Browsing Brage NMBU by Author "Bergland, Olvar"
Now showing items 1-20 of 33
Are monthly electricity price area differentials (EPADs) efficient hedging instruments against the basis risk in the Nordic energy market?
Heien, Mona Helen (Master thesis, 2016-08-31)The price of commodities and financial products varies over time, but in the electricity market there are also substantial variations over space. This spatial price variation becomes visible whenever there are congestion ... -
Economic analysis of arbitrage values : a case of Norwegian pumped hydroelectricity storage project to Germany
Shi, Yankun (Master thesis, 2017)In the face of the rapid growth of electricity which generally comes from renewable sources, intermittent solar and wind power are hindering the sustainability of electricity production. Especially in the absence of sunny ... -
Effekttariffer i distribusjonsnettet : en teoretisk gjennomgang
Larsen, Kristoffer Haugli (Master thesis, 2019)Dagens tariffstruktur avregner konsumentene etter deres energikonsum over tid. Overføringsnettet dimensjoneres imidlertid etter momentan belastning gjennom konsumentenes samlede effektuttak innenfor et område, og en avregning ... -
Electricity consumption and economic growth at the state and sectoral levels in Ghana : a cointegration analysis
Effum, Clifford (Master thesis, 2021)This thesis examines the relationship between electricity consumption and economic growth in Ghana both at the state and sectoral level in Ghana. It considers GDP as well as the value-added of the major sectors in the ... -
Electricity consumption as an early economic indicator during the Covid-19 pandemic of Europe in 2020
Byhrø, Klaus; Dalen, Øystein (Master thesis, 2021)The Covid-19 pandemic, and consequent policy measures, is currently causing tremendous losses and costs to humanity, both socially and economically. This drastic and abrupt shock has been followed by policy measures to ... -
"Energiparadokset" : en varig realitet?
Rogndalen, Caroline Nilssen; Songe, Håkon Solvang (Master thesis, 2016-11-22)«Gode bygg for eit betre samfunn», var meldingen fra Regjeringen i 2012. Norge skal bevege seg mot et nullutslippssamfunn. Vi ser i denne sammenheng på et pilotprosjekt ved Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet ... -
Energy from Iceland : the feasibility of exporting electricity from Iceland to the United Kingdom
Ingvarsson, Ingvar Freyr (Master thesis, 2016-11-10)This study examines the impact of building a subsea power cable between Iceland and the UK. It aims to provide a better understanding of the cost and benefits associated with the international liberalisation of Iceland’s ... -
Environmental damage cost of renewable electricity production : hydroelectricity
Islam, Md Nurul (Master thesis, 2017)Environmental damage and its costs have been given priority in modern production pattern in the rapid global climate change circumstances. As a key input factor, electricity (energy) and its increasing demand boost up its ... -
Er Electricity Price Area Differentials (EPADs) gode prisprognoser?
Allahdadi, Mohammad Reza; Strand, Anders Løwfeldt (Master thesis, 2022)Grunnet kapasitetsbegrensninger i det nordiske kraftnettet forholder ikke markedsaktører seg til den overordnede systemprisen for Norden, men til lokale områdepriser. For å beskytte seg mot prisrisiko i områdeprisene kan ... -
Essays in transport economics : challenges in modeling travel mode choice and user benefits
Flügel, Stefan (PhD Thesis;2015:61, Doctoral thesis, 2020-11-19)The subject of this PhD thesis is transport economics. The thesis concerns the modeling and application of transport-related choice data, in particular data from choice experiments, and contributes on the field of specifying ... -
Essays on the reformed Norwegian electricity retail market
Fange, Kari-Anne (PhD thesis;2021:66, Doctoral thesis, 2021)The thesis explores efficiency outcomes following the Norwegian electricity market reform introduced in the early 1990s. Specifically, the thesis investigates efficiency outcomes resulting from the incentive regulation of ... -
Essays on the Russian electricity and capacity market
Pipkin, Igor (PhD Thesis;2016:04, Doctoral thesis, 2018-05-03)During the past decade the Russian power sector has undergone a dramatic reform. This has created a need for better understanding of the drivers and development of the sector. This dissertation describes the functioning ... -
Estimating global demand for coniferous sawnwood taking uncertain variables into account
Skjerstad, Svein Harald Frøberg (Master thesis, 2019)This thesis aims at providing new estimates regarding the global demand for coniferous sawnwood. Individual and representative elasticities of demand for the sample of 92 countries that represented 97 % of the global ... -
Eutropia: Integrated Valuation of Lake Eutrophication Abatement Decisions Using a Bayesian Belief Network
Barton, David N; Andersen, Tom; Bergland, Olvar; Engebretsen, Alexander; Moe, S. Jannicke; Orderud, Geir I; Tominaga, Koji; Romstad, Eirik; Vogt, Rolf D (Chapter, 2016)The term “integrated valuation” is defined and its relevance is discussed in terms of bridging the gap between cost-effectiveness analysis and economic valuation in the implementation of the European Union Water Framework ... -
Eutropia: Integrated Valuation of Lake Eutrophication Abatement Decisions Using a Bayesian Belief Network
Barton, David N; Andersen, Tom; Bergland, Olvar; Engebretsen, Alexander; Moe, S. Jannicke; Orderud, Geir I; Tominaga, Koji; Romstad, Eirik; Vogt, Rolf D (Chapter, 2016)The term “integrated valuation” is defined and its relevance is discussed in terms of bridging the gap between cost-effectiveness analysis and economic valuation in the implementation of the European Union Water Framework ... -
Floating solar photovoltaics and hydropower : the potential for hybridization in a fixed price electricity market
Makokha, Sharon Nytte (Master thesis, 2020)With abundant solar resources, solar technology remains one of the cheapest, most readily available energy sources globally. However, its intermittent nature has hindered its utilization in the electricity sector, leading ... -
Flytbasert markedskobling i Norden : nytteverdi ved tilpasset vannkraftproduksjon
Bolkesjø, Jon Rokne; Rønneseth, Maren Elise (Master thesis, 2018)Et kraftsystem består i hovedsak av produksjon i kraftverk, overføring av kraft via kraftnettet og forbruk. Det nordiske kraftsystemet har i dag tolv budområder. Hensikten med budområder er å håndtere begrensende ... -
Forecasting short-term electricity load in Norway : using a dynamic harmonic regression approach and artificial neural networks
Aronsen, Amanda Sophie; Gravem, Marius Liabø (Master thesis, 2021)In this master thesis, the hourly electricity load in Norway for 2019 is forecasted a day-ahead, using past historical load from Nord Pool, weather temperature, and calendar effects for various holidays. Three models are ... -
Four essays on the characteristics of the oil market
Ma, Lin (PhD Thesis;2018:63, Doctoral thesis, 2018)The purpose of this thesis is to study the role of oil in the macroeconomy. The thesis consists of an introduction and four independent papers. The first paper studies factors drive the oil prices, in the long run, using ... -
Hvordan påvirker vind- og solkraftproduksjon prisvolatiliteten i det nordiske kraftmarkedet?
Pedersen, Birger Solfjeld (Master thesis, 2017)The paper study the effect increased wind- and solar power production will have on the price volatility in the Nordic electricity market. With the use of the statistical software package Stata supply and demand functions ...