Browsing Brage NMBU by Author "Sandorf, Erlend Dancke"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Civil War Impacts on Youth Business Groups in Tigray: A Pre-Analysis Plan and Documentation for Ethical Approval by Institutional Review Board at NMBU
Holden, Stein T.; Tilahun, Mesfin; Sommervoll, Dag Einar; Sandorf, Erlend Dancke (CLTS Report;02/23, Report, 2023-08)This is a revised plan for the finalization of the “Youth Groups for Sustainable Development: Lessons from the Ethiopian Model” (Researcher project under NORGLOBAL2, funded by the Research Council of Norway). The project ... -
Climate change and reindeer herding – A bioeconomic model on the impact of climate change on harvesting profits for Saami reindeer herders in Norway and Sweden
Helgesen, Irmelin Slettemoen; Johannesen, Anne Borge; Bostedt, Göran; Sandorf, Erlend Dancke (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
En bedre evalueringsmetode : en studie av relative evalueringsmetoder ved offentlige anbudskonkurranser
Vollen, Stian Lavsen; Hohle, Niels Fredrik Brandvol (Master thesis, 2021)Dette masterprosjektet omhandler offentlige virksomheters bruk av relative evalueringsmetoder i tilbudsevaluering. Offentlig sektor handler varer og tjenester for enorme beløp årlig. Samtidig er det et politisk ønske om å ... -
Obfuscation maximization-based decision-making: Theory, methodology and first empirical evidence
Chorus, Caspar; van Cranenburg, Sander; Daniel, Aemiro Melkamu; Sandorf, Erlend Dancke; Sobhani, Anae; Szép, Teodóra (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Theories of decision-making are routinely based on the notion that decision-makers choose alternatives which align with their underlying preferences—and hence that their preferences can be inferred from their choices. In ... -
Ponderous, Proficient or Professional? Survey Experience and Smartphone Effects in Stated Preference Research
Sandorf, Erlend Dancke; Grimsrud, Kristine; Lindhjem, Henrik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022) -
Prosessforbedring av rapporteringsflyten i et private equity-selskap : en beskrivende og eksplorativ casestudie
Dahl, Emilie Sigmond; Fleischer, Emilie Nyhus (Master thesis, 2022)Verden endrer seg raskere i dag enn hva den noen gang har gjort tidligere. Det som fungerte bra i går, fungerer kanskje ikke i dag, og mye av det som fungerer i dag, fungerer kanskje ikke i morgen. For å lykkes i en verden ... -
Recycling as a private contribution to a public good : the effect of consistent and inconsistent information on the recycling decision
Sandorf, Erlend Dancke (Master thesis, 2012-06-19)The purpose of this thesis is to look at the effect of information in the voluntary private provision of public goods when this information is consistent or inconsistent with prior beliefs. The thesis develops a model ... -
Stakeholder perceptions towards sustainable shrimp aquaculture in Vietnam
Bui, Bich Xuân; Sandorf, Erlend Dancke; Quach, Ngoc (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Willingness to adopt improved shrimp aquaculture practices in Vietnam
Ngoc, Quach Thi Khanh; Bui, Bich Xuân; Sandorf, Erlend Dancke; Phong, Truong Ngoc; Trung, Luong Cong; Hien, Tang Thi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The shrimp industry plays a leading role in aquaculture development in Vietnam. Currently, the government is running a credit subsidy program to support farmers investing in improved production methods. This paper aimed ...