Browsing Brage NMBU by Subject "Wastewater"
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Assessment of tire wear emission in a road tunnel, using benzothiazoles as tracer in tunnel wash water
(Master thesis, 2019)This thesis was performed after recommendations by the Norwegian Public Road Administration in cooperation with the Norwegian institute for Water Research (NIVA), in order to develop a new methodology to quantify tire tread ... -
Characterization of the microbiota composition associated with the hias continuous biofilm process
(Master thesis, 2018)Fosforrensing av avløpsvann er essensielt for å unngå eutrofiering som forstyrrer økosystem i overflatevann. Den vanligste behandlingsprosessen har vært kjemisk utfelling. Ulemper med denne prosessen, derimot, er at fosfor ... -
Comparative assessment of a decentralized blackwater and organic household waste treatment system using LCA : Campus Ås showcase
(Master thesis, 2021-08-16)This study evaluates the environmental performance of blackwater and organic household waste treatment in Campus Ås Showcase, located at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, in Ås municipality, Norway. The Campus Ås ... -
Developing a microbial fuel cell with water filtration capabilities
(Master thesis, 2018)The world’s focus has shifted towards the development and use of renewable energy sources. A contribution to this development is to utilize wasted or untapped energy sources, such as wastewater. Filtration technology has ... -
Development, production and testing of a small-scale greywater biofilter
(Master thesis, 2018)Dette er en masteroppgave i maskin, prosess og produktutvikling ved NMBU for Fakultetet for Realfag og Teknologi. Behandling og gjenbruk av avløpsvann blir mer og mer viktig fremover. Ved å utvikle effektive løsninger i ... -
Down the drain : a social-ecological study of the impacts of sewage and wastewater discharges in Msasani Bay, Tanzania
(Master thesis, 2015-11-05)Msasani Bay, Dar es Salaam, is situated among important marine habitats such as the highly complex, biologically diverse and productive systems of coral reefs, mangrove forests and seagrass beds. Marine biota in such ... -
Effects of electrochemical treatment of mixed liquor in submerged ceramic membrane bioreactor
(Master thesis, 2019)Our most valuable and irreplaceable resource is water. Humanity withdraws 3.928 km3 of freshwater per year. Approximately 44% is used for agricultural purposes, the other 56% discharged as wastewater (WW). A large amount ... -
Electrochemical oxidation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) for wastewater treatment and UV-VIS quantification
(Master thesis, 2022)Proper wastewater treatment is vital to remove organic matter as well as persistent pollutants. That affects the biospheres that effluent is discharged to if not treated sufficiently, which has negative effects on the ... -
Environmental performance evaluation of decentralised wastewater treatment systems using life cycle analysis
(Master thesis, 2017-03-23)Proper management of wastewater is a challenge for the cities in developing countries. The discharges of untreated wastewater into the urban rivers have huge impacts on public health as well as entire ecosystem of the ... -
Forbedring av plantetilgjengelig fosfor i kjemisk renset slam med økonomiske betraktninger
(Master thesis, 2016-08-29)Som beskrevet av Cordell et al. (2009) med flere nærmer en fosforkrise seg, det vil si at råfosfatreservene som benyttes i dagens mineralgjødselproduksjon kan komme til å tømmes i løpet av det neste århundret. Da må ... -
Rent vann i avløp : estimering av fremmedvann i Muusøya rensedistrikt, med bruk av typeområder og modellering av vannføring
(Master thesis, 2013-10-21)Infiltration and inflow (I/I) is a problem of major importance, with huge costs and major impacts on society. In line with population growth, centralization and climate change, the problem is growing. There is little ... -
Spatial composition and development of biofilms from the HIAS biological phosphorus removal plant
(Master thesis, 2019)Phosphorus is one of the most important components in fertilizer and is almost exclusively sourced from phosphate rock. Phosphate rock is mined at higher rate than new deposits are being formed and peak phosphorus is ...