Blar i Brage NMBU på forfatter "Brede, Dag Anders"
A study of mechanisms involved in the pathogenicity of Enterococcus faecalis by DNA microarrays
Solheim, Margrete (PhD Thesis;2010:54, Doctoral thesis, 2010)Traditionally considered a harmless commensal of the mammalian gastrointestinal tract, Enterococcus faecalis now rank among the leading causes of nosocomial infections worldwide. Several genetic determinants enhancing the ... -
A systems biology analysis of reproductive toxicity effects induced by multigenerational exposure to ionizing radiation in C. elegans
Guédon, Rémi; Maremonti, Erica; Armant, Olivier; Galas, Simon; Brede, Dag Anders; Lecomte, Catherine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Adverse outcome pathways (AOPs) for radiation-induced reproductive effects in environmental species: state of science and identification of a consensus AOP network
Tollefsen, Knut Erik; Alonzo, Frederic; Beresford, Nicholas A.; Brede, Dag Anders; Dufourcq-Sekatcheff, Elizabeth; Gilbin, Rodolphe; Horemans, Nele; Hurem, Selma; Laloi, Patrick; Maremonti, Erica; Oughton, Deborah Helen; Simon, Olivier; Song, You; Wood, Michael; Xie, Li; Frelon, Sandrine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Altered non-coding RNA expression profile in F1 progeny 1 year after parental irradiation is linked to adverse effects in zebrafish
Martin, Leonardo M; Kamstra, Jorke; Hurem, Selma; Lindeman, Leif Christopher; Brede, Dag Anders; Aanes, Håvard; Babiak, Igor; Arenal, Amilcar; Oughton, Deborah H; Salbu, Brit; Lyche, Jan Ludvig; Alestrøm, Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Gamma radiation produces DNA instability and impaired phenotype. Previously, we observed negative effects on phenotype, DNA methylation, and gene expression profiles, in offspring of zebrafish exposed to gamma radiation ... -
Antioxidant enzyme system in fish from contaminated lakes in Chernobyl exclusion zone
Løkken, Vilde Karlsen (Master thesis, 2020)Akvatiske organismer i Tsjernobyl-eksklusjonssonen har blitt kronisk eksponert for ioniserende stråling siden atomkraftulykken i Tsjernobyl i 1986. Fisk anses som de mest radiosensitive akvatiske organismene, og i den høyt ... -
Bioluminescence based biosensors for quantitative detection of enterococcal peptide - Pheromone activity reveal inter-strain telesensing in vivo during polymicrobial systemic infection
Leanti La Rosa, Sabina; Solheim, Margrete; Diep, Dzung Bao; Nes, Ingolf; Brede, Dag Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
Characterization of fecal lactic acid bacteria isolated from healthy Ethiopian infants : bacteriocin production and antibiotic suscepebility
Birri, Dagim Jirata (PhD Thesis;2011:55, Doctoral thesis, 2011)In this thesis lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were isolated from fecal samples of healthy Ethiopian infants, identified to species level, screened for bacteriocin production and tested for antibiotic susceptibility. Enterococci ... -
Characterization of radioactive particle exposure using micro and nano-focused X-ray techniques
Byrnes, Ian Thomas Behnke (PhD Thesis;2021:95, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Radionuclides may be introduced into the environment from a variety of sources both naturally occurring, such as weathering from ore deposits, and anthropogenic, such as releases associated with the nuclear weapons and ... -
Combined computed nanotomography and nanoscopic X-ray fluorescence imaging of cobalt nanoparticles in Caenorhabditis elegans
Cagno, Simone; Brede, Dag Anders; Nuyts, Gert; Vanmeert, Frederik; Pacureanu, Alexandra; Tucoulou, Remi; Cloetens, Peter; Falkenberg, Gerald; Janssens, Koen; Salbu, Brit; Lind, Ole Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Synchrotron radiation phase-contrast computed nanotomography (nano-CT) and two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) nanoscopic X-ray fluorescence (nano-XRF) were used to investigate the internal distribution of engineered ... -
Dose rate dependent reduction in chromatin accessibility at transcriptional start sites long time after exposure to gamma radiation
Dahl, Hildegunn; Ballangby, Jarle; Tengs, Torstein; Wojewodzic, Marcin Wlodzimierz; Eide, Dag Markus; Brede, Dag Anders; Graupner, Anne; Duale, Nur; Olsen, Ann-Karin Hardie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Ionizing radiation (IR) impact cellular and molecular processes that require chromatin remodelling relevant for cellular integrity. However, the cellular implications of ionizing radiation (IR) delivered per time unit (dose ... -
Efficient inactivation of multi-antibiotics resistant nosocomial Enterococci by purified Hiracin Bacteriocin
Hassan, Maryam; Brede, Dag Anders; Diep, Dzung Bao; Nes, Ingolf; Hojabri, Zoya; Lotfipour, Farzaneh (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
Gamma irradiation during gametogenesis in young adult zebrafish causes persistent genotoxicity and adverse reproductive effects
Hurem, Selma; Gomes, Tania; Brede, Dag Anders; Mayer, Ian; Lobert, Viola; Mutoloki, Stephen; Gutzkow, Kristine Bjerve; Teien, Hans-Christian; Oughton, Deborah Helen; Alestrøm, Peter; Lyche, Jan Ludvig (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The biological effects of gamma radiation may exert damage beyond that of the individual through its deleterious effects on reproductive function. Impaired reproductive performance can result in reduced population size ... -
Gamma radiation at a human relevant low dose rate is genotoxic in mice
Graupner, Anne; Eide, Dag Markus; Instanes, Christine; Andersen, Jill Mari; Brede, Dag Anders; Dertinger, Stephen D; Lind, Ole Christian; Brandt-Kjelsen, Anicke; Bjerke, Hans Aleksander; Salbu, Brit; Oughton, Deborah Helen; Brunborg, Gunnar; Olsen, Ann-Karin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Gamma radiation induces dose-dependent oxidative stress and transcriptional alterations in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna
Gomes, Tania; Song, You; Brede, Dag Anders; Xie, Li; Gutzkow, Kristine Bjerve; Salbu, Brit; Tollefsen, Knut Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Gamma radiation induces life stage-dependent reprotoxicity in Caenorhabditis elegans via impairment of spermatogenesis
Maremonti, Erica; Eide, Dag Markus; Oughton, Deborah H; Salbu, Brit; Grammes, Fabian; Kassaye, Yetneberk Ayalew; Guédon, Rémi; Lecomte-Pradines, Catherine; Brede, Dag Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The current study investigated life stage, tissue and cell dependent sensitivity to ionizing radiation of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Results showed that irradiation of post mitotic L4 stage larvae induced no ... -
Gamma radiation induces locus specific changes to histone modification enrichment in zebrafish and Atlantic salmon
Lindeman, Leif Christopher; Kamstra, Jorke; Ballangby, Jarle; Hurem, Selma; Martin, Leonardo M; Brede, Dag Anders; Teien, Hans-Christian; Oughton, Deborah H; Salbu, Brit; Lyche, Jan Ludvig; Alestrøm, Peter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Ionizing radiation is a recognized genotoxic agent, however, little is known about the role of the functional form of DNA in these processes. Post translational modifications on histone proteins control the organization ... -
Genotoxic effects of high dose rate X-ray and low dose rate gamma radiation in ApcMin/+ mice
Graupner, Anne; Eide, Dag Markus; Brede, Dag Anders; Ellender, Michele; Hansen, Elisabeth Lindbo; Oughton, Deborah Helen; Bouffler, Simon D.; Brunborg, Gunnar; Olsen, Ann-Karin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Impact of low dose rate ionising radiation : studies in mice evaluating immediate and long-term molecular responses and transgenerational genomic instability
Dahl, Hildegunn (PhD Thesis;2023:40, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Mye av det vi vet om risiko for helseeffekter etter å ha blitt usatt for ioniserende stråling er kunnskap lært fra de som overlevde atombombene i Hiroshima og Nagasaki. Imidlertid er denne kunnskapen basert på effekter ... -
Impact of multigenerational exposure to AgNO3 or NM300K Ag NPs on antioxidant defense and oxidative stress in Caenorhabditis elegans
Rossbach, Lisa Magdalena; Oughton, Deborah H; Maremonti, Erica; Eide, Dag Markus; Brede, Dag Anders (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
In vivo assessment of reactive oxygen species production and oxidative stress effects induced by chronic exposure to gamma radiation in Caenorhabditis elegans
Maremonti, Erica; Eide, Dag Markus; Rossbach, Lisa Magdalena; Lind, Ole Christian; Salbu, Brit; Brede, Dag Anders (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)