Browsing Brage NMBU by Author "Strand, Line Tau"
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Afforestation of a pasture in Norway did not result in higher soil carbon, 50 years after planting
Strand, Line Tau; Fjellstad, Wendy Jane; Jackson-Blake, Leah Amber; de Wit, Heleen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Afforestation of marginal cultivated land is an internationally approved climate mitigation strategy, however, with uncertain implications for soil organic carbon (SOC) storage. We examined the effect of forest planting ... -
Carbon stock and geological development of a peatland in Karlshaugen nature reserve
Sklet, Vera (Master thesis, 2019)Carbon stocks of peatlands is of growing interest due to the ability to store large amounts of carbon. To provide data of this subject this master thesis presents results from a study of a peatland within a forest nature ... -
Cation exchange capacity of biochar: An urgent method modification
Munera-Echeverri, Jose L; Martinsen, Vegard; Strand, Line Tau; Zivanovic, Valentina; Cornelissen, Gerard; Mulder, Jan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Biochar, produced through pyrolysis of organic matter, is negatively charged, thus contributing to electrostatic adsorption of cations. However, due to its porous structure and contents of alkaline ashes, the determination ... -
Effect of conservation farming and biochar addition on soil organic carbon quality, nitrogen mineralization, and crop productivity in a light textured Acrisol in the sub-humid tropics
Munera-Echeverri, Jose L; Martinsen, Vegard; Strand, Line Tau; Cornelissen, Gerard; Mulder, Jan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Conservation farming (CF), involving basin tillage, residue retention and crop rotation, combined with biochar may help to mitigate negative impacts of conventional agriculture. In this study, the effects of CF on the ... -
Effect of grazing in Norwegian outfields related to the quantity and quality of soil organic carbon and other soil properties
Ellingsen, Tonje Forsethlund (Master thesis, 2022)Utilization of the outfield for grazing have long traditions in Norway. Not only as a pasture, but also mowed to provide food for the winter (Rekdal & Angeloff, 2021). From 1949 to 1999, grazing in Norway changed from ... -
Effects of conservation farming and biochar on carbon and nitrogen cycling in light textured soils in the sub-humid tropics
Munera-Echeverri, José Luis (PhD thesis;2019:41, Doctoral thesis, 2019) -
Gap formation and dynamics after long-term steady state in an old-growth Picea abies stand in Norway: Above- and belowground interactions
Nygaard, Per Holm; Strand, Line Tau; Stuanes, Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Stand dynamics and the gap initiation prior to gap formation are not well- understood because of its long- term nature and the scarcity of late- successional stands. Reconstruction of such disturbance is normally based on ... -
Litter decomposition rate and soil organic matter quality in a patchwork heathland of southern Norway
Certini, Giacomo; Vestgarden, Live Semb; Forte, Claudia; Strand, Line Tau (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
Norwegian Journal of Agricultural Sciences : comparison of different systems for classification of seven podzolized, sandy soils in southern Norway
Strand, Line Tau (Journal issue, 1995)The 1975 and 1992 versions of Soil Taxonomy, the 1988 version of the FAO-Unesco system, and the 1987 version of the Canadian System of Soil Classification were used to classify seven sandy soils with different degrees of ... -
Ringtest for jord : volumtap, glødetap, pH, P-AL, Mg-AL, Ca-AL, K-HNO3 og Cu-EDTA
Krogstad, Tore; Strand, Line Tau; Lundby, Torbjørn (Research report, 1995-06-06)19 laboratorier i Norge, Sverige og Island deltok i ringtest for jord som omfatter analyser av volumvekt, glødetap, pH, P-AL, Mg-AL, Ca-AL, K-HNO og Cu-EDTA. Kvaliteten på resultatene er på samme nivå som testen i 1994 og ... -
Soil carbon and glacifluvial deposits in the deglaciation landscape of Gausdal Vestfjell
Bøe, Lina (Master thesis, 2018)Glacifluvial deposits and their soil carbon stock and stability have been studied in the deglaciation landscape of Gausdal Vestfjell, Norway. Soil profiles are described and sampled for parent material clast analysis, ... -
Soil organic matter molecular composition and state of decomposition in three locations of the European Arctic
Pengerud, Annelene; Dignac, Marie-France; Certini, Giacomo; Strand, Line Tau; Forte, Claudia; Rasse, Daniel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Increased mineralization of the organic matter (OM) stored in permafrost is expected to constitute the largest additional global warming potential from terrestrial ecosystems exposed to a warmer climate. Chemical composition ...