Browsing Brage NMBU by Author "Nybakken, Line"
Now showing items 1-20 of 47
Blir miljøkriteriene for tilskuddsordningen overholdt ved gjødsling av skog?
Solli, Sander Strømsborg (Master thesis, 2020)Regjeringen ønsket i Stortingsmeldingen fra 2016 å øke karbonlageret i skogen og i tillegg øke tilgangen til miljøvennlige byggematerialer og råstoff. Flere tiltak ble foreslått og Regjeringen bevilget penger på statsbudsjettet ... -
Burial of downed logs from vegetation covering and its effect on wood decomposition
Aarø, Ida (Master thesis, 2017)As dead trees fall to the ground and becomes woody debris (WD) it gradually buries by ground vegetation growing on the forest floor. The rate of the burial process can affect the decomposition of the WD, and thereby affect ... -
Challenging conventional carbon wisdom : a climate driven vegetation shift from spruce to beech may not change the size of the carbon pool in southeast Norwegian forest soils
Ransedokken, Yngvild (Master thesis, 2016-08-31)Forest soils represents the largest terrestrial carbon (C) pool and thus play a critical role in the global C cycle. Predicted climate change is expected to change the size of forest soil C pools by driving a shift in ... -
Compositional Changes in Foliage Phenolics with Plant Age, a Natural Experiment in Boreal Forests
Wam, Hilde Karine; Stolter, Caroline; Nybakken, Line (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The composition of plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) extensively impacts ecosystem functioning. It is vital that we understand temporal patterns in the plants’ allocation of resources to PSMs, particularly those influenced ... -
Condensed tannins in senesced foliage and soil organic layer in response to fertilization in boreal forest ecosystem
Ferdous, Zannatul (Master thesis, 2021)Anthropogenic nitrogen deposition rate in boreal forests increased over the last century and significantly impacted many parts of these ecosystems. Boreal forests contain a large amount of carbon (C), and nitrogen (N) is ... -
Contrasting impact of whole-tree-harvesting on chemical quality of plant foliage in coastal versus inland forest
Fjære, Sigmund; Clarke, Nicholas; Nybakken, Line; Wam, Hilde K (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Decomposition of Beech and Spruce Litter in Neighbouring Beech and Spruce Forests
Verne, Ingrid Kleppenes (Master thesis, 2017)Climate change is expected to cause a transformation from spruce to beech dominated forests in a large part of southeast Norway. A shift in dominating tree species may have a large effect on the factors controlling the ... -
Effect of nitrogen fertilization on decomposition in boreal forest
Subedi, Puspa (Master thesis, 2021)Anthropogenic activities have resulted in escalating deposition of nitrogen in many forms that impact several aspects of ecosystem especially lying on boreal region where N is a limiting factor for tree growth. Although N ... -
Effects of boreal forest fertilization on carbon storage and ectomycorrhizal fungi
Hauken, Karsten Nordal (Master thesis, 2020)Boreal forests represent a large fraction of the global carbon (C) stock. Increasing attention is given to utilizing these forests in the battle against climate changed driven by increased atmospheric CO2. Part of this ... -
Effekt av grisetangekstrakt (Ascophyllum nodosum) og silisium på rotvekst, næringsstatus og vitalitet ved planting av norsk gran (Picea abies)
Sæthershagen, Bjørnar (Master thesis, 2021)Norge ligger i det boreale barskogbeltet hvor norsk gran (Picea abies) dominerer og utgjør i underkant av 50 % av den norske skogen. Gjennom norsk lov er det lagt til rette for bærekraftig utnyttelse av skogen som ressurs. ... -
Effekt av markberedning, næringsstatus og kortdagsbehandling ved planting av gran (Picea abies)
Løken, Simen (Master thesis, 2016-09-01)Planting after clearcutting is the most common establishment method when establishing Norway spruce (Picea abies) in Norwegian forestry, and during 2015 it was planted about 31,3 mill. seedlings, distributed on 17 200 ha. ... -
Effekt av skoggjødsling på det kjemiske forsvaret hos gran (Picea abies)
Selmer, Ruben Nikolai (Master thesis, 2018)For at Norge skal nå målene i klimameldingen har staten gitt tilskudd til skoggjødsling som et av flere virkemidler. Innen skogbruket har gjødsling blitt godt mottatt og blitt en av de mest lønnsomme investeringene etter ... -
Elevated air humidity increases UV mediated leaf and DNA damage in pea (Pisum sativum) due to reduced flavonoid content and antioxidant power
Innes, Sheona Noemi; Arve, Louise Elisabeth; Zimmermann, Boris; Nybakken, Line; Melby, Tone Ingeborg; Solhaug, Knut Asbjørn; Olsen, Jorunn Elisabeth; Torre, Sissel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Growth in high relative air humidity (RH, >85%) affects plant morphology and causes diminished response to stomatal closing signals. Many greenhouses are prone to high RH conditions, which may negatively affect production ... -
Establishment of spruce plantations in native birch forests reduces soil fungal diversity
Danielsen, Jørgen Skyrud; Morgado, Luis; Mundra, Sunil; Nybakken, Line; Davey, Marie Louise; Kauserud, Håvard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Fertilization of Norway spruce forest with wood ash and nitrogen affected both tree growth and composition of chemical defence
Hanssen, Kjersti Holt; Asplund, Johan; Clarke, Nicholas; Selmer, Ruben; Nybakken, Line (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)We fertilized a Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stand on rich mineral soil with 3 t ha−1 of wood ash (ASH), 150 kg ha−1 of nitrogen (N) or a combination of wood ash and nitrogen (ASH + N), in addition to unfertilized ... -
Flekkbarking av furu (Pinus sylvestris L.) : effekter på vedens kjemiske forsvar og råteresistens
Vereide, Even (Master thesis, 2020)Flekkbarking av furu (Pinus sylvestris) utløser en reaksjon i treet som gjør at yteveden blir mer holdbar mot nedbrytere. Observasjoner av flekker på tømmervegger tyder på at flere av Norges eldre bygninger er bygget av ... -
Foliar phenols in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) seedlings of six European provenances from a latitudinal gradient grown in three common gardens in Norway
Steen, Johanna Sætherø (Master thesis, 2020)With progressive climate change, the total concentration and composition of the chemical defense in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is likely to change, which might impact its fitness and ability to establish beyond ... -
Fungal community dynamics across a forest–alpine ecotone
Tonjer, Lea-Rebekka; Thoen, Ella; Morgado N, Luis; Botnen, Synnøve; Mundra, Sunil; Nybakken, Line; Bryn, Anders; Kauserud, Håvard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Harvesting history affects soil respiration and litterfall but not overall carbon balance in boreal Norway spruce forests
Madsen, Rieke Lo; Asplund, Johan; Nybakken, Line; Kjønaas, O. Janne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025) -
Historical and contemporary drivers of organic soil and charcoal carbon stocks in boreal forests
Haukenes, Vilde Lytskjold (PhD Thesis;2024:71, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Boreal forests are evergreen landscapes that store vast amounts of carbon belowground in the form of soil organic carbon (SOC). These ecosystems act as carbon (C) sinks in their natural state as long as temperatures ...