Blar i Brage NMBU på forfatter "Alfnes, Frode"
Adoption analysis of agricultural technologies in the semiarid northern Ethiopia: a panel data analysis
Tesfay, Menasbo Gebru; Holden, Stein Terje; Alfnes, Frode (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Agricultural technology change is required in developing countries to increase the robustness to climate-related variability, feed a growing population, and create opportunities for market-oriented production. This study ... -
Adoption of agricultural technologies in the semi-arid northern Ethiopia: A Panel Data Analysis
Gebru, Menasbo; Holden, Stein T.; Alfnes, Frode (CLTS Working paper;03/20, Working paper, 2020)Agricultural technology change is required in developing countries to increase the robustness to climate-related variability, feed a growing population, and create opportunities for market-oriented production. This study ... -
An additional fee on plastic bag: Norwegian consumers' choice on tax or fund based on willingness to pay study
William, Hang (Master thesis, 2018)Plastic bag and its litter has become a painful issue for governments around the world (Hopewell et al. 2009). Several policies are applied to reduce the consumption of the residents, in which, few has shown remarkable ... -
Applying best-worst scaling methodology to elicit food values for baby food and adult food
Liepa, Liene (Master thesis, 2018)Previous research by Lusk and Briggeman (2009) claims that the concept of food values should have a significant explanatory power on explaining choices between a wide range of food products. However, as observed when ... -
Aquaculture in Bangladesh : essays on production variability, consumer preferences and market integration
Alam, Md Akhtarul (PhD Thesis;2018:15, Doctoral thesis, 2018)The main objective of this thesis is to increase knowledge about production, consumer and market issues related to aquaculture in Bangladesh. This is done by investigating (1) production risk and technical efficiency, (2) ... -
Climate-smart agriculture in Malawi : uptake and opportunities in the face of climate change
Katengeza, Samson Pilanazo (Doctoral thesis, 2018)Is agriculture becoming climate-smart? Can recurrent weather events such as droughts explain increased use and adoption of agricultural technologies that are perceived climate-smart? I have merged a four-wave household ... -
Consumer preferences for animal welfare : what can we learn from restaurant, store and web experiments?
Schjøll, Alexander (PhD Thesis;2014:60, Doctoral thesis, 2014)This thesis uses experimental methods to test Norwegian consumers’ preferences for animal welfare. First, it investigates the benefits of using such methods in consumer studies of credence goods in general, and in the case ... -
Consumer preferences, ecolabels, and effects of negative environmental information
Chen, Xianwen; Alfnes, Frode; Rickertsen, Kyrre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Consumers prefer ecolabeled products. However, little is known about the effects of ecolabels when consumers are simultaneously exposed to negative environmental information about the ecolabeled products. We conducted a ... -
Consumer Readiness to Reduce Meat Consumption for the Purpose of Environmental Sustainability: Insights from Norway
Austgulen, Marthe Hårvik; Skuland, Silje Elisabeth; Schjøll, Alexander; Alfnes, Frode (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Consumers and bioenergy : the effects of behavioural factors in households' heating consumption choice in Norway
Lillemo, Shuling Chen (PhD Thesis;2013:63, Doctoral thesis, 2013)How energy consumers behave, namely, what type and how much of different energy products and services they consume, direct and indirect affects the environment, as well as personal (and collective) well-being. Understanding ... -
Det finansielle forretningslandskapet i kjølvannet av PSD2
Kneppen, Remi; Christoffersen, Andreas (Master thesis, 2021)Vi har i denne oppgaven sett på hvordan PSD2 har påvirket den norske bank- og finansnæringen. Det var mye snakk om at det skulle revolusjonere disse næringene ved at det kom nye aktører på banen som skulle konkurrere mot ... -
Digitalisering av Gjensidige Forsikring : en studie av bedriftskunders erfaringer med digital endring i skadeoppgjør
Olstad, Vebjørn (Master thesis, 2019)Denne studien tar for seg hvordan Gjensidige Forsikring sine bedriftskunder opplever digital endring i skadeoppgjørsprosess. Gjennom kvalitative dybdeintervjuer med 4 bedrifter i Østfold, og 4 saksbehandlere på Næringsliv, ... -
Digitaliseringsstrategier for alternative matsystemer, med utgangspunkt i REKO-ringen : en kvalitativ studie for hvordan lokalmatmarkedet kan benytte seg av digitale plattformer
Jevne, Anna Elise; Schiøtz, Karin Thobro (Master thesis, 2021)Lokalmatmarkedet er i sterk vekst og påvirkes stadig av økende popularitet, interesse og etterspørsel. Alternative matsystemer og salg- og distribusjonskanaler gjennom digitale plattform har vokst fram for å møte denne ... -
Drivers of deforestation and incentives for REDD+
Naime Sánchez Henkel, Julia del Carmen (PhD Thesis;2022:4, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Tropical deforestation is a global environmental and development problem. Identifying policies that effectively reduce deforestation while improving rural livelihoods is essential to meet our climate and sustainable ... -
Economic incentives in household waste management : just a waste? : a relational approach to agents and structures in household waste sorting
Heller, Marit (PhD Thesis;2017:76, Doctoral thesis, 2017)I en verden der naturressursene forbrukes i et stadig raskere tempo og forringelsene av miljøet øker, er det stadig viktigere å fremme og legge til rette for adferd som er miljømessig bærekraftig. Ulike typer politikk er ... -
Effect of Normative and Affective Aspects on Willingness to Pay for Domestic Food Products—A Multiple Price List Experiment
Tomic, Marina; Alfnes, Frode (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)There is limited knowledge about which factors underlie consumers’ preferences for domestic food products. We used a non-hypothetical multiple-price list experiment to investigate the effect of affective (product-related ... -
Eliciting consumer preferences for credence attributes in a fine-dining restaurant
Schjøll, Alexander; Alfnes, Frode (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Purpose The purpose of this paper is to illustrate and discuss methodology issues in menu-labelling experiments in commercial full-service restaurants, and to investigate how the menu description and price affects customers’ ... -
Eliciting consumer willingness to pay for food quality attributes : experiments conducted in Tanzania, Norway and the US
Alphonce, Roselyn (PhD Thesis;2015:4, Doctoral thesis, 2020-11-10)In assessing and measuring consumer preference and willingness to pay for quality attributes, many things matter including context and choice of methods. This thesis focuses on two themes; (1) assessing consumer ... -
Empirisk analyse av bransjespesifikke risikofaktorers påvirkningsgrad i meravkastning til norske oppdrettsselskap
Kristiansen, Andreas Vandsemb (Master thesis, 2018)As a result of an increased demand and technological development, the salmon farming industry has experienced a strong growth over many decades. In company with the fishery industry the salmon farming industry has contributed ... -
En bedre evalueringsmetode : en studie av relative evalueringsmetoder ved offentlige anbudskonkurranser
Vollen, Stian Lavsen; Hohle, Niels Fredrik Brandvol (Master thesis, 2021)Dette masterprosjektet omhandler offentlige virksomheters bruk av relative evalueringsmetoder i tilbudsevaluering. Offentlig sektor handler varer og tjenester for enorme beløp årlig. Samtidig er det et politisk ønske om å ...