Browsing Brage NMBU by Author "Newberry, Ruth C."
Now showing items 1-20 of 27
Aggressiveness as a latent personality trait of domestic dogs: testing measurement invariance and local independence
Goold, Conor Michael; Newberry, Ruth C. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Studies of animal personality attempt to uncover underlying or “latent” personality traits that explain broad patterns of behaviour, often by applying latent variable statistical models (e.g., factor analysis) to multivariate ... -
Assessment of Boxes as a Source of Environmental Enrichment for Broiler Chickens
Sagedal, Christine (Master thesis, 2017)Additions to the environment (e.g. by provision of resources such as different structures and litter materials) could improve both the physical and psychological well- being of commercial broiler chickens. This study aimed ... -
The contribution of environmental enrichment to sustainable poultry production
Estevez, Inma; Newberry, Ruth C. (Chapter, 2017)Environmental enrichment comprises stimuli added to the poultry housing environment to enhance the biological adaptation of the birds and improve their welfare. By promoting species-typical behavior, it has the potential ... -
Developing a novel welfare assessment tool for loose-housed laying hens – the Aviary Transect method
Vasdal, Guro; Marchewka, Joanna; Newberry, Ruth C.; Estevez, Inma; Kittelsen, K (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Early mother-young interactions in domestic sows - Nest-building material increases maternal investment
Rosvold, Ellen Marie; Newberry, Ruth C.; Andersen, Inger Lise (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Nest building is important in sow preparation for motherhood. However, straw or other bulky materials can block drains, and a finer-grained material such as peat is of interest as an alternative. The main aim of this study ... -
Effect of environmental complexity and stocking density on fear and anxiety in broiler chickens
Anderson, Mallory G.; Campbell, Andrew M.; Crump, Andrew; Arnott, Gareth; Newberry, Ruth C.; Jacobs, Leonie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Exploring dog ownership in the lives of people with substance use disorder: a qualitative study
Kerr-Little, Andi; Bramness, Jørgen Gustav; Newberry, Ruth C.; Biong, Stian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Recovery from substance use is commonly seen as a process of integrating social relationships and creating a sense of meaning in one’s life. Dog owners describe a close relationship with their dog that impacts ... -
ISAE 2019 Animal Lives Worth Living Proceedings of the 53rd Congress of the ISAE 5th–9th August, 2019 Bergen, Norway
Newberry, Ruth C.; Braastad, Bjarne Olai (Book, 2019)See -
Miljøberikelse i form av ulike rotematerialer til avvente smågris : effekter på aktivitetsbudsjett
Pedersen, Signe Helen (Master thesis, 2019)Tidligere forsøk viser at rotematerialer fungerer godt som miljøberikelser på gris for å øke utforskende atferd, redusere frykt, aggresjon og stereotypiske atferder. Miljøberikelser kan defineres som en modifikasjon av ... -
Mjølfôr med høy norskandel for broilere sammenlignet med pelletert fôr og dens effekt på tilvekst
Penev, Tony (Master thesis, 2020)Mjølfôr er et spennende alternativ til konvensjonelle pellets. På mange måter spiller denne formen på mange av styrkene som er unike hos fjørfe. Blant annet med å stimulere broilernes krås. Dette forsøket er basert på et ... -
Modelling personality, plasticity and predictability in shelter dogs
Goold, Conor Michael; Newberry, Ruth C. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Behavioural assessments of shelter dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) typically comprise standardized test batteries conducted at one time point, but test batteries have shown inconsistent predictive validity. Longitudinal ... -
Nest-building behaviour and activity budgets of sows provided with different materials
Rosvold, Ellen Marie; Newberry, Ruth C.; Framstad, Tore; Andersen, Inger Lise (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Domestic sows are still highly motivated to build a nest before farrowing. Many pig houses have slurry systems that do not allow use of long straw or other bulky materials that could block the drains, which provides an ... -
On-farm broiler chicken welfare assessment using transect sampling reflects environmental inputs and production outcomes
BenSassi, Neila; Vas, Judit; Vasdal, Guro; Averos, Xavier; Estevez, Inma; Newberry, Ruth C. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)To evaluate the utility of transect sampling for assessing animal welfare in large chicken flocks, we quantified relationships between environmental inputs, welfare problems detected using transect sampling, and production ... -
Oxytocin levels and self-reported anxiety during interactions between humans and cows
Berget, Bente; Uvnäs-Moberg, Kerstin; Newberry, Ruth C.; Vas, Judit; Pedersen, Gunn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Play behaviour reduced by environmental enrichment in fast-growing broiler chickens
Liu, Zhenzhen; Torrey, Stephanie; Newberry, Ruth C.; Widowski, Tina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Prenatal and early postnatal behavioural programming in laying hens, with possible implications for the development of injurious pecking
Newberry, Ruth C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Rewarding memories? Behaviour of broiler chickens towards peat in flocks with and without previous exposure to peat
Vas, Judit; BenSassi, Neila; Vasdal, Guro; Newberry, Ruth C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Slow-growing broilers are healthier and express more behavioural indicators of positive welfare
Rayner, Ann C.; Newberry, Ruth C.; Vas, Judit; Mullan, Siobhan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Broiler chicken welfare is under increasing scrutiny due to welfare concerns regarding growth rate and stocking density. This farm-based study explored broiler welfare in four conditions representing commercial systems ... -
Social Interaction with an “Unidentified Moving Object” Elicits A-Not-B Error in Domestic Dogs
Gergely, Anna; Compton, Anna B.; Newberry, Ruth C.; Miklósi, Ádám (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
The effects of environmental enrichments, group size and confinement length on play behaviour in juvenile Norwegian dairy goats (Capra hircus)
Holt, Regine Victoria (Master thesis, 2018)Lek blir ofte betraktet som en indikator på god velferd i unge pattedyr siden det sjelden forekommer under vanskelige forhold. Det vil derfor være nyttig å vite hvordan endringer i noen normale produksjonsforhold påvirker ...