Blar i Brage NMBU på tittel
Viser treff 13086-13105 av 18156
Prognostic factors for return to work, sickness benefits, and transitions between these states: A 4-year follow-up after work-related rehabilitation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014) -
Prognostic relevance of an epigenetic biomarker panel in sentinel lymph nodes from colon cancer patients
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Prognostisering av elektrisitetsprisen : bedre resultater med nevrale nettverk?
(Master thesis, 2018)Denne oppgaven dreier seg om prognostisering av systemprisen på Nord Pool. Vi har introdusert et kunstig nevralt nettverk som inkluderer eksogene variabler for å lage kortsiktige prisprognoser for systemprisen, og ... -
Program for terrestrisk naturovervåking. Overvåking av jordvann. Sluttrapport 2000
(Rapport fra skogforskningen;, Research report, 2001)I Program for Terrestrisk Naturovervåking (TOV) ble det samlet inn jordvann fra humussjiktet (5 cm), humusblandet mineraljord (15 cm) og mineraljord i 40 cm dybde på fire overvåkingsflater i 2000. Disse flatene ligger i ... -
Programmering av grønnsakproduksjonen med særlig vekt på blomkål-dyrking
(Professional article, 1974)Den såkalte lineære programmering (LP) er en organisering av produksjonen med siktemål å maksimere det økonomiske utbytte ut fra eksisterende vilkår. -
Progress in the Composite View of the Newton Gravitational Constant and Its Link to the Planck Scale
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Progress report on national soil map of Zambia - scale 1-1 mill - with comments about the other mapping programmes
(Report, 1990-01)The objective of the consultancy has been to review progress of the National Soil Map of Zambia, scale 1 : 1 mill., in relation to the workplans set up by the "Hesjedal report". This task was carried out during a three ... -
Progressiv ataksi hos unge jack russel terriere
(Student paper, others, 2002) -
Project Review of Rama Integrated Rural Development Programme, Tigray, Ethiopia
(Report, 1997-12)The Rama integrated rural development programme was initiated in 1993. The main objectives of the to increase local food production on a sustainable basis, decrease vulnerability of rural households, and minimize labour ... -
Projecting the impacts of the bioeconomy on Nordic land use and freshwater quality and quantity – An overview
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Projection of electrical space heating potential as a demand response measure with use of thermal energy storage in the Norwegian residential building stock
(Master thesis, 2019)The aim and goal of this thesis is to analyze and investigate the maximum potential of load shifting and delivered energy in the total Norwegian residential building stock quantified to different segments, building age ... -
Prokaryote classification : method development and novel insight in 16S ribosomal RNA-based classification
(PhD Thesis;2016:95, Doctoral thesis, 2016)The main objective of this thesis is the improvement of prokaryotic classification based on the 16S ribosomal RNA. As a result of the shift in sequencing technology, generating enormous amounts of sequencing data and the ... -
Promised jobs that never materialised : forestry investments in Niassa Province, Mozambique - benefits and challenges
(Master thesis, 2015-12-18)The development of Niassa Province is influenced by historical, cultural, social, economic and political factors. Traditionally, land has not been considered as a commodity by the Mozambican communities, but as the basis ... -
Promoting a learning shift in science centres through controversial issues : educators and a researcher co-designing a controversy-based educational programme
(PhD Thesis;2020:67, Doctoral thesis, 2020)This thesis responds to a learning shift, called for in science centres, towards addressing contemporary issues and inviting visitors to participate in processes through which they get to share their voices and opinions ... -
Promoting play and physical activity in a riverside, urban green space
(Master thesis, 2023)Norwegian children do not get enough physical activity. This sedentary behaviour is carried into adulthood, bringing with it detremental effects on perceived health and happiness. Urban green spaces play an important role ... -
Pronounced expression of the lipolytic inhibitor G0/G1 Switch Gene 2 (G0S2) in adipose tissue from brown bears (Ursus arctos) prior to hibernation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Propagation of genetic variation in gene regulatory networks
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013) -
Propaklor - et nytt ugrasmiddel i løk?
(Research report, 1968) -
Propionic acid bacteria enhance ruminal feed degradation and reduce methane production in vitro
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Thirty-one strains of propionic acid bacteria were screened for their effects on methane production and volatile fatty acid concentrations using in vitro assays of rumen fluid from Norwegian dairy cows and a grass ... -
Propionic acid bacteria enhance ruminal feed degradation and reduce methane production in vitro
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Thirty-one strains of propionic acid bacteria were screened for their effects on methane production and volatile fatty acid concentrations using in vitro assays of rumen fluid from Norwegian dairy cows and a grass ...