Browsing Brage NMBU by Author "Haugen, Thrond Oddvar"
Now showing items 21-40 of 58
Field surveying of marine recreational fisheries in Norway using a novel spatial sampling frame reveals striking under-coverage of alternative sampling frames
Vølstad, Jon Helge; Christman, Mary C.; Ferter, Keno; Kleiven, Alf Ring; Otterå, Håkon Magne; Aas, Øystein; Arlinghaus, Robert; Borch, Trude; Colman, Jonathan Edward; Hartill, Bruce; Haugen, Thrond Oddvar; Hyder, Kieran; Lyle, Jeremy; Ohldieck, Martin Junker; Skov, Christian; Strehlow, Harry Vincent; van Voorhees, Dave; Weltersbach, Marc Simon; Weber, Edward D. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Fiske i elv, sjø og vann - en undersøkelse av fiskere i Lakselva, Femund-Engerdal og Oslofjorden med fokus på motivasjon og holdninger til fang og slipp-fiske.
Engen Giæver, Stian (Master thesis, 2017)Fritids- og sportsfiske er i dag en rekreasjonsaktivitet hvor opplevelser, personlig utvikling og mestring står i sentrum for mange. Og fiskerne spesialiseres i forhold til blant annet utstyrsbruk og preferanser i fisket. ... -
Genetic differences between wild and hatchery-bred brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in single nucleotide polymorphisms linked to selective traits
Linløkken, Arne; Haugen, Thrond Oddvar; Kent, Matthew Peter; Lien, Sigbjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Genetic differentiation and demographics of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in tributaries of a sub-arctic watercourse affected by fragmentation and stocking
Lindgren, Vetle Schwensen (Master thesis, 2019)The Pasvik river in north-eastern Norway harbours the only piscivorous brown trout (Salmo trutta) population in Finnmark County. Throughout the river, seven hydroelectric power dams were constructed between 1951 and 1978. ... -
Ghost fishing : the spatial extent of gear loss and effects on marine animal life along the Norwegian coast
Løset, Ingrid Disch (Master thesis, 2019)Tapte fiskeredskaper er en av de større bidragsyterne til verdens marine forsøplingsproblemer og de er blitt anerkjent som en kilde til alvorlige biologiske og sosio-økonomiske problemer over hele verden. Moderne fiskeutstyr ... -
Growing up where you were born : a comparison of nursery areas for salmonids in river stretches with and without natural spawning
Lungrin, Elina (Master thesis, 2020)Ecosystems are significantly impacted by activities from human settlements. This is especially the case for aquatic ecosystems as many large cities sit on coastlines or along major rivers. Species like salmonids are ... -
Har pågående klimaendringer påvirket fiskesamfunnet i Sølensjøen, Rendalen?
Ryhaug, Solveig Marie (Master thesis, 2021)Introduksjon av nye fiskearter til en vannforekomst kan ha store konsekvenser for det stedegne fiskesamfunnet. Den globale oppvarmingen kan også føre til strukturelle endringer i fiskesamfunn ved økt temperatur og avrenning ... -
How Northern pike’s (Esox lucius) traits, environmental factors, and angler characteristics infuence angling vulnerability explored though an angling experiment in Aremarksjøen
Røste, Aksel Skåland (Master thesis, 2020)Pike angling is a popular activity across large areas of the world. This activity has attained substantial research attention recently demonstrating potential impact on population size and composition, including both ... -
Hvordan påvirker vannkvaliteten i fire bekker livshistoriestrategien til ørreten (Salmo trutta) i Råsjøen?
Jørgensen, Mikael Nansdal (Master thesis, 2021)Forsuring av norske vassdrag som følge av sur nedbør har vært et problem gjennom hele 1900-tallet. Dette har fått fatale konsekvenser for mange fiskebestander spesielt i Sør-Norge. Kombinasjonen av lave pH-verdier og høye ... -
Hydropower-induced selection of behavioural traits in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Haraldstad, Tormod; Haugen, Thrond Oddvar; Olsen, Esben M.; Forseth, Torbjørn; Höglund, Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Renewable energy projects such as hydropower facilities contribute towards meeting the world`s growing energy demands and urgent need for mitigating climate change. However, such infrastructure has the potential to ... -
Increased precision of growth data gained by reading multiple scales from each individual of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Haraldstad, Tormod; Haugen, Thrond Oddvar; Borgstrøm, Reidar; Jonsson, Bror (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The precision of growth estimates based on fish scales often remains uncertain because of withinindividual variation in scale size and scale patterns, and also due to measurement errors. Based on scale readings of Atlantic ... -
Influence of dense macrophyte vegetation and total gas saturation on the performance of acoustic telemetry
Thiemer, Kirstine; Lennox, Robert; Haugen, Thrond Oddvar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Acoustic telemetry is widely used as a method for high resolution monitoring of aquatic animal movement to investigate relationships between individual animals and their environment. In shallow freshwater ecosystem, aquatic ... -
Inter-fjord variations in species composition in Svalbard as revealed by eDNA metabarcoding : evidence of “Atlantification”?
Ødegaard, Thea-Elise Kjempengren (Master thesis, 2022)Marin ecosystems faces mass extinction from climate change, and the Arctic marine ecosystems have experienced non-linear change the last decade. “Atlantification”, movement of warm and saline water being moved northward ... -
Laks- og aurebestanden i Strynevassdraget : vandrings-mønsteret hjå laksesmolt og aure, ungfiskproduksjon og botndyr
Urke, Henning Andre; Haugen, Thrond Oddvar; Kjærstad, Gaute; Alfredsen, Jo Arve; Kristensen, Torstein (MINA fagrapport;48, Report, 2018)A study of migration timing and marine migration behaviour of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) smolts/post-smolts was conducted using acoustic telemetry in the Stryneelvaeelva and the adjacent ... -
Lesser sandeel (Ammodytes marinus) in the Tana river delta : temporal variation in abundance, habitat use and demography
Sevedzem, Veronica Nguka (Master thesis, 2019)Lesser sandeel (Ammodytes marinus, Raitt, 1934, sandeel for short) is a keystone species of the Barents Sea ecosystem. However, little is known about the distribution of this species in the Tana fjord or Tana river delta ... -
Mesohabitat- og interkohorteffektar sine påverknadar på tettleik av sjøaure (Salmo trutta) i seks sidebekkar til Verdalselva
Njaa, Trygve Leigland (Master thesis, 2022)Det siste århundret har sjøauren (Salmo trutta) opplevd ein vesentleg populasjonsnedgong i Trøndelag og sørover langs norskekysten. Menneskeleg påverknad i bekkar har forringa eller øydelagt mykje habitat. Meir kunnskap ... -
Migration and area use of European perch (Perca fluviatilis) in the lower reaches of the Glomma watercourse and the Øra estuary : an acoustic telemetry study
Breian, Sondre Haugholt (Master thesis, 2022)The amount of research done on migration patterns for European perch (Perca fluviatilis) between fresh and brackish water is limited, and it is uncertain how these populations of perch utilize the different habitats ... -
Migration pattern and fjord use of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolt from two watercourses in the Nordfjord system : effects from environmental drivers
Fiske, Aksel Nes (Master thesis, 2020)As a part of its complex life cycle, wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts must migrate from its natal river into marine residency for feeding and maturing, for then to return as adult salmon after 1-4 years. This ... -
Migrations and utilization of the fjord habitat by anadromous brown trout (Salmo trutta) from three watercourses in Hardangerfjord, Norway
Lægreid, Marte Lise (Master thesis, 2020)The marine survival of the brown trout (Salmo trutta) seems to be reduced in western and middle regions of Norway, likely as a consequence of an excess abundance of the ectoparasite salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis), ... -
Migratory passage structures at hydropower plants as potential physiological and behavioural selective agents
Haraldstad, Tormod; Haugen, Thrond Oddvar; Kroglund, Frode; Olsen, Esben Moland; Höglund, Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)