Browsing Brage NMBU by Author "Kvaal, Knut"
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
Approbation of the texture analysis imaging technique in the wastewater treatment plant
Sivchenko, Nataliia; Ratnaweera, Harsha; Kvaal, Knut (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Daylength influences the response of three clover species (Trifolium spp.) to short-term ozone stress
Futsæther, Cecilia Marie; Vollsnes, Ane Victoria; Kruse, Ole Mathis Opstad; Indahl, Ulf Geir; Kvaal, Knut; Eriksen, Aud Else Berglen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Long photoperiods characteristic of summers at high latitudes can increase ozone-induced foliar injury in subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) This study compared the effects of long photoperiods on ozone injury ... -
Detecting ideas in online communities : utilizing machine learning and text mining for finding ideas in online communities
Christensen, Kasper Knoblauch (PhD Thesis;2017:18, Doctoral thesis, 2017)Online communities serve as a gathering point for dedicated product users and consumers who discuss all imaginable topics. Scholars have argued that this discussion can lead to new ideas useful for firms. That is, if the ... -
Detection and Quantification of Tire Particles in Sediments Using a Combination of Simultaneous Thermal Analysis, Fourier Transform Infra-Red, and Parallel Factor Analysis
Mengistu, Demmelash; Nilsen, Vegard; Heistad, Arve; Kvaal, Knut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Eksplorativ analyse av EPR-spektre av alanin og Gorilla® Glass
Jåstad, Eirik Ogner (Master thesis, 2016-08-17)Elektron Paramagnetisk Resonans (EPR) spektroskopi er en måleteknikk som tar opp spektre som kan brukes til å estimere absorbert stråledose, såkalt EPR-dosimetri. EPR-dosimetri måler mengden frie radikaler i et materiale, ... -
Evaluating Flood Exposure for Properties in Urban Areas Using a Multivariate Modelling Technique
Torgersen, Geir; Rød, Jan Ketil; Kvaal, Knut; Bjerkholt, Jarle Tommy; Lindholm, Oddvar G. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Evaluation of image texture recognition techniques in application to wastewater coagulation
Sivchenko, Nataliia; Kvaal, Knut; Ratnaweera, Harsha (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Explicit and interpretable nonlinear soft sensor models for influent surveillance at a full-scale wastewater treatment plant
Wang, Xiaodong; Kvaal, Knut; Ratnaweera, Harsha (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)In wastewater treatment plants, the most adopted sensors are those with the properties of low cost and fast response. Soft sensors are alternative solutions to the hardware sensor for online monitoring of hard-tomeasure ... -
Floc sensor prototype tested in the municipal wastewater treatment plant
Sivchenko, Nataliia; Kvaal, Knut; Ratnaweera, Harsha (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
How good are ideas identified by an Automatic idea detection system?
Christensen, Kasper Knoblauch; Scholderer, Joachim; Hersleth, Stine Alm; Kvaal, Knut; Mollestad, Torulf; Veflen, Nina; Risvik, Einar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Online communities are an attractive source of potential ideas for products and process’. Recent advances in machine learning have made it possible to screen the vast amounts of information in online communities and ... -
How good are ideas identified by an automatic idea detection system?
Christensen, Kasper Knoblauch; Scholderer, Joachim; Hersleth, Stine Alm; Næs, Tormod; Kvaal, Knut; Mollestad, Torulf; Veflen, Nina; Risvik, Einar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Hyperspectral imaging as a tool for characterization of multicrystalline silicon wafers
Flø, Andreas Svarstad (PhD Thesis;2014:21, Doctoral thesis, 2014)This thesis describes the development of a method for characterization of multicrystalline silicon wafers based on hyperspectral imaging. The aim has been to show the distribution of radiative defects in silicon wafers. ... -
Identifying factors influencing infiltration and inflow (I/I-water) in wastewater systems using multivariate data analysis
Sola, Kristin Jenssen; Kvaal, Knut; Bjerkholt, Jarle Tommy; Lindholm, Oddvar G.; Ratnaweera, Harsha (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Image analysis in coagulation process control
Sivchenko, Nataliia (PhD thesis;2018:9, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Coagulation-flocculation is a conventional process in drinking water, municipal and industrial wastewater treatment. This stage of wastewater treatment has become popular in Norway due to its superior ability to remove ... -
In Quest of the Alanine R3 Radical: Multivariate EPR Spectral Analyses of X‑Irradiated Alanine in the Solid State
Jåstad, Eirik Ogner; Torheim, Turid K Gjerstad; Villeneuve, Kathleen; Kvaal, Knut; Hole, Eli Olaug; Sagstuen, Einar; Malinen, Eirik; Futsæther, Cecilia Marie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The amino acid L-α-alanine is the most commonly used material for solidstate electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) dosimetry, due to the formation of highly stable radicals upon irradiation, with yields proportional to the ... -
Microplastics in stormwater runoff : measuring tire wear particles (TWP) concentration in the road environment and effect of treatment systems
Mengistu, Demmelash (PhD Thesis;2023:16, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Tire wear particles (TWP) are a major source of microplastics that are mainly transported by stormwater from roads to the environment. Their risk has not yet been sufficiently evaluated, mainly because of the lack of ... -
Mining online community data: The nature of ideas in online communities
Christensen, Kasper Knoblauch; Liland, Kristian Hovde; Kvaal, Knut; Risvik, Einar; Biancolillo, Alessandra; Scholderer, Joachim; Nørskov, Sladjana; Næs, Tormod (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Ideas are essential for innovation and for the continuous renewal of a firm’s product offerings. Previous research has argued that online communities contain such ideas. Therefore, online communities such as forums, Facebook ... -
Model-based measurement error detection of a coagulant dosage control system
Liu, W; Ratnaweera, Harsha; Kvaal, Knut (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Modelling the structure of sludge aggregates
Smoczynski, Lech; Ratnaweera, Harsha; Kosobucka, Marta; Kvaal, Knut (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
Optimisation of wastewater treatment systems with data mining and process modelling
Wang, Xiaodong (PhD Thesis;2018:43, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Wastewater treatment facilities serve an important purpose in public sanitation. Wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) are built at the end of sewerage systems to purify the wastewater before it enters natural water bodies. ...