Hydro power : which models and procedures in Brazil and in Norway : Ilo 169 and environmental and social impacts in the planning of hydro power plants
Hydro power is a renewable source of energy which is largely appreciated for exploitation. However the exploitation of the water resource may give severe consequences to the environment and the population in the area where a hydro power project is located. This study investigates the regulations and procedures which control the establishment and management of the hydro electric power industry in Brazil and Norway, with the main focus on Brazil. The regulations and procedure in focus are those concerning social and environmental impacts and how these are implemented in the planning of projects, as well as how the ILO Convention No. 169 is included into the planning of hydro power projects, as both Norway and Brazil have signed and ratified the Convention. There are two main cases of
attention in the study using a comparative approach: the proposed Belo Monte project in Brazil and the constructed Alta Dam in Norway. The study seeks to identify the agents involved in the regulation of the industry, how they interact and influence the regulations and the enforcement of them. The research for this study was conducted in Brasilia, Brazil, from the beginning of October 2009 until the end of December 2009, as well as extensive literature study on both Brazil and