A clampdown on a public sphere : the impacts of Al-Shabaab terror attacks on the Kenyan media freedom
In October 2011, the Kenya Defence Forces entered Southern Somalia for organized military
operations with a Swahili codenamed “Operation Linda Nchi”, with the aim of capturing the
port city Kismayu and weakening the Al-Shabaab militia group. This was as a result of
kidnappings of foreign tourists in the Coastal Kenya and aid workers. The military operation
however, prompted a domino effect of retaliatory attacks in Kenya by these insurgents. These
terror attacks have resulted into severe impacts in Kenya that have also had an effect on the
Kenyan media, which is characterized as one among the most vibrant and respected medias in
Africa. This thesis aims at exploring the impacts of these terror attacks on the Kenyan media
freedom. It focuses on the three major terror attacks; Westgate Mall, Mpeketoni and Garissa
University attack, which took place in Kenya. It will then look further into the attack that took
place in the Kenya Defence Forces’ camp in El-Adde Somalia. In order to address this study, a
qualitative case study research method was incorporated to gather data regarding these attacks
and how they have had an impact on the media freedom in Kenya. The study reveals that the
Kenyan media is in fact facing a clamp-down in that the impacts of the Al-Shabaab attacks have
had an implication on the media freedom albeit, indirectly. This has been through the string of
anti-terrorism measures stipulated in the Security Law Amendment Act, which was passed into
law by the parliament in 2014. President Kenyatta backed-up these laws as a measure to
improve the country’s security scope in detecting, deterring and disrupting threats to the
national security. The new laws have ignited major debates on the spirit of the Kenyan
constitution regarding freedom of expression due to the significant influence it has on what the
media intends to disseminate and how it disseminates it to the public. The study shows that the
Kenyan media is a principal institution of the public sphere because it has provided an arena
for two-way communication between the citizenry and polity resulting into the building of
public opinion. The thesis further adds that the media in Kenya is an interface between the
people and the state as an instrument in the flow of public information to the people. Thus, the
study argues that the independence of the media and its free access is paramount as a beneficial
factor in representing individuals and gauging democracy within the polity. Therefore, the
thesis contends that the government is required to devise new strategies and measures to wage
war on terror without antagonizing the media operations as it is a key sphere in Kenya.