Browsing Master’s theses (MINA) by Title
Now showing items 123-142 of 780
Dewatering of sludge for small scale and decentralized production of biochar
(Master thesis, 2021)Sewage sludge dewatering and drying is one of the major challenges in the current wastewater treatment systems. The current dewatering methods in centralized wastewater treatment plants whether using frame or belt filter ... -
Diet, diel activity and prey handling during food provisioning in the common barn owl (Tyto alba): a comparative study using continuous camera monitoring data from three European countries
(Master thesis, 2024)Even though various aspects of the barn owl’s (Tyto alba) diet and breeding ecology have been extensively studied in the past, high-resolution data on diel activity and prey handling at the nest are still scarce. This study ... -
Diet, diel activity and prey handling in the tawny owl (Strix aluco)
(Master thesis, 2018)I recorded prey deliveries and prey handling using video monitoring at three tawny owl (Strix aluco) nests from late april to late may in 2017, in Akershus county in southeast Norway. I registered a total of 455 prey items, ... -
Diet, diel activity pattern and prey handling of nesting hawk owls (Surnia ulula) as revealed by video monitoring
(Master thesis, 2018)I used video monitoring to record prey deliveries at four nests of the northern hawk owl (Surnia ulula) in southern Norway. One nest was monitored in May 2014, while the three other nests were monitored in May-July 2017. ... -
Diet, diel pattern of prey deliveries and prey handling of nesting urban peregrines (Falco peregrinus) in UK, as revealed by continuous video monitoring
(Master thesis, 2022)The diet, prey handling behaviour and diel pattern of prey deliveries of an urban nesting pair of the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) in Cromer, UK, was studied through continuous video recording at the nest. The study ... -
Diet, prey deliveries and prey handling of nesting golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in Oppland county, Norway, as revealed by video monitoring of four nests throughout the nestling period
(Master thesis, 2020)In this study I used video monitoring of nests throughout the nestling period to study diet, prey deliveries and prey handling of four breeding pairs of golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in Oppland county, Norway. A total ... -
Diet, prey deliveries, and prey handling of nesting urban peregrines (Falco peregrinus) in England, as revealed by continuous video monitoring
(Master thesis, 2020)The peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) is one of the most studied birds of prey. New developments within video recordings, and particularly the use of web cameras at the nest of urban peregrines, has allowed for a more ... -
Differansekontrakter i havvindsektoren: økonomisk påvirkning på investor og offentlige myndigheter
(Master thesis, 2024)Havvind er en fornybar energikilde med et stort potensial, og i Norge har regjeringen gått inn for en storsatsning, der havvindauksjonen på Sørlige Nordsjø II markerer startskuddet. Utbygging av havvind er derimot ikke ... -
Disentangling the drivers of European badger (Meles meles) activity at multiple temporal scales
(Master thesis, 2020)Animals shape their activity in response to several processes that take place at different timescales. It stands to reason that the assessment of activity at multiple temporal scales will enhance the understanding of its ... -
Distribution and habitat change of the critically endangered Kaapori capuchin (Cebus kaapori)
(Master thesis, 2024)The Kaapori Capuchin (Cebus kaapori) is endemic to the eastern Brazilian Amazon and is considered one of the world’s most threatened primates. As the Amazon is shrinking due to human activities and climate change the habitat ... -
Distribution and mobility of 137Cs in soil from the cathcment area of Vefsna
(Master thesis, 2022)The primary source of 137Cs in Norway is the Chernobyl accident, and several decades after the accident, there is still a substantial amount in the environment. The area of Hattfjelldal, within the catchment area of the ... -
Distribution of metals and organic material along a Norwegian river - ocean transect
(Master thesis, 2021)The distribution of metals in aquatic systems is crucial for bioavailability and toxicity. Metals are transported from catchment to oceans through rivers. During this transport, the properties of metals (e.g., charge, size, ... -
Distribution, Age and Growth Dynamics of Scots Pine Recruits on Its Northern Distributional Limit in Norway
(Master thesis, 2023)Growth and age structures of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) at its northern distribution are influenced by both regional climate and microsite conditions. While large-scale trends for stand regeneration and annual growth ... -
Diversity of wild bees in semi-natural grasslands in southeast Norway is related to temperature and amount of edge habitat in the surrounding landscape
(Master thesis, 2021)The declines in diversity and abundance of wild bees are mainly attributed to the intensification of agricultural practices and the resulting loss of semi-natural grassland habitats. Furthermore, the effect of climate ... -
Do juvenile densities in the river Bognelv experience density dependency after river restoration and do the reopened side channel function as suitable nursing areas for juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta)
(Master thesis, 2020)Det eksister ennå usikkerheter rundt den biologiske effektivitet rundt elverestaurering, til tross for mengden litteratur og finansiering som eksister oppgjennom historien. Dette setter lys på viktigheten forskning har for ... -
Does tunnel wash water have an impact on vital rates and displacement of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) in river Årungselva
(Master thesis, 2021)Earlier studies on runoff water from roads and tunnels have demonstrated that such water hold toxic substances that can be harmful to aquatic biota. River Årungselva, which flows into the inner part of Bunnefjorden close ... -
Drivers and consequences of partial migration in an alpine bird species
(Master thesis, 2020)1. Partial migration, where parts of a population migrate between winter and summer (breeding) areas and the rest remain year-round resident, is a common phenomenon across several bird species. However, both drivers and ... -
Drivers for phytoplankton community dominance of nuisance microalga Gonyostomum semen (Ehrenberg) Diesing in two South-Eastern Norwegian lakes : a paleolimnological approach
(Master thesis, 2018)Gonyostomum semen (Ehr.) Diesing has during the last decades expanded its distribution and increasingly started to dominate phytoplankton communities in Northern Europe, and particularly in Scandinavia. Several studies ... -
Drops of Diversity: Vertebrate rainwash eDNA metabarcoding in an Amazonian floodplain forest
(Master thesis, 2024)Extensive research has been conducted along the Medio Juruá River in the western Brazilian Amazon, with vertebrate species being relatively well-documented. However, studies on biodiversity in this region has predominantly ... -
Dry Calcareous Grasslands - Using Monitoring Methods to Detect Effects From Management Actions
(Master thesis, 2023)1. The grim fact is that biodiversity in ecosystems across the globe are rapidly declining due to anthropogenic activities. On the other hand, focus on actions that may halt this loss is on the rise. Ecological restoration ...