Browsing Brage NMBU by Author "Saltnes, Torgeir"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Nitrogen removal in the Hias Process with a side-stream nitrification reactor
Nilsen, Erlend (Master thesis, 2021)The Hias Process, developed by Hias IKS and Hias How2O, is an enhanced biological phosphorus removal process based on the moving bed biofilm reactor technology. The Hias Process has already shown results for efficient ... -
Sluttpolering etter Hias-prosessen : et pilotforsøk med to-media sandfilter
Peistorpet, Emma (Master thesis, 2022)Denne masteroppgaven er skrevet i samarbeid med Hias IKS. Et pilotanlegg ble etablert på Hias renseanlegg i Stange kommune. Pilotanlegget bruker renset avløpsvann hentet fra siste trinn i nåværende renseprosess, diskfilterparken. ... -
Spatial fractionation of phosphorus accumulating biofilm: stratification of polyphosphate accumulation and dissimilatory nitrogen metabolism
Villard, Didrik; Saltnes, Torgeir; Sørensen, Gjermund; Angell, Inga Leena; Eikås, Sondre; Johansen, Wenche; Rudi, Knut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Spatiotemporal succession of phosphorous accumulating biofilms during the first year of establishment
Villard, Didrik; Goa, Inger Andrea Nesbø; Angell, Inga Leena; Eikaas, Sondre; Saltnes, Torgeir; Johansen, Wenche; Rudi, Knut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Transcriptional profiling elucidates biofilm functionality in the dynamic environment of an enhanced biological phosphorus removal reactor
Villard, Didrik; Snipen, Lars-Gustav; Rudi, Knut; Branders, Sverre; Saltnes, Torgeir; Eikås, Sondre; Johansen, Wenche (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Recently, biofilms, complex and dynamic structures of microorganisms, have been applied to enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR), a wastewater treatment configuration dependent on cyclic shifts between anaerobic ...