Browsing Brage NMBU by Author "Lekang, Odd Ivar"
Now showing items 1-20 of 45
A model for predicting alkalinity, pH, and CO2 levels in a flow-thru or recirculation aquaculture system independent of salinity
Brkic, Marko (Master thesis, 2018)Carbon dioxide is one of the limiting factors for construction of recirculation aquaculture system in the fish farming today. The level of carbon dioxide in the water heavily depends on fish metabolism and water chemical ... -
Analyse og videreutvikling av landbasert ventemerd
Engebakken, Per Anders Urseth (Master thesis, 2020)Det stilles stadig strengere krav til forurensning og fiskevelferd i oppdrettsnæringen. For å imøtekomme disse kravene har næringen flyttet deler av produksjonen fra sjø og inn på land. I lukkede systemer er det viktig å ... -
Assessing the replacement of plastic filtration media with woodchips in biofilters located in recirculating aquaculture systems
Haraldsen, Kristian (Master thesis, 2019)There is a growing interest in low-cost filtration media and reducing the environmental effects of aquaculture, by reducing the impact of effluents and reducing the use of plastic. This study evaluated woodchips as an ... -
Behovet for vannmålere på vanndistribusjonsnettet, med fokus på Horten kommune
Elvestad, Hulda Gran (Master thesis, 2019)Denne masteroppgaven har sett på behovet for utplassering av husholdningsvannmålere og sonevannmålere på det norske vanndistribusjonsnettet, for å oppnå et mer effektivt lekkasjesøk og danne et bedre datagrunnlag for ... -
Bestemmelse av det teoretiske spillvarmepotensialet i en industriell prosess
Borgen, Cecilie (Master thesis, 2020)For å begrense klimaendringene som konsekvens av økte klimagassutslipp er det viktig å sikre ansvarlig forbruk og produksjon. Dette innebærer blant annet å redusere energibruk i industriell produksjon. Dette kan gjøres ved ... -
Biofouling in salmon aquaculture : an investigation on the efficacy of commercial antifouling agents and biofouling management practices
Amer Cid, Albert (Master thesis, 2021)With the recent growth and development of the salmon farming industry, associated environmental impacts and challenges have also risen. The settlement and growth of unwanted organisms on the submerged structures of the ... -
Biofuel production potential of Jatropha curcas L: oil characterization for biodiesel production, and enhancing the biogas production potential of various residues using different pretreatment methods
Ewunie, Gebresilassie Asnake (PhD Thesis;2021:21, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Increasing global fuel prices, growing energy consumption, and profound environmental concerns are the key factors that motivated the search for alternative energy sources. Biofuels such as bioethanol, biodiesel, and biogas ... -
Biokjemisk omdanning av biprodukter fra matindustrien
Moltubakk, Morten Wiken (Master thesis, 2016-08-30)I denne masteroppgaven er det presentert et prosessanlegg som tar imot 3 400 kg fett, fra slaktedyr, i timen som råstoff. Formålet med anlegget er å gjøre dette råstoffet om til frie fettsyrer, for deretter å skille de ... -
CO2 emissions and energy consumption for a subsea compression system compared with a topside compression system
Berg, Jens Kristian (Master thesis, 2019)Increasing the recovery rates of oil and gas fields is a common goal between energy companies and policy makers. Through pressure from the public and policy intervention due to changes in the global climate, there is a ... -
CO2 Removal in Column Aerator
Wuyahan, X (Master thesis, 2020)Carbon dioxide (CO2) removal has been an important water treatment stage in recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) because of the intensive fish load in land-based fish farm. Higher levels of CO2 12 mg/L were reported to ... -
Comparing particle removal in RAS farms
Rullestad, Erik (Master thesis, 2020)Particle removal is an important treatment step in recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) for good fish health. This study compares the RAS in MOWI Fjæra and Bremnes Seashore Trovåg to see how well they perform in particle ... -
Development of a clamp-on mechanism for an ultrasonic flow meter
Vesterås, Kevin Gaden (Master thesis, 2018)274 billion liters of clean, processed drinking water are lost from water distribution systems daily. In order to identify and locate leakages in water distribution networks, water utilities use time-consuming techniques ... -
Development of a digital advisor to support the decision-making process of acquiring a car
Hetland, Julie Kolstad; Kolltuft, Alexandra Parlange (Master thesis, 2021)This thesis explores how consumers behave in the process of acquiring a car and aspires to solve the main challenge that consumers are facing in the decision-making process. The mobility landscape is rapidly evolving and ... -
Development of gas composition sensing based on acoustic attenuation
Wittwer, Sander (Master thesis, 2021)Usage of sensing technology has increased rapidly for the last decade. Measurements of gas concentrations can are used in a wide variety of areas like medical applications, monitoring in wastewater plants and air quality ... -
Digitalizing waste collection in Tinn Municipality : a case study
Zcimarzceck, Pia; Mangelrød, Jørgen Rekdal (Master thesis, 2021)Municipal waste is an ever-growing problem in the modern world. According to The World Bank, 2,01 billion tons of municipal waste is generated annually. They expect global waste generation to reach 3,40 billion tons by ... -
Dimensjonering av oksygenerings anlegg for delvis lukkede laksemerder
Skålnes, Ole Aas (Master thesis, 2017)Lakselus er en betydelig utfordring i dagens oppdrettsnæring. Løsninger på luseproblematikken inkluderer bruken av luseskjørt rundt oppdrettsmerden for å hindre lus i å komme til. En annen løsning er å bruke lukkede merder. ... -
Energy optimization of CO2 removal in a packed column aerator for RAS-facilities- development of mathematical computer models
Huglen, Marianne (Master thesis, 2020)Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are intensive fish production systems where the outlet water is reused. The use of RAS facilities results in reduced use of water and thus reduced energy consumption associated with ... -
Evaluation of CO₂ aeration with air through water
Valiukėnas, Jaunius (Master thesis, 2021)Carbon dioxide reduction has always been a significant water treatment stage in recirculating aquaculture systems due to the high load in land-based fish farms. CO2 levels over 15 mg/L have been shown to affect optimum ... -
Evaluering av desentralisert energigjenvinning av slam fra oppdrettsanlegg
Berg, Einar Martin; Larsen, Stig (Master thesis, 2018)Fiskeoppdrett er en bransje i vekst som følge av en global etterspørsel etter fett og proteiner. Laks dominerer den norske oppdrettsnæringen, og salget av laks har doblet seg fra 2012 til 2016. Laksen produseres i landbaserte ... -
Evaluering av en kombinert produksjon av bioplast og biogass fra slam sammenlignet med tradisjonell biogassproduksjon
Jensen, Marlene Wilhelmine (Master thesis, 2016-08-30)Slam er et uunngåelig biprodukt fra avløpsrenseanlegg og i 2008 ble det generert nesten 10 millioner tonn tørrstoff slam i EU. Behandling og deponering av slam kan utgjøre opp til 60 % av de totale kostnadene ved et ...