Now showing items 781-800 of 1291

    • Land rental as a complementary income source for land-poor youth 

      Holden, Stein T.; Tilahun, Mesfin (CLTS Working paper;6/18, Working paper, 2018)
      Continued high population growth in already densely populated rural areas in parts of Sub-Saharan Africa makes it harder for youth to choose agriculture as their main source of income. We investigate whether near landless ...
    • Land rental markets, investment and productivity under customary land tenure systems in Malawi 

      Lunduka, Rodney Witman (PhD Thesis;2009:3, Doctoral thesis, 2009)
      As customary land tenure remains the predominant model of landholding in rural Africa and land the cornerstone of rural livelihood security, improving land tenure security is often equated with integration of customary ...
    • Land Tenure and Social Relations in Matrilineal and Uxorilocal Societies in Malawi 

      Kambewa, Daimon; Berge, Erling; Khaila, Stanley; Munthali, Alister; Wiig, Henrik (CLTS Report;1/23, Report, 2023-03)
      This paper is about social relations in customary lands for the matrilineal uxorilocal culture of the Lomwe, Nyanja and Yao tribes in Southern Malawi. The study was carried out in the districts of Chiradzulu and Phalombe. ...
    • Land tenure in the highlands of Eritrea : economic theory and empirical evidence 

      Tikabo, Mahari Okbasillassie (Dr.scient.;2003:27, Doctoral thesis, 2003)
    • Land tenure in Tigray : how large is the gender bias? 

      Dokken, Therese (CLTS Working paper;2013:5, Working paper, 2013)
      This study finds that female-headed households have 23% smaller owned landholdings and 54% smaller operational landholdings. Differences in characteristics such as age, labor, oxen and previous divorce explain less than ...
    • Land valuation and perceptions of land sales prohibition in Ethiopia 

      Holden, Stein Terje; Bezu, Sosina (CLTS Working paper;2014:12, Working paper, 2014)
      This study investigates attitudes towards legalizing land sales and Willingness to Accept (WTA) sales prices and compensation prices for land among smallholder households in four different areas in the Oromia and SNNP ...
    • Landbrukseiendommer og jordleie i Rissa kommune 

      Holden, Stein Terje (CLTS Working paper;2016:5, Working paper, 2016)
      Denne artikkelen beskriver eiendomsstrukturen og bruksstrukturen for landbrukseiendommer i Rissa kommune og hvordan disse har endret seg de siste tiår fram til 2013. Den bruker data fra Statens Kartverk og Statens ...
    • Landholding, forest extraction and poverty in Uganda 

      Ainembabazi, John Herbert (PhD Thesis;2012:53, Doctoral thesis, 2012)
      Motivated by a large body of literature that suggests land is a key determinant of livelihood strategies for farm households in developing countries, this thesis offers insights on how the mode of land acquisition at the ...
    • Langsiktige kraftavtaler : hvorfor handles de, og hvordan kan markedet forbedres? 

      Tungland, Thomas Emil (Master thesis, 2012-08-06)
      Strøm er en viktig innsatsfaktor for kraftkrevende industri. Det er derfor viktig å ha forutsigbare strømkostnader frem i tid, slik at selskapene har bedre kontroll på det totale kostnadsbildet. For å handle strøm til en ...
    • Last Planner Systems påvirkning på økonomisk- og miljømessig bærekraft i byggeprosjekter 

      Birkedal, Pontus Fredrik; Bjørneboe, Carl Henrik Eidissen (Master thesis, 2023)
      Masteroppgaven vår er en kvalitativ flere-casestudie i tre entreprenørvirksomheter. Vår studie innebærer å se på bærekrafts muligheter og utfordringer ved anvendelse av Lean Construction verktøyet Last Planner System ...
    • Lean : kontinuerlige forbedringer i Apokjeden Distribusjon AS 

      Lundheim, André; Høgblad, Morten Nergård (Master thesis, 2016-07-29)
      Denne studien har til hensikt å avdekke Lean-arbeidet i en utvalgt bedrift. Apokjeden Distribusjon AS er en del av Apotek 1 Gruppen AS og produserer ferdigpakkede medisiner til pasienter i Norge. Dette produktet skal sikre ...
    • Lean : utbredelsen blant norske produksjonsbedrifter 

      Heien, Vegar-André Aker (Master thesis, 2012-08-06)
      Bakgrunnen for denne studien var å forsøke å avdekke utbredelsen av produksjonsmetodikken Lean blant store, norske produksjonsbedrifter. Hovedformålet med Lean er å skape høyest mulig kundeverdi med minst mulig ressursbruk, ...
    • Lean i den offentlige tannhelsetjenesten i Vest-Agder 

      Hammer, Maria Aune; Stokke, Trygve Rosseland (Master thesis, 2019)
      Dette studiet undersøker hvilke verktøy, kunnskaper og resultater de ansatte i den offentlige tannhelsetjenesten i Vest-Agder sitter igjen med etter implementeringen av Lean i 2016/2017. Ifølge en rapport om den offentlige ...
    • Lean i UNN : oversettelse og implementering av et globalt konsept i en lokal organisasjon 

      Fongen, Olav (Master thesis, 2015-07-29)
      The goal of this master thesis has been to analyze how UNN HF have handled translation and implementation of the global organizational concept that is Lean, including how and in which functional areas the concept is ...
    • Lean og kontinuerlig forbedring i en produksjonsfabrikk 

      Kristoffersen, Sanne Eklund; Nilsen, Desirée Molteberg (Master thesis, 2018)
      The background for this master thesis is to reveal how Lean is used in a large and well-established production company. Stabburet is one of Orkla Foods Norway's factories, located in Fredrikstad and produce a selection ...
    • Lean Service 

      Sarai, Sarbjit Singh (Master thesis, 2016-09-13)
      The purpose of this research paper is to study the potential impact of Lean Management principles on a service-providing company. Lean Management was originally developed for manufacturing companies when it was first ...
    • Lean ved Oslo universitetssykehus : et casestudie av ansattes erfaringer 

      Hoelsæter, Elisabeth (Master thesis, 2016-08-26)
      Utgifter til helsetjenester utgjør en stor andel av offentlige utgifter i Norge. Samtidig øker etterspørselen etter helsetjenester og det er tidvis lange ventetider for å komme til utredning eller behandling. Dette har ...
    • Learning cooperation from the commons 

      Berge, Erling (CLTS Working paper;2/19, Working paper, 2019)
      The paper discusses the link between commons as they might have been used in prehistoric Norway and the rules concerning the exploitation of the commons as found in the oldest known legislation for regions of Norway, ...
    • Learning from man or machine: Spatial aggregation and house price prediction 

      Sommervoll, Dag EInar; Sommervoll, Åvald (CLTS Working paper;2018:4, Working paper, 2018)
      House prices vary with location. At the same time the border between two neighboring housing markets tends to be fuzzy. When we seek to explain or predict house prices we need to correct for spatial price variation. A ...
    • Learning the hard way? : adapting to climate risk in Tanzania 

      Skjeflo, Sofie Waage; Westberg, Nina Bruvik (CLTS Working paper;2014:4, Working paper, 2014)
      We use recent panel data on Tanzanian farm households to investigate how previous exposure to weather shocks affects the impact of a current shock. Specifically, we investigate the impact of droughts on agricultural outcomes ...