Blar i Brage NMBU på forfatter "Kohler, Achim"
A high-throughput FTIR spectroscopy approach to assess adaptive variation in pollen quality
Zimmermann, Boris; Bagcioglu, Murat; Tafintseva, Valeria; Kohler, Achim; Ohlson, Mikael; Fjellheim, Siri (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
A Multiscale Vibrational Spectroscopic Approach for Identification and Biochemical Characterization of Pollen
Bagcioglu, Murat; Zimmermann, Boris; Kohler, Achim (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Background Analysis of pollen grains reveals valuable information on biology, ecology, forensics, climate change, insect migration, food sources and aeroallergens. Vibrational (infrared and Raman) spectroscopies offer ... -
A multiscale vibrational spectroscopic approach for identification and biochemical characterization of pollen
Bagcioglu, Murat; Zimmermann, Boris; Kohler, Achim (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
A novel library-independent approach based on high-throughput cultivation in Bioscreen and fingerprinting by FTIR spectroscopy for microbial source tracking in food industry
Shapaval, Volha; Møretrø, Trond; Åsli, Anette Wold; Suso, Henri-Pierre; Schmitt, J; Lillehaug, D.; Kohler, Achim (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Microbiological source tracking (MST) for food industry is a rapid growing area of research and technology development. In this paper, a new library-independent approach for MST is presented. It is based on a high-throughput ... -
An automated approach for fringe frequency estimation and removal in infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging of biological samples
Solheim, Johanne Heitmann; Borondics, Ferenc; Zimmermann, Boris; Sandt, Christophe; Muthreich, Florian; Kohler, Achim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In infrared spectroscopy of thin film samples, interference introduces distortions in spectra, commonly referred to as fringes. Fringes may alter absorbance peak ratios, which hampers the spectral analysis. We have previously ... -
An optimized algorithm for separating scattering and chemical absorption in biomedical infrared spectroscopy and imaging
Solheim, Johanne Heitmann (Master thesis, 2017)Infrarødspektroskopi av biologiske prøver har blitt utviklet til et lovende verktøy for ikke-destruktiv biokjemisk analyse gjennom de siste tiårene. Infrarøde absorbansspektre representerer molekylære fingeravtrykk. ... -
Analysis of Megavariate Data in Functional Omics
Mosleth, Ellen Færgestad; McLeod, Anette; Rud, Ida; Axelsson, Lars; Solberg, Lars Erik; Moen, Birgitte; Gilman, Krista Marie Erickson; Færgestad, Eline Mosleth; Lysenko, Artem; Rawlings, Chris; Dankel, Simon N; Mellgren, Gunnar; Barajas-Olmos, Francisco Martin; Orozco, Lorena Sofia; Sæbø, Solve; Gidskehaug, Lars; Janbu, Astrid Oust; Kohler, Achim; Martens, Harald Aagaard; Liland, Kristian Hovde (Chapter, 2020) -
Assessment of biotechnologically important filamentous fungal biomass by fourier transform raman spectroscopy
Dzurendova, Simona; Shapaval, Volha; Tafintseva, Valeria; Kohler, Achim; Byrtusová, Dana; Szotkowski, Martin; Márová, Ivana; Zimmermann, Boris (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Assessment of Sparse Multi-Block Partial Least Squares Regression Model Performance in Analysis of High-Dimensional Phenotypic Data
Møller, Tor Einar (Master thesis, 2016)FTIR and Raman spectroscopy, and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry are emerging technologies for multidimensional phenotyping of microorganisms. While FTIR and Raman both represent a full metabolic fingerprint, MALDI spectra ... -
Assessment of the scalability of a microtiter plate system for screening of oleaginous microorganisms
Kòsa, Gergely; Vuoristo, Kiira; Horn, Svein Jarle; Zimmermann, Boris; Afseth, Nils Kristian; Kohler, Achim; Shapaval, Volha (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Biochemical profiling, prediction of total lipid content and fatty acid profile in oleaginous yeasts by FTIR spectroscopy
Shapaval, Volha; Brandenburg, Julie; Blomqvist, Johanna Karin Hillevi; Tafintseva, Valeria; Volkmar, Passoth; Mats, Sandgren; Kohler, Achim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Background: Oleaginous yeasts are considered as a potential lipid source for food, feed and biofuel production. In order to make the yeast-based lipid production environmentally and economically sustainable, there is a ... -
Biochemical profiling, prediction of total lipid content and fatty acid profile in oleaginous yeasts by FTIR spectroscopy
Shapaval, Volha; Brandenburg, Julie; Blomqvist, Johanna Karin Hillevi; Tafintseva, Valeria; Volkmar, Passoth; Mats, Sandgren; Kohler, Achim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Background: Oleaginous yeasts are considered as a potential lipid source for food, feed and biofuel production. In order to make the yeast-based lipid production environmentally and economically sustainable, there is a ... -
Biochemical profiling, prediction of total lipid content and fatty acid profile in oleaginous yeasts by FTIR spectroscopy
Shapaval, Volha; Brandenburg, Jule; Blomqvist, Johanna Karin Hillevi; Tafintseva, Valeria; Passoth, Volkmar; Sandgren, Mats; Kohler, Achim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Biotransformation of animal fat by-products into ARA-enriched fermented bioproducts by solid-state fermentation of Mortierella alpine.
Slany, Ondrej; Klempova, Tatiana; Shapaval, Volha; Zimmermann, Boris; Kohler, Achim; Certik, Milan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Solid-state fermentation (SSF) is a powerful fermentation technology for valorizing rest materials and by-products of different origin. Oleaginous Zygomycetes fungi are often used in SSF as an effective cell factory able ... -
Calcium Affects Polyphosphate and Lipid Accumulation in Mucoromycota Fungi
Dzurendova, Simona; Zimmermann, Boris; Kohler, Achim; Reitzel, Kasper; Gro Nielsen, Ulla; Dupuy--Galet, Benjamin Xavier; Leivers, Shaun Allan; Horn, Svein Jarle; Shapaval, Volha (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
Chaos enhanced light trapping in optically thin solar cells
Seim, Eivind (PhD thesis;2020:3, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Photovoltaics is one of the most important sources of renewable energy. Solar cells with thin absorbing layers can be more cost-effective and leave a smaller environmental footprint than the current commercial technology. ... -
Chaos: A new mechanism for enhancing the optical generation rate in optically thin solar cells
Seim, Eivind; Kohler, Achim; Lukacs, Rozalia; Brandsrud, Maren Anna; Marstein, Erik Stensrud; Olsen, Espen; Blümel, R. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The photogenerated current of solar cells can be enhanced by light management with surface structures. For solar cells with optically thin absorbing layers, it is especially important to take advantage of this fact through ... -
Characterizing aeroallergens by infrared spectroscopy of fungal spores and pollen
Zimmermann, Boris; Tkalčec, Zdenko; Mešić, Armin; Kohler, Achim (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
Characterizing aeroallergens by infrared spectroscopy of fungal spores and pollen
Zimmermann, Boris; Tkalčec, Zdenko; Mešić, Armin; Kohler, Achim (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
Combining Chemical Information From Grass Pollen in Multimodal Characterization
Diehn, Sabrina; Zimmermann, Boris; Tafintseva, Valeria; Seifert, Stephan; Bağcıoğlu, Murat; Ohlson, Mikael; Weidner, Steffen; Fjellheim, Siri; Kohler, Achim; Kneipp, Janina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The analysis of pollen chemical composition is important to many fields, including agriculture, plant physiology, ecology, allergology, and climate studies. Here, the potential of a combination of different spectroscopic ...