Browsing Brage NMBU by Author "Wegge, Per"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Annual variation in breeding success in boreal forest grouse: Four decades of monitoring reveals bottom-up drivers to be more important than predation
Wegge, Per; Moss, Robert; Rolstad, Jørund (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Knowledge of the temporal variation in reproductive success and its key driving factors is crucial in predicting animal population persistence. Few studies have examined the effects of a range of explanatory factors operating ... -
Assessment of LKA 027 Project 250/3: Conservation Activities in Block IV of Yala National Park and Elephant Conservation Conflicts in Handapanagula, Sri Lanka
Wegge, Per; Rajakaruna, Harshana; Wijayasena, M. M.; Asoka, W. A. R. (Professional article, 1996-06)The activities carried out under NORAD LKA 027 project 250/3 in Block IV of Yala National Park were assessed by a four man team in December 1995. In addition to assessing the work carried out under the NORAD project, the ... -
Bilberry seed production explains spatiotemporal synchronicity in bank vole population fluctuations in Norway
Selås, Vidar; Framstad, Erik; Rolstad, Jørund; Sonerud, Geir Andreas; Spidsø, Tor K.; Wegge, Per (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Population fluctuations of small rodents are often synchronized over larger areas (>100 km) than what could be explained by dispersal, suggesting that the synchronizing factor is weather-related and possibly mediated through ... -
CAM 008 IUCN-ORMA : Rural Community Management of Wild Species in Central America - midterm review
Wegge, Per; Smith, David (Report, 1997-04)Amid-term review of Cam 008 "Wildlife Program in Central America" was made during visits to Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama and El Salvador in early December 1996. IUCN/ORMA is doing a satisfactory job in implementing ... -
Cyclic small rodents in boreal forests and the effects of even-aged forest management: Patterns and predictions from a long-term study in southeastern Norway
Wegge, Per; Rolstad, Jørund (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Small mammals, especially microtine rodents, play an important role in the dynamics of boreal forest ecosystems. Even-aged forest management, in which old, semi-natural forests are converted to clear-cuts and culturally ... -
Diversionary feeding of red fox in spring increased productivity of forest grouse in southeast Norway
Finne, Mats Haneborg; Kristiansen, Per; Rolstad, Jørund; Wegge, Per (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Environmental impact assessment of commercial forestry in forest reserves in Chobe District, Northern Botswana
Wegge, Per (Professional article, 1992-03)This report summarizes the conclusions of a four week consultancy undertaken to assess the ecological sustainability of forestry practices in five forest reserves in Chobe district in NE Botswana. The terms of reference ... -
Estimating snow leopard density using fecal DNA in a large landscape in north-central Nepal
Chetri, Madhu; Odden, Morten; Sharma, Koustubh; Flagstad, Øystein; Wegge, Per (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Although abundance estimates have a strong bearing on the conservation status of a species, less than 2% of the global snow leopard distribution range has been sampled systematically, mostly in small survey areas. In order ... -
Evaluering av NORAD's virksomhetsplaner innen miljø og naturforvaltning i Botswana
Wegge, Per (Professional article, 1996) -
Hønsehauk og skogbruk : en gjennomgang av bestandsutvikling, økologi og trusler
Gundersen, Vegard; Rolstad, Jørund; Wegge, Per (MINA fagrapport;2, Report, 2004)1. Hønsehauken blir ofte omtalt å være knyttet til eldre storvokst skog. Nylig ble dens status oppjustert fra kategorien sjelden til sårbar i den norske rødlista, begrunnet med at den er i sterk tilbakegang. Den største ... -
Hønsehauken i skog- og kulturlandskap (2013-2016)
Rolstad, Jørund; Finne, Mats Haneborg; Wegge, Per (NIBIO Rapport, Research report, 2017)Hønsehauken er oppført som "nær truet" (NT) i Norsk Rødliste for Arter 2015. Det antas at arten påvirkes negativt av skogbruk fordi skogsdrift forringer jakthabitat, tilgang på byttedyr, og tilgjengelige reirplasser. Den ... -
Multiple factors influence local perceptions of snow leopards and Himalayan wolves in the central Himalayas, Nepal
Chetri, Madhu; Odden, Morten; Devineau, Olivier; McCarthy, Thomas; Wegge, Per (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Pasture, livestock and biodiversity
Hofman, Kathrin C.; Hussain, Iqbal; Nyborg, Åge; Seim, Veronika; Holand, Øystein; Wegge, Per; Motzfeldt, Ulrik; Abbas, Mohammad (HAINRM report;3, Report, 1998-12) -
Patterns of livestock depredation by snow leopards and other large carnivores in the Central Himalayas, Nepal
Chetri, Madhu; Odden, Morten; Devineau, Olivier; Wegge, Per (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Quantifying livestock losses due to large carnivores and understanding the impact on local people is vital for formulating long-term mitigation strategies. In the large Annapurna-Manaslu landscape (6621 km2) in the central ... -
Snow Leopard and Himalayan Wolf: Food Habits and Prey Selection in the Central Himalayas, Nepal
Chetri, Madhu; Odden, Morten; Wegge, Per (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Snow leopard Panthera uncia predation on livestock and wild prey in a mountain valley in northern Nepal: implications for conservation management
Wegge, Per; Shrestha, Rinjan; Flagstad, Øystein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)The globally endangered snow leopard Panthera uncia is sparsely distributed throughout the rugged mountains in Asia. Its habit of preying on livestock poses a main challenge to management. In the remote Phu valley in ... -
Status and food habits of nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus) in Royal Bardia National Park, Nepal
Khatri, Top B. (Master thesis, 1993)A six months (August 1992 - January 1993) study on the status and food habits of nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus) was carried out in Royal Bardia National Park, south western Nepal. Methods used were questionnaire surveys, ... -
Større leiker i “urskogen” - men ikke mer fugl
Rolstad, Jørund; Wegge, Per; Sivkov, Andrey V.; Hjeljord, Olav; Storaunet, Ken Olaf (Journal article, 2010)Vårens vakreste eventyr er igang - storfugl og orrfugl samles på leikene for å imponere ”damene”. Mange lurer på hvor de kan finne leikene, og skogbruket prøver å ta hensyn til de som allerede er kjent. Men hva er det som ... -
The alternative prey hypothesis revisited: Still valid for willow ptarmigan population dynamics
Breisjøberget, Jo Inge; Odden, Morten; Wegge, Per; Zimmermann, Barbara; Andreassen, Harry Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018) -
Voles and climate in Norway: Is the abundance of herbivorous species inversely related to summer temperature?
Selås, Vidar; Framstad, Erik; Sonerud, Geir Andreas; Wegge, Per; Wiig, Øystein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)For several mammalian species, both population levels and distribution ranges are predicted to change due to changing habitat conditions caused by climate change. A general decrease in the amplitude of small rodent population ...