Browsing Brage NMBU by Author "Rukke, Elling-Olav"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Characterization of Oxidative Stability of Fish Oil- and Plant Oil-Enriched Skimmed Milk
Saga, Linda; Kristinova, Vera; Kirkhus, Bente; Jacobsen, Charlotte; Skaret, Josefine; Liland, Kristian Hovde; Rukke, Elling-Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013) -
Co-fermentation Involving Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Lactobacillus Species Tolerant to Brewing-Related Stress Factors for Controlled and Rapid Production of Sour Beer
Dysvik, Anna; Leanti La Rosa, Sabina; Liland, Kristian Hovde; Myhrer, Kristine S.; Østlie, Hilde Marit; De Rouck, Gert; Rukke, Elling-Olav; Westereng, Bjørge; Wicklund, Trude (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Increasing popularity of sour beer urges the development of novel solutions for controlled fermentations both for fast acidification and consistency in product flavor and quality. One possible approach is the use of ... -
Effect of freezing temperatures and time on mineral balance, particle size, rennet and acid coagulation of casein concentrates produced by microfiltration
Mohamed, Sara Mohamed Gaber; Johansen, Anne-Grethe; Schüller, Reidar Barfod; Devold, Tove Gulbrandsen; Rukke, Elling-Olav; Skeie, Siv Borghild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Effekt av ulike emballasjematerialer på kvaliteten til Stabburet sin "fersk leverpostei" under kjølelagring ved 4´C
Sjaastad, Trine (Master thesis, 2016-09-30)Siden andre verdenskrig har plastproduksjonen og bruken av plast økt drastisk. Omtrent 7% av dagens forbruk av petroleum kan knyttes til plast og plastproduksjon. I et miljøperspektiv kan det være hensiktsmessig å redusere ... -
Effekt av vasketid på kjemisk-, fysisk- og mikrobiell renhet av keramiske MF-membraner og sensitiviteten til Lactococcus lactis spesifikke bakteriofager ovenfor alkaliske vaskemidler
Lønvik, Morten (Master thesis, 2019)En god rengjøring av MF-membraner er viktig for å sikre trygg produksjon av fraksjoner av melk og kjernemelk. Hensikten med denne oppgaven var å undersøke effekten ulike råstoffer og vaskeprosedyrer hadde på den kjemiske-, ... -
Ex Vivo Digestion of Milk from Red Chittagong Cattle Focusing Proteolysis and Lipolysis
Islam, Mohammad Ashiqul; Ekeberg, Dag; Rukke, Elling-Olav; Vegarud, Gerd Elisabeth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014) -
Exploring dry-film ftir spectroscopy to characterize milk composition and subclinical ketosis throughout a cow’s lactation
Rachah, Amira; Reksen, Olav; Tafintseva, Valeria; Stehr, Felicia Judith Marie; Rukke, Elling-Olav; Prestløkken, Egil; Martin, Adam Dunstan; Kohler, Achim; Afseth, Nils Kristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Exploring Dry-Film FTIR Spectroscopy to Characterize Milk Composition and Subclinical Ketosis throughout a Cow’s Lactation
Rachah, Amira; Reksen, Olav; Tafintseva, Valeria; Stehr, Felicia Judith Marie; Rukke, Elling-Olav; Prestløkken, Egil; Martin, Adam Dunstan; Kohler, Achim; Afseth, Nils Kristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The use of technologies for measurements of health parameters of individual cows may ensure early detection of diseases and maximization of individual cow and herd potential. In the present study, dry-film Fourier transform ... -
Factors influencing the processing quality of potatoes : development of analytical tools for process monitoring and optimization
Helgerud, Trygve (PhD Thesis;2015:30, Doctoral thesis, 2017-11-30)Potatoes are notoriously heterogeneous, and manufacturers of processed potato products are therefore faced with a number of challenges during processing. The motivation behind this thesis is to reduce waste and cut production ... -
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) for detection and quantification of milk components for cattle health monitoring
Stehr, Felicia Judith Marie (Master thesis, 2017)Antallet automatiske melkesystemer (AMS-er) har økt jevnt de siste årene på grunn av større besetninger og høyere krav til effektivitet. Med et AMS kan kua velge når og hvor ofte hun vil melkes. Ulike målinger av kua og ... -
Fysisk og kjemisk karakterisering av tomatpuré til Idun Tomatketchup
Pedersen, Aleksander Lyngved (Master thesis, 2017-05-19)Totalt ti batcher med tomatpuré fra tre ulike tomatpuréprodusenter ble undersøkt med formålet å avdekke hvordan variasjoner i tomatpuré påvirker Idun Tomatketchup, og hvordan produksjonsutstyret til Idun håndterer denne ... -
Kvalitet på rømme : effekt av pulveranrikning og eksopolysakkaridproduserende syrekultur
Bacha, Karima Eid (Master thesis, 2019)Kvalitetsegenskapene til rømme anriket med forskjellige melkepulver og syrekulturer ble undersøkt for å øke forståelsen av rømmes kjemiske, reologiske og sensoriske egenskaper. Hensikten med oppgaven var å undersøke effekten ... -
Local food entrepreneurs in Norway : case studies on successful practices for network learning and market development
Hersleth, Stine Alm (PhD Thesis;2023:23, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Local food has been compared to a "quiet culinary revolution" in Norway, one initiated by a governmental strategy more than 20 years ago. The aim was to provide more local specialtiesꟷ"food and drink products with a ... -
Manufacture and characterization of acid-coagulated fresh cheese made from casein concentrates obtained by acid diafiltration
Mohamed, Sara Mohamed Gaber; Johansen, Anne-Grethe; Devold, Tove Gulbrandsen; Rukke, Elling-Olav; Skeie, Siv Borghild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
Microbial dynamics in traditional and modern sour beer production
Dysvik, Anna; Leanti La Rosa, Sabina; de Rouck, Gert; Rukke, Elling-Olav; Westereng, Bjørge; Wicklund, Trude (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020) -
Minimizing photooxidation in dairy products by tailor made light barrier properties in packaging materials
Intawiwat, Natthorn (PhD Thesis;2011:47, Doctoral thesis, 2011)Photooxidation is one of the major causes of food quality deterioration. Packaging is a common tool to protect against light and consequently prolong the shelf life of food. Transparent packaging materials are being widely ... -
Minor acidification of diafiltration water using various acidification agents affects the composition and rennet coagulation properties of the resulting microfiltration casein concentrate
Mohamed, Sara Mohamed Gaber; Johansen, Anne-Grethe; Devold, Tove Gulbrandsen; Rukke, Elling-Olav; Skeie, Siv Borghild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Modern sour beer production : mixed fermentations with yeast and lactic acid bacteria
Dysvik, Anna (PhD Thesis;2019:104, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Traditional sour beers are produced by spontaneous, mixed fermentations where numerous yeast and bacterial species are involved. One of the traits that separate sour beers from other beers is the high concentration of ... -
Processing of high-protein yoghurt - A review
Jørgensen, Camilla Elise; Abrahamsen, Roger K.; Rukke, Elling-Olav; Hoffmann, Tom Kristian; Johansen, Anne-Grethe; Skeie, Siv Borghild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Protein fractionation by microfiltration in high-protein yogurt processing
Jørgensen, Camilla Elise (PhD Thesis;2017:58, Doctoral thesis, 2017)The main objective of the work presented in this thesis was to investigate the optimization of the microfiltration (MF) process in the production of high-protein yogurts (≥ 5.6% protein). High-protein yogurts have gained ...