Browsing Master’s theses (LandSam) by Title
Now showing items 1021-1040 of 1195
T-banestasjoner : en av hverdagens møteplasser?
(Master thesis, 2020)I likhet med alle andre land må Norge arbeide målrettet for å kutte en vesentlig andel av de årlige klimagassutslippene grunnet klimaendringene. For å imøtekomme utslippsproblematikken ble det i 2012 utarbeidet en nasjonal ... -
Tampen brenner : en rød tretrinnsstrategi for klimatilpasning av norske byers uterom til et varmere klima
(Master thesis, 2020)Klimaet i Norge og verden blir varmere som følge av klimaendringer. I Norge forventer man høyere middeltemperaturer, en økning i antall varme døgn og hetebølgehendelser, samt mer tørke. Samtidig er byer generelt varmere ... -
Taredyrking i Oslofjorden
(Master thesis, 2023)Hvordan kan man planlegge og legge til rette for taredyrking for å bidra til lokal matproduksjon og bedre vannkvalitet i Oslofjorden? Dette er interessant grunnet kritikkverdig miljøkvalitet i Oslofjorden, og en stadig ... -
Taxi operator's perception on environmental levy to curb emissions : a case of motor vehicles in Kampala (Uganda)
(Master thesis, 2023)Climate change and other environmental problems are frequently attributed to social problems and a lack of collective action. The national environmental law was amended in Uganda, and a new environmental tax clause was ... -
Technology Transfer and Domination: Creation and Expansion, Adoption and Elimination
(Master thesis, 2023)The intent of this thesis is to explore possible indicators to the (re)production of dominance in technology transfer to developing countries, through the expandatory and eliminatory implications of scale and the principles ... -
Temporære tiltak som strategisk verktøy i byutviklingen av Hovinbyen
(Master thesis, 2024)Hovinbyen er utpekt i Kommuneplanen “Oslo mot 2030” og i utkastet til planbeskrivelsen av ny arealdel i kommuneplanen “Oslo mot 2040” som et av de viktigste satsningsområdene i Oslo. Strategisk plan for Hovinbyen oppstiller ... -
Terapihage ved Kjeppestad aktivitetssenter
(Master thesis, 2018)I flere hundre år har natur og hage vært brukt i forbindelse med psykisk helsearbeid. Nyere forskning har styrket teoriene om at terapeutisk hagebruk kan ha en positiv effekt ved en rekke tilstander av psykisk uhelse, og ... -
Terapihager for barne- og ungdomspsykiatriske klinikker : case: Pusterommet : en terapihage for ungdomspsykiatrisk klinikk (UK) ved Ahus med omkringliggende terapiløype
(Master thesis, 2019)Psykiske helseplager og lidelser er et økende problem hos barn og unge her i landet. Selv om de aller fleste barn og unge har god psykisk helse, er det stadig flere som faller utenfor og ser det nødvendig å oppsøke ... -
The 2022 Russia-Ukraine War: Implications for Africa
(Master thesis, 2023)This study seeks to examine the far-reaching implications of Russia's war with Ukraine for the African continent. The Russia-Ukraine crisis has not only reshaped the geopolitical landscape of Eastern Europe but also had ... -
The Anatolian Gambit: Turkey’s Quest for Strategic Autonomy
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis research was conducted during an Erasmus exchange at the Turkish National Police Academy. The thesis investigates Turkey's foreign policy over the last two decades, where the last decade has been marked by a ... -
The biofuel rush : beyond operational land deals
(Master thesis, 2023)The biofuel policies of the early 2000s have left behind them a trail of non-operational land deals. As most of these land deals are located in regions and areas with high levels of poverty and a high dependence upon ... -
The county municipality’s role in SDGs implementation: a case study of partnership in Vestfold and Telemark County
(Master thesis, 2022)Regional authority in Norway is given a central role in SDG implementation through the national expectations regarding regional and municipal planning. Nevertheless, national authorities provide few guidelines for how the ... -
The Cyber Challenges to Nuclear Deterrence: Evaluating Pakistan ́s Nuclear Deterrence in a Digital Era.
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis examines the profound impact of cyber-attacks on Pakistan's Nuclear Command, Control, and Communication (NC3) systems, revealing critical vulnerabilities that threaten the stability of its nuclear deterrence ... -
The defiant garden : the prison garden as a healing environment in Norwegian prisons : challenges and opportunities
(Master thesis, 2018)Norway is well known for its humanitarian approaches to criminal rehabilitation and has the reputation of being one of the most progressive countries actively working with the modern prison system. Landscape architecture ... -
The Duality of Digital Standard-Setting: Geopolitical Coopetition in a Multipolar World
(Master thesis, 2023)International standard-setting is increasingly falling victim to geopolitical realities. Especially, the digital domain has recently experienced an upsurge in contention. The traditionally consensus-based arena is running ... -
The Environmental Impact of Wool Yarn from Two Norwegian Sheep Breeds: An LCA Study
(Master thesis, 2023)For decades, the clothing industry is one of the most polluting industries. In recent years the clothing industry has been getting more attention due to its unsustainable practices, especially within fast fashion. The ... -
The European green transition : exploring the sustainability of wood pellets as biomass energy in North Carolina, US
(Master thesis, 2023)The threat of worsening climate change has motivated governments to shape policies towards mitigating the worst impacts by aiming for sustainability. Europe is undergoing a green transition to such ends. Its current iteration ... -
The evolution of international agrobiodiversity governance : exploring institutional effectiveness and the integration of digital sequences information
(Master thesis, 2023)The international biodiversity governance regime is a complex web of policies and regulations that has the potential to address pressing global issues like food security, promoting farmers’ development, or even biodiversity ... -
The impact of the EU Taxonomy on sustainable management of water and marine resources: A case study of Norway
(Master thesis, 2024)Abstract: This thesis examines the influence of the EU taxonomy on sustainability practices among Norwegian businesses in the water and marine sectors. The EU taxonomy, designed to guide investments toward environmentally ... -
The impact of the Ukraine War in Saudi-Iran relations
(Master thesis, 2023)The conflict in Ukraine has cemented its place in the annals of history as a major geopolitical event, impacting global politics like never before and contributing to the shifting of longtime major powers in the process. ...