Browsing Brage NMBU by Author "Salte, Ragnar"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Effekt av fôring fra tre måneders alder og fram til påvist drektighet på melkeytelse og holdbarhet i første og andre laktasjon for NRF-kviger.
Kaldahl, Øystein Haga (Master thesis, 2016-06-06)Denne masteroppgaven består av en teoridel og en egen undersøkelse. Teoridelen tar for seg relevant litteratur omkring utvikling av jurvev og framfôring av kviger til ei god mjølkeku. Den egne undersøkelsen ser på effekten ... -
Long-term effects of prior diets, dietary transition and pregnancy on adipose gene expression in dairy heifers
Wærp, Hilde Kristine Lyby; Waters, Sinead M; McCabe, Matthew S; Cormican, Paul; Salte, Ragnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Rearing Norwegian Red heifers : growth and effects on subsequent milk production of primiparous cows
Storli, Kristin Sivertsen (PhD Thesis;2015:48, Doctoral thesis, 2019-01-07)The thesis is part of a larger research project aiming to determine the impact of calf and youngstock development on dairy cow production and profitability. Paper I utilized field data to find a more marginal effect of ... -
Rearing of Norwegian Red replacement heifers : effect of growth rates on lifetime production and profitability
Sommerseth, Jon Kristian (PhD thesis;2018:62, Doctoral thesis, 2018)This thesis is part of a larger research project aimed at assessing the impact of calf and youngstock development on dairy cow production and profitability. The rearing of Norwegian Red replacement heifers is largely ... -
Rearing of Norwegian Red replacement heifers; Short- and long-term effects of dietary energy and protein levels on growth characteristics and adipose tissue gene expression
Wærp, Hilde Kristine Lyby (PhD thesis;Thesis number 2019:12, Doctoral thesis, 2019)This thesis is part of a larger research project aimed at assessing the impact of calf and youngstock development on dairy cow production and profitability. The potential impact of heifer growth on future milk yield has ... -
RNA-seq analysis of bovine adipose tissue in heifers fed diets differing in energy and protein content
Wærp, Hilde Kristine Lyby; Waters, Sinead M; McCabe, Matthew S; Cormican, Paul; Salte, Ragnar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
The relationship between Norwegian Red heifer growth and their first-lactation test-day milk yield: A field study
Storli, Kristin S.; Klemetsdal, Gunnar; Volden, Harald; Salte, Ragnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017) -
Variables affecting herd average lifetime short-run profit in a sample of Norwegian dairy herds
Sommerseth, Jon Kristian; Klemetsdal, Gunnar; Hansen, Bjørn Gunnar; Salte, Ragnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)