Blar i Master's theses (INA) på utgivelsesdato
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Predation on artificial nests in relation to human activity and willow ptarmigan density along landscape gradients in a boreal ecosystem
(Master thesis, 2010-12-16)Sammendrag I et forsøk gjennomført i fem lirypeområder i Midt-Norge fant vi at totale predasjonsrater på falske reir med vaktelegg (Coturnix coturnix) varierte fra 39.8 % til 50.7 % over tre år. De vanligste eggpredatorene ... -
Hvem kjøper skog? : forskjeller fra sentrale strøk til bygd
(Master thesis, 2010-12-27)The main questions in this study are to find out who is buying the forest, and whether there is any difference between central areas and peripheral areas where property structure is quite different. The following ... -
Diet and breeding success of great skuas (Catharacta skua) on Bjørnøya, Norway
(Master thesis, 2010-12-27)The last 40 years there has been a marked increase in the number of Great skuas (Catharacta skua) in Norwegian territory, and it seems as if the core distribution area is shifting, from Iceland and Shetland, northwards ... -
River restoration and habitat improvements in the sub-arctic river Bognelva – effects on anadromous fish
(Master thesis, 2011-02-17)Alterations of watercourses in the form of channelization, dam building and digging of dikes has been ongoing for centuries. This has eliminated much of the vital natural variation found in rivers that is necessary for ... -
Effects of the introduction of Lake Trout (Salvelinus Namaycush) on the Osprey (Pandion Haliaetus) population in Yellowstone National Park
(Master thesis, 2011-03-03)In recent years the number and reproduction of ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) nesting on Yellowstone Lake in Yellowstone National Park (YNP), USA, has been declining. The main hypothesis is that the decline in nesting ospreys ... -
Registrering av diameter i brysthøyde ved hjelp av data fra bakkemontert laserskanner
(Master thesis, 2011-04-14)Målet med denne oppgaven er å teste hvor godt en bakkemontert laserskanner (TLS) registrerer diameter i brysthøyde (dbh) i produksjonsskog. Seks sirkulære prøveflater i Aurskog-Høland kommune, hver på 1000 m2, ble totalklavet ... -
Do nitrogen-fixing legumes affect soil nutrient levels, plant growth or community properties of an alpine ecosystem?
(Master thesis, 2011-04-27)In this master thesis I examine how two N-fixing legume species, Astragalus alpinus L. and Oxytropis lapponica (Wahlenb.) Gay, affect different aspects of an alpine ecosystem in two sites situated along a gradient in ... -
Individually characteristic corncrake Crex crex song reveals long-distance movements within the breeding season
(Master thesis, 2011-04-28)Due to modern agricultural practices, the corncrake is a species of global conservation concern. Mowing of meadows may cause corncrakes to make movements within one breeding season, but such movements are in general poorly ... -
Ecolocical effects of acute oil spills
(Master thesis, 2011-04-28)The coastal ecosystems are under constant pressure from natural and anthropogenic sources. The interactions between organisms and their environment is a complex myriad of changes and responses making impacts from acute ... -
Partitioning of prey for nestlings by female Eurasian kestrels (Falco tinnunculus). Effect of prey type, prey size and brood size.
(Master thesis, 2011-04-28)I used the video recordings from 19 nests of the Eurasian kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) located in south-eastern Norway to investigate allocation of food from parents to nestlings. Prey was both avian and mammalian. The mass ... -
Ørret- (Salmo trutta) og laksunger (Salmo salar) i tre Vestlandselver før og etter bygging av små kraftverk
(Master thesis, 2011-05-02)Utbygging av små kraftverk som kilde til fornybar energi er et politisk satsingsområde i Norge. Miljøeffekter av store vannkraftutbygginger er relativt godt dokumentert, men kunnskap om miljøeffekter av små kraftverk er ... -
Annual variation in the diet of the European shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) at Sklinna, central Norway, and a possible relationship between reproduction and abundance of year class 1-saithe in the diet
(Master thesis, 2011-05-09)Monitoring of seabirds is an important task due to large current environmental and ecosystem changes which have affected many species of seabirds severely through affecting their food supplies. Declines in food supplies ... -
Rødrevens (Vulpes vulpes) vinterdiett: en sammenlikning mellom skog- og landbruksdominert landskap i sørøst Norge
(Master thesis, 2011-07-22)Rødreven (Vulpes vulpes) er en generalist, der dietten varierer med det som er tilgjengelig i de ulike leveområdene og med årstidene. Vinteren er en periode da reven er under hardt press på grunn av økt energibehov og ... -
The influence of reindeer grazing and trampling on newly seeded fields in Finnmark, Norway
(Master thesis, 2011-09-09)In recent years, conflicts between reindeer herdsmen and resident farmers have increased in Finnmark, northern Norway. The causes of these conflicts vary, but one of the major causes is reindeer grazing and trampling on ... -
Effects of fire history on species richness and carbon stocks in a Peruvian puna grassland, and development of allometric equations for biomass estimation of common puna species
(Master thesis, 2011-09-09)High-elevation ecosystems have recently received increasing attention from the carbon financing sector. This has sparked the need for reliable and non-destructive methods to estimate carbon stocks in these ecosystems. The ... -
The relationships between forest structure and red squirrel midden density in Mud Lake study area, Cooke City Basin, Montana.
(Master thesis, 2011-09-09)Whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) seeds are a very important food source for grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) and other species in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Whitebark pine is a long-lived stone pine of ... -
Scale- and growth analysis of Atlantic salmon (salmo salar) caught with a bag net near the River Mandalselva, on the Skagerrak coast
(Master thesis, 2011-10-03)The abundance of wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) has declined since the 1970s. The major reason for the recent decline appears to be increased marine mortality. Before 1970s, the native populations of Atlantic salmon ... -
Intraspecific sperm length variation and two secondary sexual characters in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca)
(Master thesis, 2011-10-03)Spermatozoa are amongst the most variable of all animal cells, varying enormously in size and shape both between and within different species. While interspecific variation in sperm traits over the last decades has been ... -
Habitatbruk og næringsøkologi til fiskearter i et komplekst samfunn med dominans av abbor (Perca fluviatilis)
(Master thesis, 2011-10-03)Denne masteroppgavens formål har vært å klarlegge relativ bestandsmengde, habitatbruk og næringsøkologi til de enkelte artene i fiskesamfunnet i Skasen, i første rekke for å få bedre innsikt i bestandstilstanden til røye ...