Browsing Brage NMBU by Author "Solberg, Birger"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Analyses of the use of the Norwegian forest sector in climate change mitigation
Sjølie, Hanne Kathrine (PhD Thesis;2011:28, Doctoral thesis, 2011)The forest sector plays important roles in the global carbon cycle. Firstly, the global carbon cycle. Firstly, the global carbon storage in forest biomass and soil is of a considerable size, and the total carbon sequestration ... -
Analyzing aspects of land-use sustainability in Tanzania : current forest degradation, urban charcoal demand, and impacts of future firewood and charcoal consumption
Nyamoga, Greyson Zabron (PhD Thesis;2019:51, Doctoral thesis, 2019)The forest sector plays a significant roles both directly and indirectly in Tanzania. In total 54% of the land area of mainland Tanzania is covered by different types of forests, the main ones being the miombo woodlands, ... -
Can we detect regional differences in econometric analyses of the Norwegian timber supply?
Rørstad, Per Kr.; Solberg, Birger; Trømborg, Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Carbon cycle effects of different strategies for utilisation of forest resources : a review
Trømborg, Erik; Sjølie, Hanne Kathrine; Bergseng, Even; Bolkesjø, Torjus Folsland; Hofstad, Ole; Rørstad, Per Kristian; Solberg, Birger; Sunde, Kathrin (MINA fagrapport;19, Report, 2011)The objective of this report was to review studies of relevance for the Norwegian forest carbon cycle and on that basis, indicate global warming impacts of possible changes in management and utilization of the Norwegian ... -
Choice of technology in less industrialized countries with particular reference to forestry and sawmilling
Solberg, Birger (Rapport (Norges landbrukshøgskole. Institutt for skogøkonomi);1988:3, Doctoral thesis, 1988)An overview is given of existing works regarding choice of technology in less industrialized countries (LIC), with special emphasis on forestry and forest industry projects. Some omportant theoretical aspects regarding the ... -
Determinants of nonindustrial private forest owners' willingness to harvest timber in Norway
Bashir, Altamash; Sjølie, Hanne Kathrine; Solberg, Birger (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In Norway, 84% of the productive forest is privately owned, and these forests dominate the supply of timber to industries. However, during last 80 years, annual forest growth has seen a substantial upsurge while annual ... -
Effects of Income and Price on Household's Charcoal Consumption in Three Cities of Tanzania
Nyamoga, Greyson Zabron; Sjølie, Hanne Kathrine; Latta, Gregory; Ngaga, Y.M.; Malimbwi, R.; Solberg, Birger (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
En analyse av hvilke faktorer som påvirker tømmertilbud blant aktive skogeiere i Norge
Jenssen, Sigbjørn (Master thesis, 2017)Skogsektoren i Norge har alltid vært en viktig næringsgren og bidratt til næringsinntekter i landet. Skogbruket har vært gjennom en sterk teknologisk og driftsteknisk utvikling. Dette har ført til færre arbeidsplasser, men ... -
En analyse av norsk oppfølging av internasjonale beslutninger og anbefalinger knyttet til skogsektoren
Lindstad, Berit Hauger; Solberg, Birger; Trømborg, Erik (MINA fagrapport;4, Report, 2004)En rekke internasjonale politiske prosesser har relevans for skogsektoren, og det foreligger et omfattende sett av beslutninger og anbefalinger fra globale og europeiske prosesser som er ment for nasjonal oppfølging. ... -
En kvantitativ analyse av faktorer som påvirker ungskogpleie-aktiviteten i Trysil kommune
Ødegård, Erik (Master thesis, 2018)Det er viktig å øke ungskogpleie-aktiviteten i Norge, men vi vet lite om årsakene til at såpass mange skogeiere ikke utfører ungskogpleie. Denne situasjonen gjelder også for Trysil kommune. Skogeierne der har lange og ... -
Energy wood from forests—stakeholder perceptions in five European countries
Peters, Dörte Marie; Wirth, Kristina; Böhr, Britta; Ferranti, Francesca; Górriz-Mifsud, Elena; Kärkkäinen, Leena; Krč, Janez; Kurttila, Mikko; Leban, Vasja; Lindstad, Berit Hauger; Pezdevšek Malovrh, Špela; Pistorius, Till; Rhodius, Regina; Solberg, Birger; Stirn, Lidja Zadnik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
Estimating global demand for coniferous sawnwood taking uncertain variables into account
Skjerstad, Svein Harald Frøberg (Master thesis, 2019)This thesis aims at providing new estimates regarding the global demand for coniferous sawnwood. Individual and representative elasticities of demand for the sample of 92 countries that represented 97 % of the global ... -
Evaluating Financing of Forestry in Europe (EFFE) : Country report : Norway
Bergseng, Even; Solberg, Birger (MINA fagrapport;8, Report, 2007) -
The importance of timber prices and other factors for harvest increase among nonindustrial private forest owners
Sjølie, Hanne Kathrine; Wangen, Knut Reidar; Lindstad, Berit Hauger; Solberg, Birger (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Increased harvest is high on the forestry and climate policy agenda in several countries. We explored to what extent private non-industrial forest owners in Norway are willing to increase harvest due to elevated hypothetical ... -
Integrating life cycle assessment and forest modelling for environmental and economic assessment of forest based bioenergy in Norway
Soldal, Ellen (PhD Thesis;2015:11, Doctoral thesis, 2018-12-19)There is a growing interest in bioenergy, both nationally and internationally, due to the increasing emissions of greenhouse gases. The Norwegian forest growing stock is increasing and can be used to produce a range of ... -
Life cycle assessment of mountain forest wood fuel supply chains : case studies from Norway and Italy
Valente, Clara (PhD Thesis;2011:57, Doctoral thesis, 2011)Concerns about the fast growth in greenhouse gas emissions have encouraged several countries to increase their use of renewable energy. According to the EU’s Renewable Energy Directive (RED), 20% of all the energy production ... -
Modelling forest sector impacts of increased use of wood-based bioenergy in Europe and US South
Chudy, Rafał Piotr (PhD Thesis;2019:01, Doctoral thesis, 2019)The European Union (henceforth, EU) is now well on track to meet the 2020 targets for renewable energy production and consumption, and recently a new 2030 Framework for climate and energy has been proposed. The forest ... -
Modelling of uncertainty in the economic development of the Norwegian forest sector
Jåstad, Eirik Ogner; Mustapha, Walid Fayez; Bolkesjø, Torjus Folsland; Trømborg, Erik; Solberg, Birger (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Quantitative forest sector modelling includes many model parameters that are treated as being deterministic in the modelling framework, but are in reality often highly uncertain. Few studies have addressed the impacts of ... -
NorFor : a forest sector model of Norway : model overview and structure
Sjølie, Hanne K.; Latta, Greg S.; Gobakken, Terje; Solberg, Birger (MINA fagrapport;18, Report, 2011)Oppmerksomheten på skogsektorens (dvs. skogbruk og skogindustri) viktige rolle i karbonsyklusen, og derved sektorens muligheter for å avhjelpe klimaproblemet, har økt betydelig de siste årene. Det har imidlertid vært ... -
Ökad användning av bioenergi i Norge – En modelanalys för 2020 - 2065
Freij, Erik Eddie Fredrik (Master thesis, 2017)Norway have adopted several national and international environmental agreement, of which is highlighted as an important part to achieving the environmental agreements. The main subject of this thesis is what significance ...