Browsing Brage NMBU by Document Types "Master thesis"
Now showing items 1-20 of 9260
16 years of river restoration : effects of restoration measures on macroinvertebrates and salmonids in Bognelv, Northern Norway
(Master thesis, 2022)Lotic ecosystems worldwide are being degraded by human activities, with severe consequences for stream biota. River restoration has gained momentum over the last decade, but many projects lack the long-term monitoring ... -
1920-2020 : storgårdskvartaler i Oslo : kvaliteter og utfordringer gjennom hundre år
(Master thesis, 2021)Det er omtrent hundre år siden den kommunale boligbyggingen i Oslo startet. Masseutbygging og boligspekulasjon på slutten av 1800-tallet var noen av de utløsende årsakene til Kristianiakrakket i 1899, som førte til en svært ... -
2 rørs kontra 4 rørs varmedistribusjonssystem, teknisk og økonomisk analyse
(Master thesis, 2016-08-29)Da energikravet til moderne boliger stadig blir strengere, som igjen innebærer et mindre oppvarmingsbehov, vil kreve grundigere analyser av investering- og driftskostnader. Hovedmålet til mastergradsprosjektet er å utrede ... -
2+2=5? En verdivurdering av fusjonen mellom Din-Bil AS og DS Auto Dag Strand AS
(Master thesis, 2011-11-11)Formålet med denne utredningen var å gjennomføre en fundamental verdsetting av fusjonen mellom bruktbilfirmaet Din-Bil AS og bilverkstedet DS Auto Dag Strand AS. Problemstillingen jeg ønsket å finne svar på lyder som ... -
22 7 2011; En landskapsarkitekts tanker om et nasjonalt minnested i Oslo
(Master thesis, 2012-04-20)Terrorangrepene 22. juli 2011 rammet hele Norge. Folk stod samlet i dagene etterpå og mange var engasjerte og ønsket å bidra. Kort tid etter 22. juli 2011 ble det ytret ønsker om et minnested som kunne fortsette å samle ... -
3 byrom i Trondheim : om planer, bruk og opplevelser
(Master thesis, 2011-09-23)Denne masteroppgaven er en praktisk og komparativ studie av tre byrom i Trondheim; Torget, Bakklandet og Solsiden. Oppgavens formål er å gi et innspill til generelt planarbeide med tanke på å tilrettelegge for aktivitet i ... -
3D-skanning og 3D-printing som metode for produksjon av prøvehylser til overekstremiteter
(Master thesis, 2017)Den tradisjonelle metoden å produsere prøvehylser til proteser på innebærer en gipsavstøpning av amputasjonsstumpen før oppvarmet, gjennomsiktig termoplast trekkes over gipsavstøpningen ved hjelp av vakuum. Prosessen tar ... -
60pluss : et helsefremmende aktivitetstiltak for eldre?
(Master thesis, 2012-06-18)I denne studien utforskes et av Oslos aktivitetstiltak for eldre, 60pluss. Helsefremmende arbeid gjennom fysisk og sosial aktivitet for friske, inaktive eldre er valgt som tema i denne oppgaven. Vi står i dag overfor ... -
A Bayesian method for estimating moose (Alces alces) population size based on hunter observations and killed at age data
(Master thesis, 2013-09-09)Lots of wild species, fish and mammals, are heavy harvested through fishing and hunting. Reliable population size estimates are valuable management tools for these species. In cases where killed at age data are available, ... -
A Case Study on High-Rise Timber Building under Wind Load: Numerical Analysis on Global Serviceability Response of the Different Stabilizing Systems for Mass Timber Buildings
(Master thesis, 2023)Summary Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is crucial in the construction industry, as it is responsible for significant emissions. Building projects alone contribute to 33% of CO2 emissions, while transportation and ... -
A case study on planners improving through their reflections
(Master thesis, 2016-11-17)This thesis explores the pivotal role of “reflection” in and on practice, in a workshop process of improving planning practice. The theoretical impetus of this research comes from the recent contributions of ideological ... -
A case study on the barriers and opportunities for the upscaling of short food supply chains : the perspective of stakeholders in Wallonia, Belgium.
(Master thesis, 2014-11-03)Despite an increasing interest in short food supply chains in the last years, these have failed to go beyond niche market and are mostly reaching wealthy consumers and small scale farming holdings. In our industrialized ... -
A case study on the use of interpretation in Denali National Park and Preserve
(Master thesis, 2016-08-10)Nature-based tourism is growing worldwide. Today’s tourists wants more knowledge, activity and focus on the environment when traveling. We are exposing our remaining natural areas around the world to a tremendous pressure. ... -
A clampdown on a public sphere : the impacts of Al-Shabaab terror attacks on the Kenyan media freedom
(Master thesis, 2016-11-17)In October 2011, the Kenya Defence Forces entered Southern Somalia for organized military operations with a Swahili codenamed “Operation Linda Nchi”, with the aim of capturing the port city Kismayu and weakening the ... -
A comparative analysis of determinants of labor force participation and economic valuation of social security programs in: China, Colombia, Egypt and Sierra Leone
(Master thesis, 2015-05-28)Understanding labor market dynamics, especially in developing countries has become a central issue in light of the global financial crises of 2008. This study analyzed labor markets in four developing countries: China, ... -
A comparative analysis of lactic acid bacteria isolated from honeybee gut and flowers, with focus on phylogeny and plasmid profiling
(Master thesis, 2016-08-10)Apis mellifera (honeybee) are of huge value as they are the most important pollinator worldwide. Declines in honeybee populations have made the honeybee subject to much scientific research. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have ... -
A comparative analysis on phylogeny, genetics and selected phenotypes of lactic acid bacteria isolated from gut microbiota of honey bee versus flowers
(Master thesis, 2016-08-10)From the bee gut samples 190 bacteria isolates were obtained. Purified plasmid DNA extracts were screened for plasmids on an agarose gel by electrophoresis to determine their plasmid profiles. The purpose of the plasmid ... -
A comparative case-study of national park management in Aoraki / Mt.Cook National Park (New Zealand) and Jotunheimen National Park (Norway)
(Master thesis, 2012-08-06)Abstract The new national tourism strategy “Destination Norway” (The Ministry of Trade and Industry 2012) signals a political movement toward increased tourism development based on large protected areas, but the question ... -
A comparative study of abundance of tiger prey base in Bardia-Katarniaghat (Khata) corridor and south-west corner of Bardia National Park, Nepal
(Master thesis, 2012-09-12)The current study was carried out in Bardia National Park and in the Bardia-Katarniaghat (Khata) corridor, which is one of five priority areas identified by Terai Arc Landscape Program (TAL) for habitat restoration due ... -
A comparative study of soil temperature models, including machine learning models using two parameters
(Master thesis, 2024)This comparative study examines the efficacy of three established models for predicting soil temperatures at depths of 10cm and 20cm across four Norwegian regions: Innlandet, Østfold, Vestfold, and Trøndelag. To ensure ...