Browsing Master's theses (IPM) by Title
Now showing items 155-174 of 204
Skogbrannen i Mykland 2008 : effekter på svovel i jord og overflatevann
(Master thesis, 2012-09-03)Økt mobilitet av SO4 2- i jord og en høyere avrenning til nærliggende vannforekomster har blitt observert som en effekt av skogbranner. Grunnen til at dette blir sett på som et problem er at SO4 2- kan lekke ut sammen ... -
Slitasjeskader på vegetasjonen langs Aarmotslepa
(Master thesis, 2012-04-23)Registreringsarbeidet ble utført langs Aarmotslepa som er lokalisert til Haukeli, Vinje kommune i Telemark fylke. Aarmotslepa er et eldre inngrep i lavalpin sone gjennomført av Statkraft Energi AS i forbindelse med ... -
Slitasjeskader på vegetasjonen langs sleper i fjellet
(Master thesis, 2011-10-14) -
Soppsykdommer i juletrær; er beising av frø et aktuelt tiltak?
(Master thesis, 2012-04-20)Norsk juletreproduksjon har de siste årene hatt sterk økning. Det har også ført til uforutsette problemer, da produksjonen i stor grad har skiftet fra vanlig gran (Picea abies) til edelgran (Abies spp.). Dette har ført ... -
Speciation of caesium-137 and plutonium-isotopes in Chernobyl soil
(Master thesis, 2011-11-17)The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (ChNPP) accident (1986) in present day Ukraine, was the first INES level 7 nuclear accident in the history of nuclear power. About 6-8 tonnes of spend uranium fuel were released and the ... -
Speciation of heavy metals and nutrient elements in digestate
(Master thesis, 2011-11-02)Abstract Biogas and digestate constitutes the final products of anaerobic digestion of organic matter in biogas plants. Recycling of nutrients and organic material back to agricultural fields is desirable, and digestate ... -
Spragleflekk : frøsmitte i felt og mulige tiltak
(Master thesis, 2012-05-21)Spragleflekk er en soppsjukdom på bygg som skyldes soppen Ramularia collo-cygni og som har fått økt fokus, ettersom den blir funnet i stadig nye områder. I Norge er sjukdommen spesielt utbredt i Midt-Norge hvor den fører ... -
Spredning av fremmede trær og busker i Nordskogen, Ås
(Master thesis, 2011-10-14)Denne masteroppgaven er en del av prosjektet ”Planter for norsk klima”. I oppgaven ble skogsområdet Nordskogen systematisk undersøkt for å avdekke spredningen av fremmede trær og busker (lignoser). Store deler av Nordskogen ... -
Stabilization of shooting range soil by iron amendments under various redox conditions
(Master thesis, 2013-04-18)Large amounts of lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and antimony (Sb) are yearly deposited in Norwegian shooting ranges. Remediating these heavily contaminated areas for various land use often require depositing the soils ... -
Stauder for ulike typer voksemiljø
(Master thesis, 2011-10-14)Staudebruk og staudenes tilstand er registrert i syv utvalgte anlegg med ulike voksemiljø i Oslo, Akershus og Østfold i Norge, og Göteborg og Kungälv i Sverige. Studien har tatt utgangspunkt i Hansen & Stahls (1993) bok ... -
Supporting elected representatives in the preservation of agricultural land: Suggestions for a methodological guide
(Master thesis, 2012-04-23)Urban sprawl and artificial soil sealing are global phenomena induced by economic and demographic factors, housing preferences, growth of transportation, inner city problems and regulatory decisions. The consequences are ... -
Sustainability of a Decentralized Wastewater Treatment System in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal - Technical and social Challenges
(Master thesis, 2012-04-20)In Southern Asia the proportion of the population without access to improved sanitation facilities (sanitation facilities that “ensure hygienic separation of human excreta from human contact”) is below 50 % (WHO & UNICEF ... -
Sustaining biodiversity in Peach orchards : baseline differences between conventional, low input and organic production systems
(Master thesis, 2014-02-11)Biodiversity is an important aspect of the agroecosystem and provides ecosystem services which can reduce reliance on phytosanitary chemicals. Increased knowledge of the role of biodiversity is needed for alternative ... -
Synshemmedes deltakelse i friluftsliv
(Master thesis, 2011-11-02)Sammendrag Valg av tema Redusert fysisk og mental helse er en utfordring blant mange synshemmede. Problemer de synshemmede sliter med er for eksempel nedsatt balanse og selvrespekt. Det sies også at de synshemmede helst ... -
Synthesis, characterization and uptake study of uranium nanoparticles (UO2 and U3O8) in eggs of Atlantic salmon (Salmo Salar)
(Master thesis, 2012-09-18)Abstract The use of nanomaterial, nanotechnology and the awareness of nanoparticles (NPs) in the environment have escalated in recent years. Uranium (U) is an element frequently used and released to the environment, being ... -
Technological trajectories in plant breeding; constraints to breeding for sustainable agriculture in Europe and Scandinavia
(Master thesis, 2012-04-20)This study aims to contribute to an understanding of the mechanisms underlying technological trajectories in plant breeding. It specifically investigates the potential role of individual plant breeders, markets, institutions ... -
The involvement of light signaling components in thermoperiodic control of shoot elongation in pea (Pisum sativum)
(Master thesis, 2014-02-19)Production of short and compact plants is one of the major challenges in greenhouses. Due to high demand of such plants by the customers, this has been subjected to significant interest in the greenhouse industry, and ... -
The mobility of uranium from U-containing bedrock materials as a function of pH: Implications for tunnel construction
(Master thesis, 2013-09-10)According to amendments made to the Norwegian Pollution Control Act in 2011, naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) is now to be considered as an environmental contaminant, in addition to organic pollutants and ... -
The roles of stakeholders participation in sustainable urban agriculture and land use system in urban and peri-urban areas of Addis Ababa
(Master thesis, 2012-08-21)Urban Agriculture (UA) has the potential for achieving, food sovereignty, food security, and increased quality of life for many people in Addis Ababa. However, urban farming is faced with many barriers such as lack of ... -
The significance of post-harvest maize handling to food sufficiency in subsistence farm households in Aframso; Ejura-Sekyeredumansi District, Ghana
(Master thesis, 2014-02-13)The study concentrated on the role postharvest maize handling in subsistence farm household’s food sufficiency in Aframso, Ejura-Sekyeredumansi District, located in the middle belt Ghana. Maize remains an integral crop ...