Browsing Brage NMBU by Author "Meland, Sondre"
Now showing items 1-20 of 33
A comparative study of macroinvertebrate biodiversity in highway stormwater ponds and natural ponds
Meland, Sondre; Sun, Zhenhua; Sokolova, Ekaterina; Rauch, Sébastien; Brittain, John E. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The use of stormwater ponds along the highways is shown to be an effective alternative to conventional systems, which are usually sewers. These ponds have the potential to combine their primary function of pollution and ... -
A novel method for the quantification of tire and polymer-modified bitumen particles in environmental samples by pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectroscopy
Rødland, Elisabeth Strandbråten; Samanipour, Saer; Rauert, Cassandra; Okoffo, Elvis D.; Reid, Malcolm James; Heier, Lene S; Lind, Ole Christian; Thomas, Kevin V; Meland, Sondre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Tire and road wear particles may constitute the largest source of microplastic particles into the environment. Quantification of these particles are associated with large uncertainties which are in part due to inadequate ... -
Alkylated Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in Road Runoff Are an Environmental Risk and Should Be Included in Future Investigations
Grung, Merete; Lindman, Sofie Jenny; Kringstad, Alfhild; Girardin, Viviane; Meland, Sondre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) and metals are important contaminants in road runoff. Vital mitigation measures against aquatic contamination from road runoff include the use of sedimentation ponds. However, it has ... -
Alkylated Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in Road Runoff Are an Environmental Risk and Should Be Included in Future Investigations
Grung, Merete; Lindman, Sofie Jenny; Kringstad, Alfhild; Girardin, Viviane; Meland, Sondre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) and metals are important contaminants in road runoff. Vital mitigation measures against aquatic contamination from road runoff include the use of sedimentation ponds. However, it has ... -
Aquatic biodiversity in sedimentation ponds receiving road runoff - What are the key drivers?
Sun, Zhenhua; Brittain, John Edward; Sokolova, Ekaterina; Thygesen, Helene; Saltveit, Svein Jakob; Rauch, Sebastian; Meland, Sondre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Assessment of tire wear emission in a road tunnel, using benzothiazoles as tracer in tunnel wash water
Johnsen, Jon Petter; Bye, Ninni Helene (Master thesis, 2019)This thesis was performed after recommendations by the Norwegian Public Road Administration in cooperation with the Norwegian institute for Water Research (NIVA), in order to develop a new methodology to quantify tire tread ... -
Bioaccumulation of trace elements in liver and kidney of fish species from three freshwater lakes in the Ethiopian Rift Valley
Masresha, Alemayehu Esayas; Skipperud, Lindis; Rosseland, Bjørn Olav; Gebremariam, Zinabu; Meland, Sondre; Salbu, Brit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The objective of the present work was to obtain scientific information on the ecological health of three freshwater lakes (Awassa, Koka, and Ziway) situated in the Ethiopian Rift Valley by investigating possible trace ... -
Challenges with Quantifying Tire Road Wear Particles: Recognizing the Need for Further Refinement of the ISO Technical Specification
Rauert, Cassandra; Rødland, Elisabeth S; Okoffo, Elvis D.; Reid, Malcolm J; Meland, Sondre; Thomas, Kevin V (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Environmental monitoring data for tire road wear particles are vastly limited compared to those for other microplastics, primarily due to analytical challenges with quantification. Recently, two ISO technical specifications ... -
Characterization of tire and road wear microplastic particle contamination in a road tunnel: From surface to release
Rødland, Elisabeth Strandbråten; Lind, Ole Christian; Reid, Malcolm James; Heier, Lene Sørlie; Skogsberg, Emelie; Snilsberg, Brynhild; Gryteselv, Dagfin; Meland, Sondre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Road pollution is one of the major sources of microplastic particles to the environment. The distribution of tire, polymer-modified bitumen (PMB) and tire and road wear particles (TRWP) in different tunnel compartments ... -
Detection of tire and road wear particles in duck mussels (Anodonta anatina) from a road-near lake in Norway using various analytical techniques
Næss Holm, Ole-Johan (Master thesis, 2022)Microplastic particles (MP) in the environment are an emerging problem, and the environmental impacts are still to be completely understood. It is known that small plastic particles have been in the environment for a long ... -
DNA metabarcoding adds valuable information for management of biodiversity in roadside stormwater ponds
Sun, Zhenhua; Majaneva, Markus; Sokolova, Ekaterina; Rauch, Sébastien; Meland, Sondre; Ekrem, Torbjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Stormwater ponds are used to compensate for the adverse effects that road runoff might have on the natural environment. Depending on their design and placement, stormwater ponds can act as both refugia and traps for local ... -
Ecological implications of road construction in an alum shale bedrock area : a State highway (Rv4) case study
Engelstad, Joachim (Master thesis, 2016-08-31)The construction and use of roads and tunnels takes a toll on natural resources and especially the biological integrity of downstream freshwater environments. Consequently, aquatic biota is exposed to elevated levels of a ... -
Ecotoxicological effects of highway and tunnel wash water runoff
Meland, Sondre (PhD Thesis;2010:25, Doctoral thesis, 2010)In Norway, the traffic loadings have shown a substantial increase during the last decades. From 1948 to 2008 the transportation load has increased from 2.5 to 60.6 million passenger km. Hence, the ever increasing traffic ... -
En studie om forbedring av metode for rensing av tunnelvaskevann
Nersten, Gunhild (Master thesis, 2016-08-30)Vegtunneler akkumulerer store mengder støv på vegbane, vegger, tak og skilt og må derfor vaskes. Når tunnelen vaskes blir vannet som oftest sluppet ut i naturen, men i noen tilfeller samlet opp og videreført til renseanlegg. ... -
Forurensning i tunnelvaskevann –en studie av 34 veitunneler i Norge
Meland, Sondre; Rødland, Elisabeth Strandbråten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018) -
Geochemical and morphological characterization of particles originating from tunnel construction
Forsman, Emelie; Heier, Lene Sørlie; Teien, Hans-Christian; Lind, Ole Christian; Hagelia, Per; Meland, Sondre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
High levels of tire wear particles in soils along low traffic roads
Rødland, Elisabeth Strandbråten; Heier, Lene Sørlie; Lind, Ole Christian; Meland, Sondre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Traffic pollution has been linked to high levels of metals and organic contaminants in road-side soils, largely due to abrasion of tires, brake pads and the road surface. Although several studies have demonstrated correlations ... -
Impact of environmental factors on aquatic biodiversity in roadside stormwater ponds
Sun, Zhenhua; Sokolova, Ekaterina; Brittain, John Edward; Saltveit, Svein Jakob; Rauch, Sébastien; Meland, Sondre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Constructed stormwater ponds mitigate runoff volumes and pollution, and provide other ecosystem services, such as supporting biodiversity, but these services attracted relatively less attention. The impacts of the pollution ... -
In vivo and in vitro effects of tunnel wash water and traffic related contaminants on aquatic organisms
Petersen, Karina; Bæk, Kine; Grung, Merete; Meland, Sondre; Ranneklev, Sissel Brit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Introduced European minnow Phoxinus phoxinus in alpine lakes may increase total mercury concentration in brown trout Salmo trutta
Borgstrøm, Reidar; Rognerud, Sigurd; Meland, Sondre; Rosseland, Bjørn Olav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In Norway, the cyprinid European minnow Phoxinus phoxinus has been spread far outside its previous natural distribution area, with lots of establishments in mountain lakes where brown trout Salmo trutta originally was the ...