Browsing Brage NMBU by Author "Olsen, Espen"
Now showing items 41-60 of 62
Lys og økt temperaturforårsaket degenering i p-type multikrystallinske PERC wafere dopet med bor eller gallium, studert ved hyperspektral avbildning
Berge, Oda Goa (Master thesis, 2021)Lys og økt temperaturforårsaket degenerering (LeTID) er en prosess som kan forårsake ugunstige effekttap i solceller. LeTID har vist seg å være et betydelig problem i bordopet PERC-solceller. Grunnet dette har gallium blitt ... -
Nordic irradiance conditions and the effects on solar module efficiency
Brekke, Tobias Aasprong (Master thesis, 2016-08-29)The purpose of this study is to characterize Nordic irradiance conditions and the effects on solar module efficiency. As of 2015, approximately 1.3 % of the world’s electrical energy production is covered by photovoltaics, ... -
Optimering og simulering av solceller lagt på duk
Krunenes, Halvor (Master thesis, 2017)Formålet med denne oppgaven var å optimalisere og simulere et solenergisystem lagt på duk og å undersøke systemets potensial. Optimaliseringen ble utgangspunkt for bygging av et industritelt, med solceller på taket, som ... -
Oxygen-related defects in n-type Czochralski silicon wafers studied by hyperspectral photoluminescence imaging
Mehl, Torbjørn; Burud, Ingunn; Letty, Elenore; Olsen, Espen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Performance analysis and heat transfer modelling of a floating photovoltaic system
Paoli, Philip Christian de (Master thesis, 2019)As a result of an increase in demand for electricity and requirements for renewable resources, solar cells have emerged as a major contributor to worldwide electricity generation. The production of solar cells on a ... -
Scattering and absorption in nano- and microstructured media
Brandsrud, Maren Anna (PhD thesis;2020:51, Doctoral thesis, 2020)When electromagnetic radiation interacts with objects of the same wavelength as the radiation, the objects can act as resonators and strong scattering effects appear. The goal of this PhD project has been to understand ... -
Spectral Characteristics and Spatial Distribution of Thermal Donors in n-Type Czochralski-Silicon Wafers
Olsen, Espen; Helander, Malin Iris; Mehl, Torbjørn; Burud, Ingunn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Studie av elektroluminescens og strømspenningskurver for å undersøke defektutvikling i solcellemoduler
Jensen, Siri Bjørnstad (Master thesis, 2021)Behovet for overvåkning av solcellemoduler er helt sentralt for maksimering av effektproduksjon, samt levetiden til en solcelle. I løpet av levetiden til en solcellemodul, vil ulike defekter og degraderinger forekomme i ... -
Studie av termiske donorer i Czochralski silisium-skiver ved hyperspektral fotoluminescens
Kvalbein, Lisa (Master thesis, 2017)Termiske donorer (TD) er et stort problem i silisiumindustrien fordi økt elektronkonsentrasjon forstyrrer forventet resistivitet i tillegg til å endre krystallstrukturen og innføre lovlige energinivåer. TD skyldes trolig ... -
Study of changes in PL spectrum from defects in PERC solar cells with respect to letid
Mehl, Torbjørn; Luka, Tabea; Lausch, Dominik; Burud, Ingunn; Olsen, Espen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Illumination at elevated temperature may cause an efficiency loss of more than 10 %rel. in mc-PERC cells. In this study, we have looked for changes in the photoluminescence spectrum of mc-PERC cells before and after light ... -
Study on the cooling effect for floating PV modules in thermal contact with water and the potential for modeling floating PV
Lereng, Ida Hugem (Master thesis, 2018)Floating solar power has become an increasingly popular technology, mainly because it does not occupy land areas and because lower operational temperatures lead to higher power outputs. With 75 % of the world’s surface ... -
Techno-economic study of the CCMS Technology for CO2 capture from ferro-silicon production
Nygård, Heidi S.; Meyer, Julien; Di Felice, Luca; Eldrup, Nils Henrik; Haug, Alf Tore; Olsen, Espen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Carbon Capture in Molten Salts (CCMS) is a method for capturing CO2 from a variety of flue gases related to power generation and energy intensive industry processes. The chemical principles are similar to those of the ... -
Temperature- and irradiation-dependent properties of photochromic thin films of YHx:O
Hallaråker, Ragnhild Svellingen (Master thesis, 2018)Oxygen-containing yttrium hydride (YHx:O) thin films exhibit photochromic behaviour, in which transparent films reversibly darken upon illumination by visible and ultraviolet radiation. This feature has motivated intense ... -
The Effect of Pull Speed and Heat Treatment on Thermal Donors in Czhocralski Silicon
Olsen, Espen; Mehl, Torbjørn; Stalheim, Helene Eikaas; Juel, Mari; Søndenå, Rune; Burud, Ingunn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
The performance of household PV systems in Southeastern Norway
Pettersen, Aksel (Master thesis, 2019)The recent price reduction of rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems has led to an increased the demand in Norway. However, poor system design and modelling may cause the system cost to increase and the system credibility to ... -
The potential of molten salts as heat transfer media in fast pyrolysis of wood
Nygård, Ruth Heidi Samuelsen (PhD Thesis;2015:1, Doctoral thesis, 2020-11-04)Growing energy consumption and greater environmental concerns have contributed to a need for more research on alternatives to fossil-derived products. Biomass such as wood is a potential source of renewable fuels and ... -
Thermal donors in Czochralski silicon wafers investigated by spectral imaging
Helander, Malin Iris (Master thesis, 2018)In oxygen rich CZ-material, thermal donors (TD) are formed at elevated temperatures of approximately 450°C. They are electrically active clusters of interstitial oxygen that act as double donors to the conduction band. In ... -
Tosidige solcellemoduler : påvirkningen albedo har på tosidig effektgevinst
Holter, Mina Elise Øieren (Master thesis, 2021)Tosidige solcellemoduler kan motta lysstråling på både fremsiden og baksiden. På denne måten kan stråling reflektert fra omgivelsene bli utnyttet, og en høyere effekt bli levert sammenlignet med tradisjonelle, ensidige ... -
Toward monitoring of photovoltaic power plants with photoluminescence imaging
Vukovic, Marija (PhD Thesis;2023:53, Doctoral thesis, 2023)It is predicted that the photovoltaic energy conversion will be the largest installed power capacity by 2027. The least costly option for new electricity generation in many of the world’s countries will be the utility-scale ... -
Using Open Circuit Voltage Relaxation for Analyzing Material Behaviors in a Half-Cell
Vara, Tor Kristian (Master thesis, 2016)The possibility of using the open circuit voltage relaxation to understand material behaviors in a battery cell was examined in this thesis. The aim was to develop a method to interpret the activities occurring in a ...