Browsing Brage NMBU by Author "Ihlebæk, Camilla"
Now showing items 1-20 of 25
Animal-assisted intervention as health promotion for elderly persons with dementia
Olsen, Christine (PhD Thesis;2016:65, Doctoral thesis, 2016)Dementia is an increasing health concern for old people, their families, and their social and health care providers. A range of health care services is needed for persons with dementia, ranging from home-based services, ... -
Arbeid med økonomisk inkludering i fritidsaktiviteter for barn og unge : en kvalitativ studie av miljøkontakters erfaringer
Storøy, Trine Laiti (Master thesis, 2022)Bakgrunn: Fritidsaktivitet er en viktig arena for barn og unge, hvor de kan lære, oppleve mestring og tilegne seg sosiale ferdigheter. Å skape inkluderende arenaer gjennom å motvirke økonomi som barriere for deltakelse er ... -
Arbeidsbelastning og muskel- og skjelettsmerter hos norske kabinansatte : spiller kjønn noen rolle?
Rustad, Marianne Hojem (Master thesis, 2018)Bakgrunn: I de senere årene har flere menn begynte å jobbe som kabinansatt, men få studier har undersøkt kjønnsforskjeller i opplevd arbeidsbelastning og forekomst av muskel- og skjelettsmerte hos denne yrkesgruppen. Flere ... -
Arbeidsrettet rehabilitering; Tilbake i arbeid etter arbeidsplassintervensjon og oppfølging ved Hernes Institutt?
Haugen, Kristin; Ihlebæk, Camilla; Calogiuri, Giovanna (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Bacground: Occupational rehabilitation seeks to facilitate the return of people who have been in long-term sick leave back into work, and workplace visits (WPV) has been proposed as an instrument within this process. The ... -
Associations between work-related psychosocial factors and musculoskeletal complaints in Norwegian aircrew : a cross-sectional study
Wie, Sølvi Therese Strømmen (Master thesis, 2018)Background. Aircrew have high-risk occupations for musculoskeletal complaints (MSC), still there is limited recent knowledge of the prevalence of MSC in this occupational group. Furthermore, there is scarce knowledge about ... -
Bidimensional Acculturation and Psychological Distress in Pakistani Immigrant Women in Norway: A Cross-Sectional Study
Hjellset, Victoria Telle; Ihlebæk, Camilla (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018) -
Dermal absorption of triclosan following short-, and long-term exposure in an ex vivo human skin model- implications for safe use in personal care products
Herud, Martine Marie Malmer (Master thesis, 2017)In the every-day life, humans are surrounded by a multitude of man-made chemicals which they, intentionally or unintentionally, are exposed to through inhalation, ingestion or dermal absorption. In risk assessments of ... -
Det sosiale kræsjet : sosial ulikhet i forekomsten av trafikkulykker
Karlsson, Line Ragna Aakre (Master thesis, 2016-08-24)Bakgrunn og hensikt Sosiale ulikheter i helse er systematiske forskjeller i helsen som følger posisjon i det sosiale hierarkiet. Sosiale ulikheter kan ses for de fleste helsemål, og de danner en sosial gradient i ... -
Differences in quality of life in home-dwelling persons and nursing home residents with dementia – a cross-sectional study
Olsen, Christine; Pedersen, Ingeborg; Bergland, Astrid; Enders-Slegers, Marie-José; Jøranson, Nina; Calogiuri, Giovanna; Ihlebæk, Camilla (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Background: Dementia often eventually leads to dependency on others and finally to residential care. However, in Norway about half of the dementia population lives at home, due to individual and political wishes. There ... -
Effect of animal-assisted activity on balance and quality of life in home-dwelling persons with dementia
Olsen, Christine; Pedersen, Ingeborg; Bergland, Astrid; Enders-Slegers, Marie-Jose; Ihlebæk, Camilla (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Effect of animal-assisted interventions on depression, agitation and quality of life in nursing home residents suffering from cognitive impairment or dementia: a cluster randomized controlled trial
Olsen, Christine; Pedersen, Ingeborg; Bergland, Astrid; Enders-Slegers, Marie-José; Patil, Grete Grindal; Ihlebæk, Camilla (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Emotional robots as health promotion in dementia care : group activity with a seal robot in nursing homes
Jøranson, Nina (PhD Thesis;2016:29, Doctoral thesis, 2020-11-13)In recent years there has been shift in how to approach treatment of people with dementia towards stimulating social, personal and physical resources in order to promote health and well-being. Promoting health in nursing ... -
Engagement in elderly persons With dementia attending animal-assisted Group activity
Olsen, Christine; Pedersen, Ingeborg; Bergland, Astrid; Ender-Slegers, Marie-Jose; Ihlebæk, Camilla (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Frivillighet og folkehelse : en kvalitativ studie av hvordan uføretrygdede og pensjonister opplever arbeidet ved en frivillighetssentral
Eriksen, Nina (Master thesis, 2020)Bakgrunn: Pensjonister og uføretrygdede er to grupper i samfunnet som mister tilgang på mulig helsefremmende faktorer fra arbeidslivet. De kan oppleve dårligere helse ved at de mister tilgang på nettverk på arbeidsplassen ... -
Labor-force participation and working patterns among women and men who have survived cancer: A descriptive 9-year longitudinal cohort study
Brusletto, Birgit; Nielsen, Roy A; Engan, Harald; Oldervoll, Line Merethe; Ihlebæk, Camilla; Mjøsund, Nina Helen; Torp, Steffen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Aims: Our aim was to investigate labor-force participation, working hours, job changes, and education over 9 years among persons who have survived more than 10 years after cancer, and compare it to controls. Methods: ... -
Modern health worries in Pakistani immigrant women in Oslo, Norway
Hjellset, Victoria Telle; Ihlebæk, Camilla (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: The main study objective was to investigate modern health worries (MHW) in a group of Pakistani immigrant women in Norway, and to compare it with a group of ethnic Norwegian women. A further aim was to examine ... -
"Når man sier helse, tenker jeg mest på fysisk helse"
Andresen, Håkon Boman (Master thesis, 2016-08-26)Bakgrunn: Mange ungdommer trener i dag på treningssenter. Tidligere studier viser at det på treningssentrene finnes en sterk fysisk orientert helsediskurs. Dette til tross for at dagens mest brukte helsedefinisjoner ... -
Prevocational training on care farms for people outside the work force : the self-determination theory perspective
Ellingsen-Dalskau, Lina Harvold (PhD Thesis;2017:13, Doctoral thesis, 2017)Background and aim. There is a concern in Norway that a large part of the population is out of work. Having the possibility to participate in working life, is important for ensuring good health, well-being and an acceptable ... -
Prognostic factors for return to work, sickness benefits, and transitions between these states: A 4-year follow-up after work-related rehabilitation
Øyeflaten, Irene; Lie, Stein Atle; Ihlebæk, Camilla; Eriksen, Hege Randi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014) -
Sosial ulikhet i helseatferd - blir ulikhetene større eller mindre? : en kvantitativ analyse av endring i helseatferd i ulike sosioøkonomiske grupper i Østfold fra 2011 til 2019
Holm, Karine Rødseth (Master thesis, 2020)Bakgrunn: Til tross for at Norge anses som et egalitært samfunn, finner man store sosiale ulikheter i helse, og ulikhetene er økende. En av forklaringene for hvorfor sosial ulikhet fører til ulikhet i helse er helseatfer ...