Browsing Brage NMBU by Author "Breili, Kristian"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
A comparative assessment of coastal mean dynamic topography in Norway by geodetic and ocean approaches
Ophaug, Vegard; Breili, Kristian; Gerlach, Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
An Attempt to Observe Vertical Land Motion along the Norwegian Coast by CryoSat-2 and Tide Gauges
Idzanovic, Martina; Gerlach, Christian; Breili, Kristian; Andersen, Ole Baltazar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Present-day climate-change-related ice-melting induces elastic glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) effects, while paleo-GIA effects describe the ongoing viscous response to the melting of late-Pleistocene ice sheets. The ... -
Climate in Svalbard 2100
Bilt, Willem van der; Bakke, Jostein; Smedsrud, Lars H.; Sund, Monica; Schuler, Thomas; Westermann, Sebastian; Wong, Wai Kwok; Sandven, Stein; Simpson, Matthew James Ross; Skogen, Morten D.; Pavlova, O.; Ravndal, Ole; Risebrobakken, Bjørg; Saloranta, Tuomo; Mezghani, Abdelkader; Nilsen, F.; Nilsen, Jan Even Øie; Nilsen, Irene Brox; Kierulf, Halfdan; Kohler, Jack; Li, H.; Lutz, J; Melvold, Kjetil; Gjelten, Herdis Motrøen; Gundersen, Jeanette; Isaksen, Kjetil; Jaedicke, Christian; Dobler, Andreas; Engeset, Rune; Frauenfelder, Regula; Gerland, Sebastian; Christiansen, Hanne H; Børsheim, Knut Yngve; Breivik, Øyvind; Breili, Kristian; Borstad, Christopher Paul; Bogen, J.; Benestad, Rasmus; Beldring, S.; Andresen, J; Adakudlu, Muralidhar (Norwegian Centre for Climate Services Reports;, Research report, 2019) -
Ellipsoidisk høydebestemmelse av 109 vannstandsmålere for beregning og validering av dynamisk havtopografi langs norskekysten
Hedenstad, Jørgen Nilsen (Master thesis, 2020)Kartverket drifter 23 permanente vannstandsmålere langs den norske fastlandskysten. Disse vannstandsmålerne har opp gjennom tidene hatt mange viktige funksjoner for bestemmelse av havets form og størrelse. Disse instrumentene ... -
Etablering av kalibreringsbasis for relative gravimetre på Ringerike, og beregning av ny skalafaktor for Scintrex CG5 og LCR modell G
Lenes, Fredrik (Master thesis, 2021)Relativgravimetri er det å observere forskjeller i tyngdekraft mellom ulike steder, relative tyngdedifferanser, ved bruk av relative gravimetre. De relative instrumentene er forholdsvis små, lette og enkle å håndtere. Dette ... -
Geodetic observations and modeling of gravity field, sea level, and ocean dynamics in the Norwegian coastal zone
Ophaug, Vegard (Phd Thesis;2017:24, Doctoral thesis, 2017)Geodesy can contribute to a quantitative understanding of ocean circulation variability at northern high latitudes, which is crucial to environmental and climate-related studies. Coastal ocean dynamics has gained recent ... -
Investigations of hydrological contributions to terrestrial gravity measurements
Bramanto, Brian (PhD Thesis;2023:29, Doctoral thesis, 2023)This thesis discusses the hydrological gravity signal in gravity time series from two different perspectives. The two perspectives are how we reduce the influence of hydrological dynamics and how we isolate hydrological ... -
Investigations of surface loads of the Earth - geometrical deformations and gravity changes
Breili, Kristian (PhD Thesis;2009:25, Doctoral thesis, 2009)This thesis addresses deformations and gravity changes due to surface loads like the ocean tides, hydrology and glaciers. These phenomena are discussed in light of height and gravity observations collected by GPS and ... -
Klassifisering og filtrering av Sentinel-3 PEACHI-returpulser ved bruk av maskinlæring
Øvland, Alf Georg (Master thesis, 2021)I denne gradsoppgaven utforskes potensialet til Sentinel-3 PEACHI-data langs Norskekysten. To filtreringsmetoder blir utprøvd for å fjerne observasjoner som forventes å gi feil avstandsmåling, hovedsakelig forårsaket av ... -
Observed sea-level changes along the Norwegian coast
Breili, Kristian; Simpson, Matthew J.R.; Nilsen, Jan Even Øie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Postglacial gravity change in Fennoscandia – three decades of repeated absolute gravity observations
Olsson, Per-Anders; Breili, Kristian; Ophaug, Vegard; Steffen, Holger; Bilker-Koivula, Mirjam; Nielsen, Emil; Oja, Tõnis; Timmen, Ludger (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)For the first time, we present a complete, processed compilation of all repeated absolute gravity (AG) observations in the Fennoscandian postglacial land uplift area and assess their ability to accurately describe the ... -
Postglacial gravity change in Fennoscandia – three decades of repeated absolute gravity observations
Olsson, Per-Anders; Breili, Kristian; Ophaug, Vegard; Steffen, Holger; Bilker-Koivula, Mirjam; Nielsen, Emil; Oja, Tõnis; Timmen, Ludger (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)For the first time, we present a complete, processed compilation of all repeated absolute gravity (AG) observations in the Fennoscandian postglacial land uplift area and assess their ability to accurately describe the ... -
Sammenligning av absolutt havnivå fra vannstandsmålere og kystnær altimetri
Bye, Anniken (Master thesis, 2018)Vannmassene i havet påvirkes av en rekke ytre krefter, som gir vannstanden vertikal bevegelse. Vannstandsmålere plassert langs kysten måler i utgangspunktet vannstanden relativt til sitt lokale nullnivå (TGZ). Dette fører ... -
Sea level, ocean currents, and vertical land motion along the Norwegian coast
Idžanović, Martina (PhD Thesis;2019:80, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Ocean circulation plays a fundamental role in climate and sea-level related studies due to the ocean’s large heat-storage and transport capacity. Ocean circulation can be derived from numerical ocean models, which might ...