Blar i Brage NMBU på forfatter "Bakken, Lars"
A bet-hedging strategy for denitrifying bacteria curtails their release of N2O
Lycus, Pawel Michal; Soriano-laguna, Manuel; Kjos, Morten; Richardson, David J; Gates, Andrew j; Milligan, Daniel Aleksanteri; Frostegård, Åsa; Bergaust, Linda Liberg; Bakken, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Abating N in Nordic agriculture - Policy, measures and way forward
Hellsten, Sofie; Dalgaard, Tommy; Rankinen, Katri; Tørseth, Kjetil; Bakken, Lars; Bechmann, Marianne; Kulmala, Airi; Moldan, Filip; Olofsson, Stina; Piil, Kristoffer; Pira, Kajsa; Turtola, Eila (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019) -
Ammonia-oxidation as an engine to generate nitrous oxide in an intensively managed calcareous Fluvo-aquic soil
Huang, T; Gao, Bing; Hu, Xiao-Kang; Lu, Xing; Well, Reinhard; Christie, Peter; Bakken, Lars; Ju, Xiao-Tang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014) -
Anoxic growth of Ensifer meliloti 1021 by N2O-reduction, a potential mitigation strategy
Bueno, Emilio; Mania, Daniel; Frostegård, Åsa Helena; Bedmar, Eulogio J.; Bakken, Lars; Delgado, Maria J (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
Biogas digestate as substrate and vector for the introduction of N2O-respiring bacteria to agricultural soil
Jonassen, Kjell Rune (Phd Thesis;2021:53, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Anthropogenic nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions are largely driven by the input of N-based fertilizers in agriculture. N2O emissions from agricultural soils in Europe are estimated to 0.51 Tg annually (Fig. I), which sums to ... -
Compost and N2O-reducing Microbes as Possible Stabilizers of Biosolids
Eide, Lars Johan (Master thesis, 2021)Biosolids generated from dewatering the end-product of sludge treatment, digestate, are rich in nitrogen, phosphorous and recalcitrant carbon, and are often utilized as fertilizers/soil conditioners in agriculture. Biosolids ... -
Denitrification as an N2O sink
Conthe, Monica; Lycus, Pawel Michal; Arntzen, Magnus Øverlie; da Silva, Aline Ramos; Frostegård, Åsa; Bakken, Lars; Kleerebezem, Robbert; Loosdrecht, Mark C.M. van (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The strong greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) can be emitted from wastewater treatment systems as a byproduct of ammonium oxidation and as the last intermediate in the stepwise reduction of nitrate to N2 by denitrifying ... -
Effect of calcareous and siliceous amendments on N2O emissions of a grassland soil
Todorcic Vekic, Teodora; Nadeem, Shahid; Molstad, Lars; Martinsen, Vegard; Hiis, Elisabeth Gautefall; Bakken, Lars; Rütting, Tobias; Klemedtsson, Leif; Dörsch, Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Liming of acidic agricultural soils has been proposed as a strategy to mitigate nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, as increased soil pH reduces the N2O/N2 product ratio of denitrification. The capacity of different calcareous ... -
Excessive use of nitrogen in Chinese agriculture results in high N2O/(N2O+N2) product ratio of denitrification, primarily due to acidification of the soils
Qu, Zhi; Wang, Jingguo; Almøy, Trygve; Bakken, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014) -
High cell density cultivation by anaerobic respiration
Maråk, Marte Mølsæter; Kellermann, Ricarda; Bergaust, Linda Liberg; Bakken, Lars (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
High-resolution denitrification kinetics in pasture soils link N2O emissions to PH, and denitrification to c mineralization
Samad, Md Sainur; Bakken, Lars; Nadeem, Shahid; Clough, Timothy J; de Klein, Cecile A M; Richards, Karl G; Lanigan, Gary J; Morales, Sergio E (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Higher N2O emission by intensified crop production in South Asia
Raut, Nani; Sitaula, Bishal K.; Bakken, Lars; Bajracharya, Roshan Man; Dörsch, Peter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Intensification of food production in Nepal has been found to acidify the soils and hence increase their apparent propensity to emit N2O as measured by the N2O/(N2+N2O) product ratio of denitrification during standardized ... -
Impaired Reduction of N2O to N2 in Acid Soils Is Due to a Posttranscriptional Interference with the Expression of nosZ
Liu, Binbin; Frostegård, Åsa; Bakken, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Accumulating empirical evidence over the last 60 years has shown that the reduction of N2O toN2 is impaired by low soil pH, suggesting that liming of acid soils may reduce N2O emissions. This option has not gained much ... -
Kinetics of NH3-oxidation, NO-turnover, N2O-production and electron flow during oxygen depletion in model bacterial and archaeal ammonia oxidisers
Hink, Linda; Lycus, Pawel Michal; Gubry-Rangin, Cecile; Frostegård, Åsa; Nicol, Graeme W.; Prosser, James I.; Bakken, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Ammonia oxidising bacteria (AOB) are thought to emit more nitrous oxide (N2O) than ammonia oxidising archaea (AOA), due to their higher N2O yield under oxic conditions and denitrification in response to oxygen (O2) limitation. ... -
Kunnskapsstatus - bedre agronomi
Bakken, Lars; Krogstad, Tore; Uhlen, Anne Kjersti; Bjugstad, Nils; Bakken, Anne Kjersti; Grønlund, Arne; Hauge, Atle; Hoel, Bernt; Korsæth, Audun; Riley, Hugh; Endrerud, Hans Christian; Mangerud, Kjell (Bioforsk Rapport, Research report, 2010)Denne rapporten er en utredning av kompetansegrunnlaget for bedre agronomi for å møte landbrukets klimautfordringer. Utredningen er gjort på oppdrag for Norges forskningsråd av Bioforsk, UMB og Høyskolen i Hedmark. Utredningen ... -
Low probability of initiating nirS transcription explains observed gas kinetics and growth of bacteria switching from aerobic respiration to denitrification
Hassan, Junaid; Bergaust, Linda Liberg; Wheat, David; Bakken, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014) -
Measuring growth of denitrifiers in digestate using gas kinetics
Jakobsen, Stine Johanne Heffermehl (Master thesis, 2018)Denitrification is a microbial, anaerobic process reducing nitrogen oxyanions to gaseous products in a stepwise reaction that leads to a release of nitrous oxide gas to the atmosphere. Denitrification has four steps; NO3 ... -
Microbes meet real-life : understanding how denitrifying bacteria handle nutrient limitation : a prerequisite for novel N2O mitigation options
Simonsen, Silje Kvist (Master thesis, 2021)Dinitrogenoksid (N2O) er den tredje viktigaste klimagassen etter CO2 og metan, og er ein viktig bidragsyter til øydelegginga av ozonlaget. Globale N2O-utslipp er aukande, og mesteparten av utsleppa som er knytt til menneskeleg ... -
Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions by pH management of agricultural soils in Norway
Vekic, Teodora Todorcic (PhD thesis;2023:2, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Liming has been and still is used to neutralize soil acidity, improve soil nutrient availability, increase yields, and recently it has been recognized as a possible nitrous oxide (N2O) mitigation tool for arable soils. ... -
Modeling organic matter decomposition and nitrogen dynamics in agricultural soils : Environmental impacts of plant production systems
Borgend, Signe Kynding (PhD Thesis;2011:69, Doctoral thesis, 2011)Agricultural plant production has negative environmental impacts such as nitrate leaching and emissions of greenhouse gasses (N2O and CO2). Both phenomena are affected by the decomposition of soil organic matter and plant ...