Browsing Brage NMBU by Author "Solhaug, Knut Asbjørn"
Now showing items 1-20 of 29
Adding far-red light to white LEDs : implications for cucumber seedling morphology, growth, and photosynthesis
Anthony, Emil Joakim Wolff (Master thesis, 2022)Far-red (FR) light (700–800 nm) affects photosynthetic efficiency and regulates shade responses, which influences plant morphology and growth. However, plant responses to FR vary widely between environmental conditions, ... -
Control of rush (Juncus spp.) : an expanding weed in grassland areas in Western Norway
Kaczmarek-Derda, Wiktoria (PhD Thesis;2016:83, Doctoral thesis, 2016)The perennial weeds soft rush (Juncus effusus L.) and compact rush (J. conglomeratus L.) have become an increasing problem in grassland in Western Norway and other European countries with high annual precipitation. Their ... -
Different abscisic acid-deficient mutants show unique morphological and hydraulic responses to high air humidity
Innes, Sheona; Solhaug, Knut Asbjørn; Torre, Sissel; Dodd, Ian C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Effects of artificial ultraviolet B radiation on the macrophyte Lemna minor: a conceptual study for toxicity pathway characterization
Xie, Li; Solhaug, Knut Asbjørn; Song, You; Johnsen, Bjørn; Olsen, Jorunn Elisabeth; Tollefsen, Knut-Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Macrophytes inhabit waterways around the world and are used in hydroponics or aquaponics for different purposes such as feed and wastewater treatment and are thus exposed to elevated levels of UVB from natural and artificial ... -
Effects of temperature and photoperiod on photosynthesis in everbearing strawberry
Rivero, Rodmar Isak; Sønsteby, Anita; Solhaug, Knut Asbjørn; Heide, Ola M.; Remberg, Siv Fagertun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)There is little knowledge about photosynthesis in everbearing strawberry cultivars. We therefore grew three everbearing strawberry cultivars in daylight phytotron compartments at temperatures of 9, 15, 21 and 27°C and ... -
Effekt av ulike lyskilder på planter i kontormiljø
Funderud, Helene (Master thesis, 2016-08-11)For å undersøke hvordan forskjellige lyskilder påvirket vekst hos innendørsplanter i kontormiljø ble det satt opp et forsøk med 3 forskjellige lyskilder. Lysrør, metallhalogen og LED-belysning ble montert i respektive ... -
Elevated air humidity increases UV mediated leaf and DNA damage in pea (Pisum sativum) due to reduced flavonoid content and antioxidant power
Innes, Sheona Noemi; Arve, Louise Elisabeth; Zimmermann, Boris; Nybakken, Line; Melby, Tone Ingeborg; Solhaug, Knut Asbjørn; Olsen, Jorunn Elisabeth; Torre, Sissel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Growth in high relative air humidity (RH, >85%) affects plant morphology and causes diminished response to stomatal closing signals. Many greenhouses are prone to high RH conditions, which may negatively affect production ... -
Erioderma pedicellatum : an ecophysiological study of a globally threatened pioneer lichen on thin spruce branches in old forests
Nilsson, Alexander Ruhs (Master thesis, 2021)Lichen extinction occurs at a fast rate due to human activity, and species yet to be discovered are likely go extinct every year. Many species close to extinction may still be rescued by conservation management based on ... -
Evaluation of the aquatic bryophyte Fontinalis antipyretica for laboratory and field toxicity studies
Dahl, Lina Agneberg (Master thesis, 2021)Fontinalis antipyretica is an ecologically important aquatic moss in boreal streams. Bioassays using this species provide information of effects at the base of the food chain. The present study assessed toxicological effects ... -
Functional characterization of Pseudoidium neolycopersici photolyase reveals mechanisms behind the efficacy of nighttime UV on powdery mildew suppression
Pathak, Ranjana; Ergon, Åshild; Stensvand, Arne; Gislerød, Hans Ragnar; Solhaug, Knut Asbjørn; Cadle-Davidson, Lance; Suthaparan, Aruppillai (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Functional growth analysis of ‘Sonata’ strawberry plants grown under controlled temperature and daylength conditions
Sønsteby, Anita; Solhaug, Knut Asbjørn; Heide, Ola M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)In order to investigate the relationship between environmental conditions and vegetative growth and reproductive development in the strawberry, freshly rooted runner plants of the cultivar ‘Sonata’ were grown in a phytotron ... -
Growth analysis of the everbearing strawberry 'Delizzimo' under controlled temperature and photoperiod conditions
Rivero, Rodmar Isak; Sønsteby, Anita; Heide, Ola M.; Solhaug, Knut Asbjørn; Remberg, Siv Fagertun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022) -
Growth, hydraulic and transcriptomic responses to high air humidity and the involvement of abscisic acid (ABA)
Innes, Sheona Noemi (PhD Thesis;2021:65, Doctoral thesis, 2021)The aerial environment, which includes relative air humidity (RH), temperature, vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and CO2 availability, affects plant growth and development in many ways. The aerial environment determines ... -
Hot water and cutting for control of Impatiens glandulifera
Oliver, Benedikte Watne; Berge, Therese W.; Solhaug, Knut Asbjørn; Fløistad, Inger (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Ornamental jewelweed (Impatiens glandulifera Royle) is an alien invasive plant in Europe. This annual plant often grows in riparian habitats where herbicides are prohibited. Several studies have reported the negative effect ... -
Identification of photoreceptors with functional characterization of photolyase in Pseudoidium neolycopersici
Pathak, Ranjana (PhD Thesis;2021:72, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Powdery mildew caused by Pseudoidium neolycopersici is one of the most destructive diseases, occurring predominantly on greenhouse grown tomatoes, and has gained importance worldwide due to severe economic losses in terms ... -
Impact of UV radiation on plant growth and development in different climatic regimes
Roro, Amsalu Gobena (PhD Thesis;2015:19, Doctoral thesis, 2017-07-06)Ultraviolet (UV) radiation has various effects on the growth, morphology, and biochemical composition of plants. Currently, there is an increasing interest in the manipulation of UV radiation in glasshouses, polythene ... -
Kairomone-assisted trap cropping for protecting spring oilseed rape (Brassica napus) from pollen beetles (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae)
Thöming, Gunda; Solhaug, Knut Asbjørn; Norli, Hans Ragnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)BACKGROUND Pollen beetles are key pests in oilseed rape (OSR) production. These beetles use visual and olfactory cues to locate their host plants at specific phenological stages, hence trap cropping may represent an ... -
Lichen ecohydrology : from water uptake and storage to climate-driven growth rates and distribution patterns
Phinney, Nathan Harris (PhD Thesis;2020:15, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Lichens are optimized to exploit various combinations of hydration sources, such as rain, dew, fog and humid air. Both intra- and interspecific variability in lichen traits reveal the ability to which lichens can acclimatize ... -
Lichen-gastropod interactions : Chemical defence and ecological consequences of lichenivory
Asplund, Johan (PhD Thesis;2010:2, Doctoral thesis, 2010)Herbivory are considered a significant factor regulating plant communities. Some mammals, e.g. reindeers, substantially influence lichen-dominated communities. The impact on lichens posed by invertebrate grazers is less ... -
Linking mode of action of the model respiratory and photosynthesis uncoupler 3,5-dichlorophenol to adverse outcomes in Lemna minor
Xie, Li; Gomes, Tania; Solhaug, Knut Asbjørn; Song, You; Tollefsen, Knut Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Standard chemical toxicity testing guidelines using aquatic plant Lemna minor have been developed by several international standardisation organisations. Although being highly useful for regulatory purposes by focusing on ...