Browsing Brage NMBU by Author "Abrahamsen, Roger K."
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Angiotensin I-converting enzyme-inhibitory activity of the Norwegian autochthonous cheeses Gamalost and Norvegia after in vitro human gastrointestinal digestion
Qureshi, Tahir Mahmood; Vegarud, Gerd Elisabeth; Abrahamsen, Roger K.; Skeie, Siv Borghild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013) -
Characterization of the Norwegian autochthonous cheese Gamalost and its angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity during ripening
Qureshi, Tahir Mahmood; Vegarud, Gerd Elisabeth; Abrahamsen, Roger K.; Skeie, Siv Borghild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012) -
Effekt av 3 ulike gjær på dannelse av smak og aromakomponenter i blåmuggost
Udahl, Lars (Master thesis, 2012-09-20)I denne oppgaven ble effekten av gjær i blåmuggost undersøkt med fokus smak og produksjon av flyktige aromakomponenter. Blåmuggsot ble produsert og tilsatt gjær. 3 gjærtyper ble brukt under forsøket, disse ble sammenlignet ... -
Improvement of the quality of low-fat cheese using a two step strategy
Skeie, Siv Borghild; Alseth, Gerd Marit; Østlie, Hilde Marit; Abrahamsen, Roger K.; Johansen, Anne-Grethe; Øyaas, Jorun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013) -
Meieriteknisk produksjon av fersk surmelksost : en litteraturoversikt
Abrahamsen, Roger K. (Others, 1975) -
Meieriteknisk produksjon av fersk surmelksost : en litteraturoversikt
Abrahamsen, Roger K. (Professional article, 1975) -
Meieriteknologisk behandling av mye med sikte på anvendelse til forskjellige produkter
Spangelo, Åse; Abrahamsen, Roger K. (Doctoral thesis, 1986) -
Membranfiltrering i meieriindustrien
Abrahamsen, Roger K. (Lecture, 1981) -
Processing of high-protein yoghurt - A review
Jørgensen, Camilla Elise; Abrahamsen, Roger K.; Rukke, Elling-Olav; Hoffmann, Tom Kristian; Johansen, Anne-Grethe; Skeie, Siv Borghild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Production and characterisation of native whey and native whey products
Svanborg, Sigrid (PhD Thesis;2016:15, Doctoral thesis, 2020-10-27)When microfiltration is applied in order to casein-standardise cheese milk, native whey (skimmed milk microfiltration permeate) is generated. Native whey consists of minor serum components that are allowed to be transmitted ... -
Protein fractionation by microfiltration in high-protein yogurt processing
Jørgensen, Camilla Elise (PhD Thesis;2017:58, Doctoral thesis, 2017)The main objective of the work presented in this thesis was to investigate the optimization of the microfiltration (MF) process in the production of high-protein yogurts (≥ 5.6% protein). High-protein yogurts have gained ... -
Science and technology of cultured cream products: A review
Narvhus, Judith; Østby, Nina; Abrahamsen, Roger K. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Cultured cream, produced by fermentation, has several culinary uses requiring different properties, and this may necessitate using different production technologies. Products with reduced fat content are increasingly ... -
Smørlignende produkter med modifisert fettsyre-sammensetning og produkter med redusert fettinnhold
Abrahamsen, Roger K. (Lecture, 1978) -
Abrahamsen, Roger K. (Non-fiction monograph, 1981) -
Variation of terpenes in milk and cultured cream from Norwegian alpine rangeland-fed and in-door fed cows
Borge, Grethe Iren Andersen; Sandberg, Ellen; Øyaas, Jorun; Abrahamsen, Roger K. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The terpene content of milk and cream made from milk obtained from cows fed indoors, and by early or late grazing, in alpine rangeland farms in Norway, were analysed for three consecutive years. The main terpenes identified ...