Browsing Brage NMBU by Author "Sundsaasen, Kristil Kindem"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Fine mapping of a QTL on bovine chromosome 6 using imputed full sequence data suggests a key role for the group-specific component (GC) gene in clinical mastitis and milk production
Olsen, Hanne Gro; Knutsen, Tim; Lewandowska-Sabat, Anna; Grove, Harald; Nome, Torfinn; Svendsen, Morten; Arnyasi, Mariann; Sodeland, Marte; Sundsaasen, Kristil Kindem; Dahl, Sandra Rinne; Heringstad, Bjørg; Hansen, Hanne Hellerud; Olsaker, Ingrid; Kent, Matthew Peter; Lien, Sigbjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Fine mapping of a QTL on bovine chromosome 6 using imputed full sequence data suggests a key role for the group-specific component (GC) gene in clinical mastitis and milk production
Knutsen, Tim; Olsen, Hanne Gro; Hansen, Hanne Hellerud; Kent, Matthew Peter; Nome, Torfinn; Grove, Harald; Olsaker, Ingrid; Sodeland, Marte; Arnyasi, Mariann; Svendsen, Morten; Heringstad, Bjørg; Lewandowska-Sabat, Anna; Dahl, Sandra Rinne; Sundsaasen, Kristil Kindem; Lien, Sigbjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Genetic variants associated with two major bovine milk fatty acids offer opportunities to breed for altered milk fat composition
Knutsen, Tim Martin; Olsen, Hanne Gro; Ketto, Isaya Appelesy; Sundsaasen, Kristil Kindem; Kohler, Achim; Tafintseva, Valeria; Svendsen, Morten; Kent, Matthew Peter; Lien, Sigbjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Genome-wide association mapping for milk fat composition and fine mapping of a QTL for de novo synthesis of milk fatty acids on bovine chromosome 13
Olsen, Hanne Gro; Knutsen, Tim Martin; Kohler, Achim; Svendsen, Morten; Gidskehaug, Lars Halvor; Grove, Harald; Nome, Torfinn; Sodeland, Marte; Sundsaasen, Kristil Kindem; Kent, Matthew Peter; Martens, Harald; Lien, Sigbjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Insertion of an endogenous Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus element into the BCO2 - gene abolishes its function and leads to yellow discoloration of adipose tissue in Norwegian Spælsau (Ovis aries).
Kent, Matthew Peter; Moser, Michel; Boman, Inger Anne; Lindtveit, Kristine; Arnyasi, Mariann; Sundsaasen, Kristil Kindem; Våge, Dag Inge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: The accumulation of carotenoids in adipose tissue leading to yellow fat is, in sheep, a heritable recessive trait that can be attributed to a nonsense mutation in the beta-carotene oxygenase 2 (BCO2) gene. ... -
Molecular genetic differentiation of native populations of Mediterranean blue mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819, and the relationship with environmental variables
Wenne, R.; Zbawicka, M.; Prądzińska, A.; Kotta, J.; Herkül, K.; Gardner, J.P.A.; Apostolidis, A.P.; Poćwierz-Kotus, A.; Rouane-Hacene, O.; Korrida, A.; Dondero, F.; Baptista, M.; Reizopoulou, S.; Hamer, B.; Sundsaasen, Kristil Kindem; Arnyasi, Mariann; Kent, Matthew Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Trans-Atlantic Distribution and Introgression as Inferred from Single Nucleotide Polymorphism: Mussels Mytilus and Environmental Factors
Wenne, Roman; Zbawicka, Malgorzata; Bach, Lis; Strelkov, Petr; Gantsevich, Mikhail; Kukliński, Piotr; Kijewski, Tomasz; McDonald, John H.; Sundsaasen, Kristil Kindem; Arnyasi, Mariann; Lien, Sigbjørn; Kaasik, Ants; Herkül, Kristjan; Kotta, Jonne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)