Browsing Brage NMBU by Author "Strand, Eric"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
A genome-wide association study for harness racing success in the Norwegian-Swedish coldblooded trotter reveals genes for learning and energy metabolism
Velie, Brandon D.; Fegraeus, Kim Jäderkvist; Sole, Marina; Rosengren, Maria K; Røed, Knut; Ihler, Carl Fredrik; Strand, Eric; Lindgren, Gabriella (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
A bitless bridle does not limit or prevent Dynamic Laryngeal Collapse
Fretheim-Kelly, Zoe Louise; Fjordbakk, Cathrine T; Fintl, Constanze; Krontveit, Randi; Strand, Eric (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: Bits have often been incriminated as a cause of upper respiratory tract obstruction in horses; however, no scientific studies are available to confirm or refute these allegations. Clinical signs of dynamic ... -
Dynamic laryngeal collapse associated with poll flexion as a complication of laryngeal tie-forward surgery in 3 harness racehorses.
Vermedal, Hanna; Strand, Eric (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Exercise induced laryngeal obstructions in humans and equines. A comparative review
Fretheim-Kelly, Zoe Louise; Halvorsen, Thomas; Clemm, Hege Synnøve Havstad; Roksund, Ola Drange; Heimdal, John-Helge; Vollsæter, Maria; Fintl, Constanze; Strand, Eric (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Exploring the genetics of trotting racing ability in horses using a unique Nordic horse model
Velie, Brandon D.; Lillie, Mette; Fegraeus, Kim Jäderkvist; Rosengren, Maria K.; Solé, Marina; Wiklund, Maja; Ihler, Carl Fredrik; Strand, Eric; Lindgren, Gabriella (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019) -
Feasibility and tolerability of measuring translaryngeal pressure during exercise
Kelly, Zoe Louise; Halvorsen, Thomas; Heimdal, John-Helge; Strand, Eric; Vollsæter, Maria; Clemm, Hege Synnøve Havstad; Røksund, Ola Drange (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
From horses to humans : a comparative study developing the first protocol for measuring upper airway pressures in exercising humans
Fretheim-Kelly, Zoë Louise (PhD Thesis;2021:44, Doctoral thesis, 2021) -
A genome-wide scan for candidate lethal variants in Thoroughbred horses.
Todd, Evelyn T; Thomson, Peter C.; Hamilton, Natasha A.; Ang, Rachel A.; Lindgren, Gabriella; Viklund, Åsa; Eriksson, Susanne; Mikko, Sofia; Strand, Eric; Velie, Brandon D. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Domestic animal populations are often characterised by high rates of inbreeding and low effective population sizes due to selective breeding practices. These practices can result in otherwise rare recessive deleterious ... -
Genomic measures of inbreeding in the Norwegian-Swedish Coldblooded Trotter and their associations with known QTL for reproduction and health traits.
Velie, Brandon D.; Sole, Marina; Jäderkvist Fegraeus, Kim; Rosengren, Maria K.; Røed, Knut H.; Ihler, Carl Fredrik; Strand, Eric; LIndgren, gabrielle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019) -
Lack of significant associations with early career performance suggest no link between the DMRT3 “Gait Keeper” mutation and precocity in Coldblooded trotters
Fegraeus, Kim Jäderkvis; Lawrence, Chameli; Petäjistö, Katrine; Johansson, Maria K.; Wiklund, Maja; Olsson, Christina; Andersson, Leif; Andersson, Lisa S.; Røed, Knut H.; Ihler, Carl-Fredrik; Strand, Eric; Lindgren, Gabriella; Velie, Brandon D. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-05-10) -
Objektive målemetoder av øvre luftveisfunksjon hos løpshester - minuttvolum, luftstrøms- og trykkmålinger
Sundström, Emma Sofia; Solberg, Kristine (Student paper, others, 2020)Løpshester er avhengig av å ha et velfungerende respirasjonssystem for å kunne prestere maksimalt på løpsbanen. Øvre luftveislidelser er relativt vanlig forekommende, og i diagnostikken av disse benyttes hovedsakelig øvre ... -
Reliability of translaryngeal airway resistance measurements during maximal exercise
Fretheim-Kelly, Zoe; Engan, Mette; Clemm, Hege Synnøve Havstad; Andersen, Tiina Maarit; Heimdal, John-Helge; Strand, Eric; Halvorsen, Thomas; Røksund, Ola Drange; Vollsæter, Maria (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Selection on the Colombian paso horse's gaits has produced kinematic differences partly explained by the DMRT3 gene
Novoa-Bravo, MA; Jäderkvist Fegraeus, Kim; Rhodin, Marie; Strand, Eric; Garcia, Luis Fernando; Lindgren, Gabrella (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Unilateral and bilateral compression of the epiglottis during poll flexion in harness racehorses
Klemsdal, Anna Emilie; Roen, Gina Margrete (Student paper, others, 2020)Objectives: To describe a formerly unknown dynamic disorder of the epiglottis and to attempt to determine the pathogenesis and clinical relevance. Methods: Medical records of Standardbred trotters and Norwegian Coldblooded ...