Browsing Brage NMBU by Author "Jåstad, Eirik Ogner"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Assessments of the future role of bioenergy in the Nordic energy and forest sectors
Jåstad, Eirik Ogner (PhD Thesis;2020:64, Doctoral thesis, 2020)This thesis presents studies that describe different consequences of increased use of forest resources for energy purposes. Forest biomass is widely used in many different applications; in recent years, biofuel has been ... -
Eksplorativ analyse av EPR-spektre av alanin og Gorilla® Glass
Jåstad, Eirik Ogner (Master thesis, 2016-08-17)Elektron Paramagnetisk Resonans (EPR) spektroskopi er en måleteknikk som tar opp spektre som kan brukes til å estimere absorbert stråledose, såkalt EPR-dosimetri. EPR-dosimetri måler mengden frie radikaler i et materiale, ... -
In Quest of the Alanine R3 Radical: Multivariate EPR Spectral Analyses of X‑Irradiated Alanine in the Solid State
Jåstad, Eirik Ogner; Torheim, Turid K Gjerstad; Villeneuve, Kathleen; Kvaal, Knut; Hole, Eli Olaug; Sagstuen, Einar; Malinen, Eirik; Futsæther, Cecilia Marie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The amino acid L-α-alanine is the most commonly used material for solidstate electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) dosimetry, due to the formation of highly stable radicals upon irradiation, with yields proportional to the ... -
Integration of forest and energy sector models – New insights in the bioenergy markets
Jåstad, Eirik Ogner; Bolkesjø, Torjus Folsland; Trømborg, Erik; Rørstad, Per Kristian Kåreson Lobenz (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The forest and energy sectors are heavily affected by the urgent need for global climate gas emission reductions. To fully understand the implications of a transition to a low carbon society, it is important to analyse the ... -
Large-scale forest-based biofuel production in the Nordic forest sector: Effects on the economics of forestry and forest industries
Jåstad, Eirik Ogner; Bolkesjø, Torjus Folsland; Trømborg, Erik; Rørstad, Per Kr. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Long term power prices and renewable energy market values in Norway – A probabilistic approach
Jåstad, Eirik Ogner; Trotter, Ian M.; Bolkesjø, Torjus Folsland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Modelling effects of policies for increased production of forest-based liquid biofuel in the Nordic countries
Jåstad, Eirik Ogner; Bolkesjø, Torjus Folsland; Rørstad, Per Kristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The Nordic countries have ambitious plans to reduce the use of fossil fuels. One possible solution is to blend biofuel into the liquid fuel mix. A large share of this biofuel could potentially be produced from forest ... -
Modelling emission and land-use impacts of altered bioenergy use in the future energy system
Jåstad, Eirik Ogner; Bolkesjø, Torjus Folsland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Modelling of uncertainty in the economic development of the Norwegian forest sector
Jåstad, Eirik Ogner; Mustapha, Walid Fayez; Bolkesjø, Torjus Folsland; Trømborg, Erik; Solberg, Birger (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Quantitative forest sector modelling includes many model parameters that are treated as being deterministic in the modelling framework, but are in reality often highly uncertain. Few studies have addressed the impacts of ... -
Offshore wind power market values in the North Sea – A probabilistic approach
Jåstad, Eirik Ogner; Bolkesjø, Torjus Folsland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
The Quantification and Tracing of Leakage in the Forest Sector in Nordic Countries
Hu, Junhui; Jåstad, Eirik Ogner; Bolkesjø, Torjus Folsland; Rørstad, Per Kristian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This study examines production leakage in four Nordic countries and its impact on industries and the global market. Using a Forest Sector Model, we analyze the effects of changing the harvest and find the leakage of roundwood ... -
The Future Role of Forest-Based Biofuels: Industrial Impacts in the Nordic Countries
Jåstad, Eirik Ogner; Bolkesjø, Torjus Folsland; Rørstad, Per Kr.; Midttun, Atle; Sandquist, Judit; Trømborg, Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This study applies a partial equilibrium forest sector model to analyse the impacts of biofuel deployment for road transport in the Nordic countries, when alternative use of the biomass resources and transport sector ... -
The role of woody biomass for reduction of fossil GHG emissions in the future North European energy sector
Jåstad, Eirik Ogner; Bolkesjø, Torjus Folsland; Trømborg, Erik; Rørstad, Per Kristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In this study, we analyse the use of woody biomass in the heat and power sector in Northern Europe towards 2040 and quantify the fossil GHG-emission reductions from biomass use at different carbon price levels. The applied ...