community palatability in an alpine ecosystem
(Master thesis, 2021)Lichens are present in almost all terrestrial ecosystems, and in some of them, they are the main primary producers. Most studies focus on vascular plant communities, even studies on ecosystems where lichens represent an ... -
Effects of forest management history on fine roots and mycorrhizal colonization in Norwegian boreal spruce forests
(Master thesis, 2023)Fine roots play critical roles in carbon cycling in boreal forests. However, they are poorly represented in the studies of forest management effects on forest soil, likely due to the labour- intensive methods of soil ... -
Effects of fork length on the utilization distribution and habitat preferences of anadromous Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in a sub-arctic lake
(Master thesis, 2021)This was an acoustic telemetry study investigating lacustrine habitat utilization of anadromous population of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) located in Storvatnet in Hammerfest multiplicity northern Norway. Arctic charr’s ... -
Effects of gut microbiota composition on vitellogenin expression in honeybees
(Master thesis, 2020)The relationship between animals and their gut microbiota is one of the most important symbiotic relationships in nature. The western honeybee, Apis mellifera, has received particular attention in microbiota research because ... -
Effects of long-term experimental warming on alpine bryophytes : trends in functional traits
(Master thesis, 2019)Functional traits are becoming increasingly important tools to evaluate plant community response to climate change. Artificial warming treatments can shift community-level trait values as a consequence of intraspecific ... -
Effects of long-term experimental warming on fitness, morphology and species interactions of Silene acaulis
(Master thesis, 2020)The global annual average surface temperature has increased significantly during the past century and is predicted to continue rising. Studies have shown that alpine ecosystems can be particularly sensitive to climate ... -
Effects of macrophyte removal on habitat use of brown trout (Salmo trutta)
(Master thesis, 2021)Aquatic macrophytes play an important role in freshwater ecosystems. They are primary producers, promote good water quality, and provide food and habitats for various organisms, including fish. When macrophytes have ... -
(Master thesis, 2023)ABSTRACT The dynamics of plant-microbiome interactions under different stress conditions are important to understand in order to elucidate the mechanisms underlying forest decline and tree mortality. This study aims to ... -
Effects of plant-plant interactions on the performance and abundance of Campanula uniflora in Dovre, Norway
(Master thesis, 2021)Anthropogenic environmental changes cause direct and indirect negative effects on alpine ecosystems. Human activities are accelerating the greenhouse effect and fragmenting and changing habitats. Increased temperature has ... -
Effects of plastic additives on precision cut liver slices (PCLS) from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
(Master thesis, 2019)A vast amount of the plastic we use end up in the ocean and estimates suggest a doubling of plastic in the ocean, to 250 million tonnes by 2025. Plastic contain additives such as phthalates, and these are known to have ... -
The effects of precipitation on parental food provisioning in the barn owls (Tyto alba) breeding in Norfolk, UK
(Master thesis, 2021)Even though scientists have extensively studied the barn owl (Tyto alba), there is limited information on how climatic conditions influence parental food provisioning in barn owls on a local scale. Worsened climatic ... -
Effects of repeated captures on Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhyunchus) : implications for animal welfare and scientific bias
(Master thesis, 2021)Capturing and marking animals is an essential component of wildlife research. However, data gathered using invasive methods may lead to scientific bias and compromise animal welfare. It is therefore important to evaluate ... -
Effects of resource availability on Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) offspring sex ratios
(Master thesis, 2022)The sex ratio of animals at birth has long been a topic of genetic, evolutionary, and biological interest. In polygynous species, mothers in good condition are typically expected to produce more males, while mothers in ... -
Effects of rotational grazing intensity on the quantity and quality of soil organic carbon in Inner Mongolian grasslands
(Master thesis, 2021)The aim of this thesis is to assess the effects of rotational grazing at varying grazing intensity on soil organic carbon (SOC) quantity and quality in Inner Mongolia. People of the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia, ... -
Effects of snowmelt timing, temperature, and soil moisture on flowering phenology and seed set of Dryas octopetala
(Master thesis, 2023)Climate change advances the timing of life-cycle events (i.e., phenology) in plants, especially in cold biomes where the temperatures have increased twice as fast as in other biomes. In cold biomes, warmer temperatures ... -
Effects of spatio-temporal weather conditions in autumn and winter on body mass and behaviour of the high Arctic Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus)
(Master thesis, 2018)There exists large consensus within the research community that climatic changes have a world-wide impact on ecosystems, which is further expected to be most prominent in the Arctic. In these strongly seasonal environments, ... -
Effects of stand structure and stand density on volume growth and ingrowth in selectively cut stands in Norway
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis studied the effect of stand density on ingrowth, mortality, and volume increment in selectively cut stands in Norway. The effects of stand structure on growth were also addressed by determining the size-growth ...